Prompted by his fear for Diana and Alison, Gordon thought about another way out and came up with a plan.
One of these clues was a cryptic message, according to which an "X marked the spot for the treasure." Profession For example, he was visibly worried about Gordon's family's well-being and tried his best to calm him down when he suffered an emotional breakdown during their captivity. Adam pieced together that this man was the real Jigsaw Killer, and the one who placed them in the trap. Afterward, Gordon turned off the light and told Adam about his plan, which required him to fake his death. Unnoticed by his fellow prisoner, he threw the bag with the photos into the empty bathtub. Lawrence Gordon - Being cold, uncaring, and unfaithful to his wife. Instead, he further panicked when he saw the body of John Kramer, covered in blood. Adam Stanheight was a photographer, who made a living by observing and photographing other people for money. Amanda Young - Drug addiction to heroin (Saw).
Gordon crawled towards his cellmate and eventually convinced him to stop. After Detective Mark Hoffman, another one of John's accomplices and his eventual successor, got out of control and murdered John's ex-wife, Jill Tuck, Gordon took Hoffman to the bathroom with the assistance of two pig-masked helpers. He later awoke to find his entire apartment without light. (Seen in a flashback in Saw III) Harold Abbott - Died of heart disease because William Easton denied him coverage.
When Gordon confronted him with that warning, Adam finally admitted that he had observed and photographed him throughout the previous days and showed him the photos, which he had found in the bag with the hacksaws. Adam then grabbed Zepp's Hindle pistol and tried to shoot Jigsaw but was electrocuted by his hidden remote control, causing him to lose reach of the gun. he was killed by Amanda Young when she suffocated him with a plastic bag after John Kramer left Adam to die in the bathroom . Despite his fear and distrust, Adam eventually told Gordon his name. (Seen in a flashback in Saw VI) Saw II. However, when he examined the tank, he found a black plastic bag inside, which contained two hacksaws and his photos of Gordon. Thereby, they found an e-mail from Detective Tapp's alias, Bob, who hired Adam to observe Lawrence Gordon. After some more attempts, he finally got the recorder when the stopper got caught up in a loop attached to it. Gordon angrily asked him who hired him, convinced that Adam's client was also their abductor. Adam managed to follow Lawrence, and took numerous photos, many showing him leaving motels where he had slept with his mistress. Despite being skeptical, Gordon did as he said. After Adam's disappearance, his best friend, Scott Tibbs, filmed a documentary about the Jigsaw Killer. Portrayed by After the tape ends, the man he thought was dead in the middle of the room stood up, and peeled away part of a mask. However, when Adam searched the purse for a picture of Gordon's wife, he made a horrifying discovery. He finds a tape revealing that Zep[1] was merely a pawn in Jigsaw's game and the real Jigsaw reveals himself. After his escape, he had become John Kramer's accomplice and came back to fulfill his final task given to him by his mentor. As he didn't want to worry him, Adam didn't tell Gordon about the picture and instead gave him the wallet back, claiming that the photo of his wife wasn't there. of the 2004 film, Saw. After a brief struggle, Adam eventually lost consciousness. Sometimes you see more with your eyes shut.". Jigsaw then proceeded to turn off the lights, and yelled "Game Over," before shut the door shut, leaving Adam to die in the bathroom. In a last desperate attempt to save his family, Gordon used his shirt to stanch his leg and, despite Adam's efforts to calm him down, cut off his foot with the hacksaw. However, he was aware of his dishonest traits and wasn't ashamed of them. He realized someone else was in his apartment, and used his camera flash to locate them. In his death throes, his head hit the toilet, which ultimately caused him to lose consciousness and die by asphyxiation. On one occasion, he followed him to the run-down Hotel Barfly, where Gordon met up with his medical student, Carla, with whom he had an affair. Gordon smashed the marked part of the wall with his hacksaw and discovered a hollow space with a small box hidden inside. (Saw Bathroom Trap) Don't Don't, Shortly after he was left to die, Adam was severely weakened by his bullet wound and the lack of food, which made it hard for him to remain conscious. As the men tried to cut through their chains, Adam's saw broke after a few seconds. During their conversation, Gordon threw his wallet to Adam to take a look at some photos of Diana. Shortly afterward, Adam woke up and gasped for breath after sinking into the water while unconscious. Otherwise, his daughter, Diana, and his wife, Alison, would die, while he would be left to rot in the bathroom. Seconds later, Adam noticed that the time of their game was over.
Adam showed him the photos, and found a picture of a man staring out a window of Lawrence's house, whom Lawrence identified as Zep Hindle. (Saw), Adam searches his apartment for the invader, After Adam returned to his apartment to develop the photos, he fell asleep in his darkroom. Adam Stanheight is a fictional character from the Saw franchise. Adam's flannel shirt was in the bathroom from the beginning until the end of the first film but wasn't seen again in the later movies. He immediately tried to use the key on his shackle. Out of fear that he could destroy the tape player by throwing it across the room, Adam refused and demanded the tape from Gordon, which the latter eventually threw to him after briefly protesting against it.
The next day, Daniel's father, Detective Eric Matthews, found the room, too, while looking for his son.
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight is one of the protagonists? File:Adam Faulkner in Saw Uncut Edition Dvd 3.png, After he told Gordon how he was kidnapped from his apartment, the phone rang. This time, Adam threw it to him without hesitation. Therefore, it didn't bother him that his work required him to spy on other people as long as he got paid. Furthermore, he learned that there were many clues and useful tools hidden in the room, which could help him solve his task. Sometime later, Amanda Young returned to the bathroom because she felt guilty for his fate and had nightmares of Adam's ghost haunting her. Died In When he ordered Amanda to shackle Adam to a pipe in the back corner of the room by his left leg, Amanda removed his belt and shoes and fettered him with a metal brace. Meanwhile, John poured a bucket of fake blood on the floor in the middle of the room and injected himself with a medicament that slowed his heart rate and relaxed his muscles. In a fit of rage, he grabbed the shard from the mirror and threatened to kill Gordon if he didn't tell him what was going on around them.
He told Adam that the key to his chain was in the bathtub. a night to follow and photograph Lawrence Gordon, a doctor who Tapp suspected of being the Jigsaw Killer. To his disappointment, the mobile couldn't be used to make calls, but only to receive them. In his death throes, his head hit the toilet, Seat which ultimately caused him to lose consciousness and die by asphyxiation. Despite his weakened state, Adam desperately tried to fight her off.
Furthermore, Adam wasn't trustworthy. Besides that, he was arrogant and often reacted to questions and uncomfortable situations by being mockingly sarcastic and making provocative jokes. Later, Gordon discovered Adam was hired to take pictures of him for Detective Tapp. As it was out of reach, he tried to use his shirt to get possession of it. James gave this death the "Dull Machete" award because it was the least bloody between Adam and Amanda.
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