(Rank #1 in Health = highest Health creature. The website and the. They're like Haeyandadons on steroids and super aggressive. All the data is now based on dev kit data and should be 100% correct. They are currently based on tests, so if you got different results please let me know. Do the bolo. It is now fully updated up to patch v222! ARK taming calculator for all creatures in ARK: Survival Evolved; Knock-out estimates, including personal weapons list with custom damage; Starve timer and torpor timers; Creature stats, stat calculator, and stat rankings Gathering efficiency, drops, and weight reduction based on 800,000+ ratings from 40,000+ users; Kibble recipes and chart Join 3,170 players on Dododex's Discord and get 100 dino emojis! Argentavis Taming Calculator Tips Stat Calculator Torpor Timer ARK's base taming speed on PC, PS4, and Xbox is now doubled , meaning 1× is as fast as what … March 26 – Thylacoleo, Microraptor and Electrophorus added.
Giant Bee, Daeodon, Kentrosaurus and Liopleurodon added! The bug repellant will make sure that they don’t aggro on you unless you touch them (like taming the Giganto) and the house is incredibly useful for the bat, as it otherwise will fly around like crazy. Also the electric prod has been added to the knockout methods. The Procoptodon has been added today. February 28 – Castoroides (Giant Beaver) values updated with devkit data (v236.2). If you throw the bola and it hits its mouth, it breaks and does nothing. Always know how much resources you need by calculating them with the ARK: Survival Evolved taming calculator. Besides the new dino, the calculations for non-violent tames have also been adjusted to be more precise with the user reports I got. Travels in packs like a hyaenodon. After getting killed 4 times back to back my mind was changed. Survive-Ark.com | Contact us | ARK: Scorched Earth Console Commands and Cheats, ARK Admin Console commands on PlayStation 4, Survive ARK Companion app released on Android, PSA: SA Companion and new permanent double rates. Have a bola ready or be prepared to run because they are like hyaenodons on steroids with a superiority complex. The Kairuku and Angler have been added to the taming calculator.
Ratings out of 5. Dododex has been updated to reflect this. For more information, please refer to the Cookie and Privacy policy by clicking the 'Read More' button. They prefer cooked meat!? February 3 – Design overhaul: optimized for mobile devices (so away with the ugly tables) and also better ordered for desktop users.
The ARK taming calculator is updated to include even the most recently released dinos. Weight reduction by half wood, thatch, metal(not metal ingot),fungal wood, stone, gems, obsidian, fiber, crystal, Don't skimp out on resources for the trap since a few high level ones will destroy wood but a stone trap is very reliable, Oh Goodness. Special thanks to reddit users /u/tomfoolery_72 and /u/Renox15. If you want to use multiple types of food, it is possible to select your primary type (e.g. Collected from 40,000+ Dododex users. The Bat and Araneo (Spider) have been added to the taming calculator.
The data is based on testing, so it might be a little off in some cases. ARK: Survival Evolved coming to PS4 this December! Also the Compsognathus has been added recently. It should contain all eggs at this point, which should give you a good indication of the taming requirements. So thanks everyone for their input. ), They take a lot of narcotic arrows to put down have at least two bolas at the ready you need about 15 narc arrows to the head for a level 5, They are the product of a dire wolf and an argy and my sleep paralysis demon, Bring a megalosaurus and nab the alpha then run off, you can set in trap to knock out or have a tribe mate shoot narcs while holding.
What does a Ravager eat? And just shoot it in the face. Devkit Preview: Daeodon, Hyaenodon, Thylacoleo, Lamprey (unknown), Scissors weapon and much more! These two creatures are tameable since the latest patch (v221) and both are of the ‘soft-tame’ kind. These things are on crystal aisles and It was my first te encountering them EVER. It's easy. For full Ravager taming details, get the taming calculator app. ARK Taming Calculator Always know how much resources you need by calculating them with the ARK: Survival Evolved taming calculator.
You will need special types of food, as it doesn’t eat berries but Rare Mushrooms and Plant Species X Seeds instead! ARK's base taming speed on PC, PS4, and Xbox is now doubled, meaning 1× is as fast as what 2× was previously. January 29: Gallimimus has been added (patch v233).
In ARK: Survival Evolved, the Ravager eats Raw Mutton, Cooked Lamb Chop, Raw Prime Meat, Cooked Prime Meat, Cooked Meat, and Raw Meat. The calculator will then automatically decrease the amount of primary food needed. The data is now based on values from the latest dev kit. With the design overhaul, timers (narco and starve) where introduced, narcoberry calculations, saddle ingredients and better kibble representations, February 8 – Terror Bird added (based on dev kit values) + some minor changes / bugfixes, February 24 – Castoroides (Giant Beaver) added (based on tests, v236), February 25 – Added kibble that the creature creates himself (produced kibble) and added castoroides saddle. February 26 – Visual update for the starve timer.
The Ravager is a tamable creature in Ark: Aberration. Both tames are based on tests, so it can happen that your results differ a bit. ARK: Abberation creatures are now available! (based on tests), Up to date with patch v252. Also Hyaenodon and Hesperornis! January 16: Dung beetle and Dimetrodon added (patch v232). Features. Also, don't do trap. I'd rather encounter 2 Gigas and 5 rexes than deal woth them. Privacy Policy | Partners: ArkForum.de, This taming calculator, amongst other features, is also included in the. April 2 – The taming calculator now includes the Dunkleosteus and Woolly Rhino (based on test data)., Woolly Rhino tame times down with 40% (patch v238.2), Dunkleosteus torpor adjustment (patch v238.2), September 27 – Archaeopteryx, Tapejara and all scorched earth creatures updated with devkit data (patch v247), October 22 – Chalicotherium, Diplocaulus and Kaprosuchus added, based on devkit data (patch v248), November 24 – Achatina, Megalosaurus, Moschops and Pachyrhinosaurus added! List of Creatures with Headshots & Modifiers. We use (third party) cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. February – Baryonyx, Basilosaurus, Ovis and Purlovia added Also the Oviraptor has now been added. Kibble) and then fill in quantities of other foods you will use / have used. The data is based on testing, so it might be a little off in some cases. The Giganotosaurus has also been added to the taming calculator (based on the devkit data and no longer on tests). This means that both the Quetzalcoatlus (patch v218.0) and the Mosasaurus (patch v219) are now calculated with the original devkit values. A helpful tip: use bug repellant and a little house to keep the creatures in. Should now be much clearer in usage.
If you continue to use this site, you agree to the use of these cookies. The Ravager does not have multipliers for headshots or any other areas. Not breedable yet or no information known. You can click on the different types of food to have them filled up to their maximum amount. * Rank of the Base Stat of the Ravager vs. all other creatures. You can click on the different types of food to have them filled up to their maximum amount. Use the "presets" dropdown for common multipliers. In case you come across any errors or would like to see more information about a dino, please let us know by leaving a comment on this post. ARK's base taming speed on PC, PS4, and Xbox is. I thought they'd be a piece of cake to kill.
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