“Who knows, Tim? That was one way to get vitamin C, Dick supposed. Damian snorted. Batman - Rated: T - English - Family/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,613 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 196 - Follows: 65 - Published: Just a few cute drabbbles of Damian getting hugged by his family. Apparently, there was too much tension for a non-player. Batman gave them another glare which was stronger than the last time. :) One batfam soccer team AU coming up! “I am not Drake!” the person who looked exactly like Timothy Jackson Drake hissed, adding, “And I will kill you if you don’t fix this this instant, Todd!”, Jason looked over like he was hurt. He'll never get his partner to admit it. "Uh…Hood?" It was him that made her doubly determined to pull through. She was very flirty and kind of silly off field, tending towards having a good time, but if the ball was put in front of her, she got kind of scary. So this working together with Red Robin thing is still new, still fragile, and Jason is not the only one struggling to cope with it. Enjoy! Batman - Rated: K - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 599 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 53 - Follows: 9 - Published: Bruce has trouble disciplining Damian, and is forced to call in reinforcements. “I think you look fine, Tim, it’s just a bit of bedhead,” Jason commented, eyeing the blonde, puffy-lipped woman on TV crying about god knew what like it was interesting him. I’ve got you.”. "Seems like you guys were really getting into it. Jason said, fists clenching. Warning: some gore/injury stuff, plus blood. Robin was missing for over twenty four hours, only to show up at Roy's apartment, hurt and with fear gas running through his veins. In any case, a retraction was made in the paper the next day–and the attempt to get them to spell Timothy Drake as Timothy Fake didn’t work. It has been too long since I've given our group it's much deserved attention and sadly due to my absence from dA. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20728655, Title: Innocence and He looked back as he clicked through the controls on the monitor, suppressing a smile at the secure, almost affectionate way that Damian held Tim close. That made the Bats aware of their audience. He had been unlucky in collecting cards naturally–but he was not above sharkish terms for his children’s trades. Damian seemed furious, and made a grab at Tim. (Well, other than Alfred that was…but Alfred didn't run around on rooftops dressed as giant birds and/or bats, so for the sake of this argument, he didn't count). Tim pointed weakly at the mooks getting away. And Tim really hoped he was doing this right. Secrets have come to light, but how will this connection change her life? Hope you’ve been using your chapstick!”, Damian’s face twisted in disgust. Jason hadn’t honestly believed that Cassandra–the one he referred to as ‘crazy ninja girl’ when she wasn’t around, and anyone who would tell her wasn’t around–could freak out about anyone. Over the course of the next week, Damian discovers that Mexican gangsters do not mess around, that social workers find Bruce There is a new origin story for the Justice League, establishing that Batman has only been publicly active for five years although he was considered an urban legend before this. But Cass was delighted, and they talked the whole time–about crimefighting., Tim, Jason, stupid people (Jason and Tim were in here too), gum and gummies and how great they were, waffles, Steph’s secrets for good waffles, characters in the martial arts movies and how bad some of the martial arts was–just everything. Batman - Rated: T - English - Family/Humor - Chapters: 128 - Words: 217,548 - Reviews: 2185 - Favs: 1,105 - Follows: 820 - Updated: Damian comes down with a horrible fever, and has a moment with Tim. Batman - Rated: K+ - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,042 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 176 - Follows: 63 - Published: Dick is tired and sick and his family takes care of him. by his side constantly to do damage control. and defiance for a greater purpose. First Appearance Or will Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian cause too much chaos? She was stronger than that. Tim looked at him, hard. The most memorable part was when she’d just suddenly looked at Cass’s face, and announced, “I think you might have a heart shape face. rules of the past. However, Batman was soon believed to be dead at the hands of Darkseid during the Final Crisis, but in reality he had been sent to the past and he was tasked to survive all the way to the present in a time-travel voyage that would eventually kill him and destroy the present. dies, Tim Drake and Bruce Wayne take on the case when they notice strange He thought he could feel him crying still, and he gently ran his hand through his hair, petting. Red Robin still didn’t say a word, studiously looking away. Maybe you want to tell her you don’t like her anymore?”, “Hey!” Tim snapped, “Don’t you dare say that to her!”. Even if the only reason Jason was with them tonight was because he'd bumped into them when the witch had been tormenting them with her annoying, and not impressive at all magic, had found her equally annoying, and had thus declared her his next victim. “It’s okay.”, And that was about when Jason realized Tim was crying. For a few years, the new line-up of the Bat Family remained the same until the early '90s, in which the major storyline Batman: Knightfall was introduced. still. Batman growled. occurrences in Gotham city. while conducting a check-up on Terry. Not only does it follow Alina and her relationship with the Batfamily, but it also explains the development of the world(s) of Earth Never. 一切都痛得像火燒:身體,心臟和靈魂,但他可以做到的;他可以修復他的死亡所毀壞的部分,以及被他的憤怒不斷打碎的東西。. “I’m not apologizing, he started it.”. Final Crisis, but in reality he had been sent to the past and he was tasked to survive all the way to the present in a time-travel voyage that would eventually kill him and destroy the present. What if it was some weird curse that would cause their insides to slowly rot, or cause their bones to decay, or…or….
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