In my opinion we are already in Constitutional crisis, even before Trump is able to fire Sessions, Rosenstein and Mueller. But things will be a lot different in 2019. Perhaps geneticists will one day turn to Hollywood to inspire them in their pursuit of genetic cloning in the best clone movies. If you just assume President Trump won’t be re-elected on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 in the 59th four-yearly elections, read this from the Forbes website: Elsewhere, Elizabeth Drew reckons that the Democrats possibly need to do more: It seems not to matter how widely Donald Trump is derided in the Press, nor how many ‘false or misleading claims’ (the Guardian) he makes, or how politically incorrect he may be, the train keeps on rolling! --Hubert Humphrey, Copyright by author; brief excerpts only unless permission granted via We will again see a war like situation with North Korea from Jan 20, 2018 to end of February 2018, then again between March 20th to end of April 2018. Many astrologers, psychics are predicting Trump impeachment by August / September this year. But we all know any incumbent President has lot of tools available to cheat and sabotage the election, if they want to. Mars is placed in the ascendant. Low unemployment numbers and a soaring stock market didn’t tell the whole story about the state of our economy. In my opinion If Trump wanted to fire Rod Rosenstein, he would have done it yesterday on twitter, like he did it for Rex Tillerson. I have also analyzed the United States astrology chart. Steve Bannon leaving the White House is certainly a welcome move. Remember Donald Trump inherited a booming economy from President Obama. There is no change to my astrology predictions. severe military and political actions against Iran during this period. I had also mentioned in my previous update on September 15, 2018, that we should hear from Robert Mueller either between March 4 and March 31 this year or soon after April 29, when Saturn will go retrograde at 26 degrees in Sagittarius sign, while in conjunction with Ketu. How can anybody trust anything that Trump says? There is nothing wrong with a US President meeting with a Russian President privately. Finally! Regulus is a fixed star, historically known as "the kingmaker," denoting a very regal personality. Donald Trump fires National Security Advisor Bolton. People are wondering when the meeting between Donald Trump and Robert Mueller will take place. © Copyright 2020, Please contact me directly if you know Jared Kushner’s accurate birth time. Trump will be dealing with even bigger challenges. Donald Trump’s approval rating at this moment is only 36%, when the economy is doing so well. You may also see the pee pee tape in October / November before the election if the pee pee tape exists. from 18/05/2018 to 28/11/2020 followed by the operational dasa of Jupiter / Mercury They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. Many open investigations for Trump will come to some closure during this time. This indicates the possibility of acquiring great success and riches on the economic front. Biden was able to win yesterday night's debate and does not even had to wrestle with the pig in the gutter. In 2016 Presidential election we did not have Hillary Clinton's accurate birth time with AA rating. The Breaking News just came out. The 12th house, like the Nodes, are all about karma. The Solar return for Donald Trump in 2019 and 2020 shows two important oppositions: a Mercury-Mars conjunction (opposed to Pluto-Saturn conjunction in the 10th house), plus sun opposite Jupiter. post. Since Jupiter is in the 2nd house, he will likely make a lot of money. Now when Sun will enter Libra sign on October 16, 2020 and come under Saturn’s 10th aspect from Capricorn sign, will be a sensitive time for health during last two weeks of October. In my opinion Trump’s financial records / tax returns will be released either before July 31, 2020 or between September 24, 2020 and November 3, 2020. Michael Flynn’s case is also not going well for Donald Trump. The country is heading in the wrong direction under Trump’s leadership, as Trump always tried to divide people and be the President of 35 % Americans. But they won’t take it, they would rather let the special prosecutor Robert Mueller do the dirty work. In my opinion the economy will be on decline after June / July 2019, and we will be in recession by the end of 2019. These are not fresh astrology predictions. Rahu and Ketu complete their transit cycle of the Zodiac in about 18 ½ years. Not many people will agree with me at this time. Trump is hoping that the Mueller investigation will be over before the 2018 mid-term election, and the Republican Congress will exonerate him. Sun is afflicted in the birth chart. Jupiter is still in Scorpio sign aspecting his natal Sun and natal Rahu in Taurus sign and transiting his natal Moon and natal Ketu in Scorpio sign. GOP dumps Trump before 2018 mid-term election in the months of June, July, August, September 2018. The Trump – Russia investigations will gain momentum and make good progress in July, August, September and October this year, as these are very difficult and challenging months for Donald Trump. We have seen today that House Intel GOP ended Trump - Russia Probe without consulting Dems. Trump Campaign will have financial problems, money will be very tight in October / November this year before the election date. The correct birth time in my opinion is 9.41.10 am, January 20, 1953, Brooklyn, Kings County, NY, that gives Aquarius ascendant with ascendant degree at 28 degrees 49 minutes, according to Vedic Astrology / KP Astrology. Republicans are still supporting Donald Trump, and are not standing up to Donald Trump. I am going to manually drop it off in some ballots drop box location in my county. In my April 1, 2020 astrology update on 2020 Presidential Election, I will compare the astrology charts of Mike Bloomberg, Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden with Donald Trump’s astrology chart. I received numerous emails from astrology readers, asking me if there is any chance Trump will be impeached / removed from office before 2019. Trump is going to be very impulsive and rash during this time, will lose composure sometimes and get very angry with press and people around him. Anthony Scaramucci was brought in to force out Reince Priebus, and John Kelly was elevated to chief of staff to get rid of Anthony Scaramucci. I wish speedy recovery to those who suffered injuries during shooting. This is hurting Trump’s approval rating, which is now down to 37%, as I had predicted in my October 14, 2018 update in this Trump Astrology article. Trump will not hesitate to use these tools. I take this opportunity to honor and remember the 3000 Americans who were murdered 17 years ago in the 9/11 tragedy. It is especially interesting since, as mentioned before, the Nodes play a huge role in his chart. Jupiter is getting weak in the Dasamsa I will be in position to make a solid astrology prediction about the Senate Trial on January 16, 2020, stay tuned. You can have a powerful astrology chart, but if the current time is against you then you cannot win despite a very powerful astrology chart. Things will become even more difficult for Donald Trump after September 24 this year, when Rahu and Ketu will change signs.
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