The Hungarian partridge is also known as a gray partridge, an English partridge, or simply called a “Hun.” The Hun is a small bird with a short neck and tail and tends to be a little skittish, but quite beautiful. The Boreal and Peace Country in northern Alberta is widely known for its waterfowling. Sure, the winter months are tougher when it comes to finding the birds (they’ve smartened up), but taking a walk with a dog and a … The migration is in full swing by the beginning of the season in early September, and lasts until the end of October. Look for them in winding prairie creek bottoms and gullies, sheltered as best as they can manage. Gray or Hungarian partridge, or fondly “Huns,†are a good reason to get out in the snow. Field shooting of large Canada geese is particularly attractive to visiting sportsmen. Upland bird hunting opportunities are present throughout the region for ruffed grouse, blue grouse, sharp-tailed grouse, spruce grouse and Hungarian partridge. Shotgun, rifle and bow are the basic tools you can use to hunt in Alberta. It is here, near the mighty Peace River, that geese fuel up on protein in the surrounding fields of barley, peas and wheat for the long migration south. Hungarian partridge closely resemble grouse. With a good dog, you’ll know pretty quickly if the birds are around. I'd say woodcock is the size of a snipe, and a Hun is like 3-4 snipes, lol. Southern Alberta is Canada's pheasant capital and the province's rugged pheasant habitat proves to be a worthy challenge to the wingshooter. The ruffed grouse is the most abundant upland game bird and certain pockets of the boreal fringe offer the best “ruffy” hunting in the province. That way, if birds flush wild, you can see where they land and have a solid opportunity later. The juvenile Huns are a pale brown with some darker streaks. The parklands contain several large bodies of water, and Ducks Unlimited Canada has a number of flagship projects in the area that offer excellent access to the migrating fowl. Park far and walk in. Their brown markings allow them to blend in to their surroundings well. The high alpine spine of the Rockies also offers opportunity for Ptarmigan. Populations have been extraordinary in the last few seasons, and pressure remains low. These birds are hardy and love to travel in groups. Parkland Alberta provides a further array of opportunities for the wing shooter. Any still-open water source is a good bet. The sharp-tailed grouse population is in great shape in recent years and limit or near limit shoots are now common. All website design, text, graphics, photos, and the selection and arrangement thereof, are the sole property of Alberta Conservation Association. My faithful hunting dog and I flush these birds from their cover and they burst into flight, exposing the beautiful colouring of … The Hungarian partridge is the most successful upland game bird in terms of relative abundance, and is the choice target for the upland gunner. © Copyright 2001 - 2020 MacFarlane Pheasants, Inc. The birds will virtually always fly into a small body of water near the field, where wing shooters may seek opportunity. Ruffed grouse, sharp-tailed grouse, spruce grouse and ptarmigan occur frequently in the boreal forests of northern Alberta. Ideal habitat would consist of about 65% small grains, and the rest in short native grass around 2 feet in height. Opportunities for ducks and geese exist from early September in the north through to late December in the south. Great for propagating small farms. Many of the best mallard hunts occur on small wetlands, locally known as "potholes". These wetlands also offer good early season teal hunting. The Foothills and Mountains region also offers good opportunities for waterfowl and upland game hunting. Are you implying that Gray (Hungarian) partridge is the size of woodcock?! Bag limits are liberal. The mallards stage on large bodies of water and at least once a day fly out to feed in nearby fields. Their brown markings allow them to blend in to their surroundings well. The Hungarian partridge is the most successful upland game bird in terms of relative abundance, and is the choice target for the upland gunner. Huns love to eat green and will stay in these kinds of places. Gray Partridges live in flocks, or coveys, at most times of year. Let’s figure out what method of hunting and species you’d like to start with. Several large lakes and wetlands provide additional staging habitat for migrating wildfowl. With the onset of winter, Huns typically abandon the windswept highlands and go lower. There are literally countless water-bodies throughout the north that have never seen a duck boat. As hunters, it’s our responsibility to know and follow Alberta’s hunting regulations. All Rights Reserved. The Peace Country is a large block of parkland habitat surrounded by forests of poplar and mixed coniferous trees. If you don’t have a bird dog, try to make plans to go with someone who does. Duck and goose hunting in this region is fairly localized and the majority of opportunities occur along the eastern boundary near to farming country. We have reached out to the hunting dog community and asked for their assistance with gathering data. © 2020. We know getting into hunting is daunting, especially if you don’t have family or friends to show you the ropes. Late September and early October is the ideal time to witness the migration of most divers. Here’s one thing to love about winter in Alberta: we can hunt upland game birds like gray partridge right into mid- January. Rivers, reservoirs and warm water springs throughout southwest Alberta provide refuge for tens of thousands of wintering mallards. These birds pair up and mate for life. Pointing breeds make the best dogs for Huns and the vast stretches of cover they occupy. Hi Guys, Just wondering to know if any body had seen good numbers of Huns around and if you have any idea if the nest was ruin from the rain last month. Here’s one thing to love about winter in Alberta: we can hunt upland game birds like gray partridge right into mid- January. Abundant mallards share the same food sources as the geese and are often shot prior to and in between goose flights. Because of its popularity as a gamebird in Europe, the Gray Partridge was brought to North America as early as the 1790s, although it was not really established here until later. This late in the season, Huns are much flightier than usual. Sure, the winter months are tougher when it comes to finding the birds (they’ve smartened up), but taking a walk with a dog and a gun is one of the best ways to spend a winter day. The region is best known for late season shooting especially in the south. If you find thickets or brushy hiding spots away from the wind, check there first. Southern Alberta is Canada's pheasant capital and the province's rugged pheasant habitat proves to be a worthy challenge to the wingshooter. Small brushy bushes, often found on the edge of roads and fields make great wind barriers for the birds. Ring-necked Pheasant and Grey Partridge Hunting Forecast for Alberta—Fall 2020. We do have real partridge in southern Alberta, they are smaller than grouse, about the size of a woodcock. Once you’re at your preferred site, keep a wide field of vision over where you’re hunting. In peak cycles, limits of 10 birds are the norm on any given outing. A number of outfitters have now offer opportunities to hunt these birds in the farmland with the assistance of good sporting dogs. Here are a few tips to take to the field: It’s probably the most critical component to your success for late-season bird hunting— a good bird dog. Dogs working hard and fast can make Huns take off early. Hungarian partridge closely resemble grouse. Location: Uh, guess? Host to the Pacific and Central Flyways, the prairies have thousands of acres of staging water with very low hunting pressure. Or just set your expectation for a nice winter walkabout with the hope the birds will reveal themselves. Upland game birds are also present: Ruffed grouse, sharp-tailed grouse, and Hungarian partridge are common and abundant in the Parkland region. Thousands of local and migrating Canada geese stage in northwest Alberta’s Peace Country throughout September and October. Canvasbacks, redheads and bluebills are the most popular and abundant species. They are very vocal birds and are also favorite additions to gamebird hunts. These birds pair up and mate for life. The survey methods have changed this year. Hunt your dogs in nearby habitat for an hour or so to strip away that initial edginess. Thansk #2 07-05-2013, 04:01 PM Okotokian : Join Date: May 2007. The Prairies of southern Alberta are blessed with millions of migrating ducks and geese. It has been most successful on the northern prairies, where it often does very well in farm country. The migration seasons begin in early September and continue through to the end of the season in late December, although most shallow wetlands are frozen by the first of November. In fact, you might face the “first world problem” of overwhelming choice. They are very vocal birds and are also favorite additions to gamebird hunts. Alberta has an abundance of big game, gamebird and waterfowl species to hunt. Hungarian Partridge South Alberta. Phone: 608.757.7881 / Toll-Free: 800.345.8348 / Fax: 608.757.7884, 2821 South U.S. Hwy 51, Janesville, WI USA 53546, Hours: M-F 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Sat 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. CST. The Sharp-tail Grouse and Hungarian Partridge bird hunting is also available during the regular hunting season and Alberta Western Uplands is pleased to offer a premium mixed bag package from Sept. 15 through Nov. 30 which includes Hungarian Partridge and Oct. 1 through Oct. 31 for Sharp-tail Grouse. Be aware of the noise you make—your voice or slamming vehicle doors can be enough to make them disappear. These birds are hardy and love to travel in groups. This series of articles breaks getting started into bite-sized pieces, so you too can put wild protein on the table. The aspen parkland is home to the highest densities of breeding mallards on the continent, as well as several species of geese including White-fronted, Canada's, and Snow geese .
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