June 2008 If you want to win the lottery you really need to check out Lotery Crusher. 4 numbers plus PB $10,000 $40,000 1 in 648,975.96. November 2001 November 2010 The Lottery crusher software has gone viral, and newcomers are wondering if this appealing software is good and whether it delivers the heavens it pledges. Independent results service from National Lotteries around the World. June 2013 March 2010 December 2002 March 2009 It's the special red Powerball that holds the key to that prize. January 2014 March 1997 It's the multiplier that can turn a modest prize into something truly impressive. June 2002 November 2016 February 2002 July 2006 If you win, you’ll have to decide if you want a lump sum or an annuity. Lv 6. Thats fairly average for a bonus ball. When someone eventually does win the jackpot, it … There is no prize for matching all six numbers and the Bonus Ball, so you do not need seven numbers on your ticket. You do not win anything for getting 1 number. As all of the numbers are drawn from the same pool it is impossible for the Bonus Ball to be the same as one of the six main numbers in the same draw. November 2018 June 2020 This can help ensure you don’t spend all your money too fast or make poor decisions. I think you get $2. I think you get $2. 5 numbers; no PB $1,000,000 $2,000,000 1 in 5,153,632.65. Matching the Bonus Ball with any other combination of main numbers does not make a difference to the amount you win. January 2003 August 2019 December 2004 June 2014 October 2006 Itâs the 47th time that the number has appeared as the Bonus Ball and the first time since Saturday 25th May 2019. There are just enough prizes that the odds of winning at least something is one in 24.87, which is a far cry from the one in 292 million chance you have in winning it all through a lone ticket. You’ll get this if you match one white ball and the Powerball OR if you just match the Powerball. March 2011 December 1995 Is 1 a good bonus ball? April 2010 July 2015 March 2000 June 2009 October 2019 April 2003 If you match four out of five of the white balls and the Powerball, you’ll win $50,000. As of Tuesday, there were at least four unclaimed $50,000 prize winners in Oregon alone. You have two ways to win $100: either match four out of five of the white balls OR match three white balls and the Powerball. December 1998 November 2017 The lottery bonus ball 1 has been seen a total of 51 times in the lottery results. December 1997 Thats fairly average for a bonus ball. None of the other prize tiers, from the free Lucky Dip to the Match 5 prize of £1,750, require you to match the Bonus Ball. May 2014 January 1998 Can any of my numbers match the Bonus Ball, or only the last one? August 2017 September 2001 January 2010 December 2012 November 2005 If you get the Powerball or the Megaball. March 2015 February 2007 Betting sites place Joe Biden at a better chance at winning the election but most bets are on Donald Trump to win. March 1996 April 2013 You donât pick a Bonus Ball number when you play, so you donât get one on your ticket. March 2008 July 2011 Other lotteries, such as EuroMillions, use a different system. July 2019 March 1995 June 1998 How do you think about the answers? The odds of matching five main numbers without the Bonus Ball are 1 in 144,415, while the chances of matching five main numbers plus the Bonus Ball are 1 in 7,509,579. Despite the major difference between the jackpot and the lowest prize, free money is still free money. If you matched only the red ball (the Powerball, which is the last number drawn), then you’ll win $4. The lottery bonus ball 1 has been seen a total of 51 times in the lottery results. January 2019 The only prize that requires you to match the Bonus Ball is the second prize, for matching five of the main Lotto numbers plus the Bonus Ball (a total of six numbers). September 2008 January 2004 Still, the Power Play certainly makes a difference. November 2004 September 2020 June 2010 Stats since 10th October 2015 (when the ball pool increased to 59), Stats from all draws back to 19th November 1994. will casinos allow me to make this bet in roulette? May 2009 If you only matched one white number on the Powerball, you did NOT win any money. 1 0. This is why you only pick six Lotto numbers and five Health Lottery numbers when, in fact, there are seven and six balls respectively drawn on the night. Many players match just one white ball and get excited, thinking they’re taking home some money. The odds of hitting all six numbers, including the red Powerball itself, are extraordinarily low. 22 of these appearances were as a Saturday bonus ball and 29 were on a Wednesday. Set jackpot amounts abound, and technically, you can win the Powerball with just one number. The Lotto Bonus Ball only comes into consideration if you have also matched five main numbers. January 2002 But if you only matched one white number, then you haven’t won anything tonight. July 2014 September 2007 April 2002 May 2020 Set jackpot amounts abound, and technically, you can win the Powerball with just one number. July 2020 May 1999 I can't begin to guess which "classic lotto" game on this planet you're talking about. If you match the Bonus Ball, it will be with one of the six numbers you do pick, because it is drawn from the 53 numbers left in the machine after the main numbers have been drawn. Disclaimer: The content and operations of this website have not been approved or endorsed by Camelot UK Lotteries Limited, the National Lottery Commission or SLE. March 2019 January 1995 January 2017 The Bonus Ball exists to give players who have matched five of the six main numbers a chance to win an even better prize. 22 of these appearances were as a Saturday bonus ball and 29 were on a Wednesday. If you only get one number right, and it isn't the powerball, then NO. August 2011 Matching five numbers plus the Bonus Ball wins you £1 million. May 2016 January 2011 April 2011 Oddly, matching a regular number as well as the Powerball number yields the same amount. In terms of ranking, the number 1 is in 39th postion. November 1995 December 2019 January 2000 June 2019 The lottery bonus ball 1 has been seen a total of 51 times in the lottery results. November 2019 April 1995 Where can I bet on the election without my credit card being declined because of an international transaction? Why donât I pick a Bonus Ball when I play? February 2013 If people live in different time zones why doesn’t anyone use it to win the lottery or stop a crime happening? April 2016 July 2018 6 years ago. December 2005 Sign in. There are HUNDREDS of "lotto" style games in this world. Select Period November 1994 June 2005 Lv 6. But of course, it could go the other way too. April 2019 September 2010 Alfonso. January 2013 September 2003 There are multiple ways to win Powerball. April 2018 September 2013 June 2006 How do you think about the answers? Powerball is the most beloved lottery. This is the Bonus Ball, but what does it do and how can it help you win prizes? When you purchase an entry to Lotto you will get six numbers on your ticket. November 2009 March 2006 October 2016 So if you matched one red Powerball only and the Power Play was 10x, then you’ll walk away with $40. Most lottos require at least 3 of the 6 numbers to match before you win anything. April 1997 January 2016 September 2016 February 1998 October 2010 Powered by. February 2017 July 2004 September 1996 August 2004 4 numbers; no PB $100 $200 1 in 19,087.53. July 2001 2020 Bustle Digital Group. March 2005 Whereas EuroMillions has main numbers and Lucky Stars drawn from two different pots, all of which must be matched to win the jackpot, you win the Lotto and Health Lottery jackpots by matching the full line of main numbers before the Bonus Ball appears. July 1998 Here’s how the other matches work. December 2014 June 2016 May 1998 February 2019 August 2001 The content and operations of this website have not been approved or endorsed by Camelot UK Lotteries Limited, the National Lottery Commission, SLE or People's Postcode Lottery. April 2000 Answer Save. An example is the USA Powerball game, which has a regular number field of 5/55 and a bonus number that comes from a 1/42 number field. September 2006 When the Lotto and Health Lottery results are drawn, you will notice that, in addition to the main numbers, there is another ball in the winning line. September 2011 January 2001 April 2012 February 2008 May 2005 So even if the multiplier is as high as it can go, you will still be left with $2 million at the most. To sum up, both of Lotto’s top two prizes require you to match all six numbers on your ticket, but the Bonus Ball only comes into play for one of … What Does the Bonus Ball Mean in Lotto and the Health Lottery. June 2017 Material Copyright © 2020 National-Lottery.com. You can find further number frequencies in the Bonus Ball Statistics section on this page. October 1998 February 2010 March 2020 May 2000 March 2002 Check this video for more info about this: http://tinyurl.com/LottoCrusherRew. The Bonus Ball is an additional number which is drawn at the end of every Lotto game, after the six main numbers have been selected. November 1999 June 1996 September 2004 September 1999 If you match three main Lotto numbers and the Bonus Ball, you win the Match 3 prize of £25, rather than the Match 4 reward of around £100.
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