•The stupidity of France's planned one month lock down and putting hydrochloroquinine on the poison list.
A última vez que Conchita falou a respeito de Garabandal A última vez que Conchita Gonzalez falou a respeito das aparições de Nossa Senhora em Garabandal foi a pedido do sacerdote da paróquia de Garabandal,Padre Rolando, na altura do aniversário dos 50 anos dos acontecimentos de Garabandal ( Junho de 2011). She said that before the Warning takes place that it seemed that Communism had spread all over the world. Parla tanto del silenzio: il silenzio è fondamentale per poter ascoltare la voce di Dio. The first two of these miracles happened after Holy Week, but the most recent began on the evening of Holy Thursday, the Day of Ascension! Subscribe to the Garabandal.it Newsletter, Young Person, I Say to You, "Look at Him! But it will be an even year according to Maria Loli. Laura González ; María González ... Il 19 marzo 2020 è stato chiesto a Conchita se potesse darci qualche consiglio per questi tempi difficili che il mondo e la Chiesa stanno attraversando.
Ha risposto così: Accogliamo queste parole e mettiamole in pratica. Consecrate yourselves to the Holy Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph and love them with all your heart. They do not take emails. Yes, we have to put God at the center of our hearts and our lives. Conchita Gonzalez was her name. Keep praying the rosary and when the time comes we will be ready to guide those who are distant from faith and belief!
In 2034 Conchita would be 85 years old and in 2045 she would be 96 years old, indeed a very old woman. I read more about the Warning of Garabandal and Mari-Loli, who passed away in 2009 after a great illness offered up for priests. Fondazione “Focolare della Madre di tutti gli uomini, Madre della gioventù”, Se desideri avere maggiori informazioni su Garabandal o vuoi comunicarci qualche grazia o favore ricevuto, mettiti in contatto con noi scrivendo a questo indirizzo:info@garabandal.it, ©2019 Home of the Mother Foundation - www.garabandal.it Legal Notice - Cookies Policy. I saw the miracle, it was in my very very live dream.......... That day is a Friday, however, the vigil of his feast day begins on the eve of the 13th, which is Thursday the 12th at 5:30 pm, and this seems to fit the criteria of the young martyr of the Eucharist on April 12th, 2018, at 8:30 in the evening for the time of the miracle occurrence.
all six kids need to have all 10 secrets before the secrets start to be revealed; sof far only 3 kids have all 6 secrets; do the math. Comets are both messengers and enforcers of immutable cosmic law. Countless miracles have occurred and now with the orthodox churches in turmoil I believe Our Lady has started her triumph!!! At the beginning of our story Conchita was twelve years old; she was a gracious girl, very observant, with a quick mind. Conchita will tell us eight days before the Great Miracle. Fatima Prophecy Fulfilled: Consecration of Russia is Complete! Era l’ultima e l’unica femmina dei figli di Aniceta González, che in giovane età perse suo marito. l wish Conchita would tell us all to stop guessing as it does little to those (like me)that still believe, This phrase reminds us of the same words of Jesus in the Gospel when he says to Martha, “Martha, Martha, you worry and worry about many things. Nella nostra vita siamo spesso circondati da tante cose e da tanti rumori che non ci permettono di ascoltare Dio e la nostra Madre del Cielo. “Dio ci sta staccando dai valori di questo mondo”. “, https://www.facebook.com/groups/163674987784/, Snow in Medjugorje, Peace in Medjugorje, and Miracle Photo – Watch Video at 2:00 Minutes, Prophecy from Medjugorje: “As individuals, you cannot stop the evil that wants to begin to rule in this world and to destroy it. Amen Prayer to the Queen of Peace: Mother of God, Originally Published at the Blue Army The Incredible Story of the Miracle at Hiroshima By Father Paul Ruge, OFMI On August, Mother María de las Nieves García was told by Conchita that people wanted a photo of Our Lady, so one day they put a camera in her hands and told her how to operate it because she had no clue.
I'm so much moved by Garomandal I believe it is near!!! Se le preguntó a Conchita si sería tan amable de ofrecer algunas palabras de consejo a todos nosotros, en estos tiempos difíciles. So the Warning will be in 2020. anne_frank44@bigpond.com
"Home of the Mother of all Mankind, Mother of the Youth" Foundation, If you would like more information about Garabandal or you would like to let us know about a grace or favor received, you can contact us by e-mail: info@garabandal.it, ©2019 Home of the Mother Foundation - www.garabandal.it Legal Notice - Cookies Policy. [Update: However this 2020 date may also be eroneous; see update above].
My heart pounding fast. The odd year prediction was shown to be false. Plus it has to happen on the feast of a martyr of the Eucharist.
Ha quattro figli: Maria Concepción, Fátima Miriam, Ana María Josefa e Patrick Joseph Maria. His father had him thrown into prison for this and he had an Arian Bishop come to the prison to give him communion. Fatima Anniversary October 13, 2019 – Jacinta’s last words: “I will return to Fatima after death” …”If they only knew…the sin that dragged more people to perdition was the sin of the flesh “. Chillingly he also prophesied the leader would attack Syria – which later happened following a chemical attack – and that it would bring Russia, North Korea and China into the conflict. ", Maria Simma, the Souls in Purgatory, and Garabandal, The Church’s Position on Marian Apparitions, Conchita gives us a message - March 19, 2020. I prefer to leave it up to the powers and grace of God and keep myself as honest as possible a I am human and I constantly fail to meet up to his expectations, but he already knows that. God bless all!!! However, in 6 years, in 2023, April 13th will again fall on a Thursday and this is the Feast of a Martyr of the Holy Eucharist; whose name is St. Hermenigild. Noting the regularity of these events, each separated from the next by two years, I saw that the date April 16th, 2020 would coincide with this periodic pattern, and that Holy Thursday of April 13, 2017 would not. Now when circumstances do not allow us to go out, we may not be able to go to church, to Mass, or to confession, but nobody can prevent us from retreating to the depths of our soul to speak with Him, sometimes to ask, other times to intercede, praise, bless, thank Him, adore Him.Conchita ends by saying "He is all we need."
A priest who knew the Visionaries at Garabandal, said that the girls said that the Miracle would happen in an EVEN numbered year. Its already 6 years ago..... So, seeing that these events were symbolically associated with the Virgin Mary, I felt there must be a connection with the predicted upcoming miracle of Garabandal, perhaps messages of what is to come. That is why Jesus condemned the Pharisees for requesting a miracle and that none would be given except for the sing of Jonah. In the mean time we have to pray many Rosaries a day, or at least 5 decades of the Rosary.
La famiglia era formata da otto figli. A couple of things here. Is this correct? 2020 Update: A comment left to another posting mentioned "Conchita stated that she will be a "very OLD" woman when the miracle occurs; 40 years of probing and studying show that the miracle will occur in 2037 or 2038. ln the meantime l must say l've been a bit disappointed as nothing has eventuated.
Sì, dobbiamo mettere Dio al centro del nostro cuore e della nostra vita. We do not know when God will call us, so it is very important to live the present moment in His love. Mari Cruz González Barrido nacque il 21 giugno 1950. A list of the criteria that we know about the date of the predicted Great Miracle. The Garabandal visionary, Conchita González (Keena) has been told by Our Lady the actual date of the Great Miracle. •Data showing the degree to which masks protect us. There are many Rosary meditation books still available from many stores, and probably Rosary meditations are even posted on the Internet. Latest news from Conchita of Garabandal via Bastiano’s blog : This is what Conchita asked me after having revealed to me by mail her illness contracted five years ago. Since the Miracle of Milano has been occurring in an Orthodox church with the most recent event occurring on April 16th, Holy Thursday, I decided to choose Thursday of April 16, 2020 as the most likely. I have no idea on the date, the spirit of god is such that he seems to leave the destiny of man up to man. You are the future of the world. She talks a lot about silence. "Dio ci sta staccando dai valori di questo mondo. So why did I choose 2020 and not 2017? The great apocalypse will start in 2023. Yes, in the end He is the only thing necessary. I too believe that this will be the date in Garabandal itself. Una vecchia intervista a Conchita González, una delle quattro bambine che parlarono con la Santa Vergine a Garabandal SARÀ L’ULTIMO AVVERTIMENTO DI DIO PADRE A TUTTA L'UMANITÀ Sarà un evento cosmico senza precedenti nella storia dell’umanità, un fenomeno di natura sconosciuta per la scienza; secondo molti veggenti si manifesterà come una LUCE, accesa nelle … Nel silenzio della chiesa o a casa nostra, ora possiamo fare un esame di coscienza che ci permetta di liberarci di tutto ciò che ci impedisce di ascoltare la Voce di Dio con chiarezza.". Now the date I am posting this comment is March 30, 2017. L have followed garabandal since 1981 & it was a positive event in my life as L took my religion more seriously ... and tried to live the 10commandments. In a recent comment (http://etheric.com/new-keck-telescope-observations-g2-cloud/#comment-226809), I was asked why I had suggested Spring of 2020 as the possible date of the forthcoming miracle which was revealed between 1961 to 1965 to four girls in Garabandal, Spain. Jacinta si sposò con Jeffrey Moynihan, della California, il 21 febbraio 1976. But only one thing is necessary: Mary has chosen the best part” (Luke 10:41). I'm Revelations Christ said Antipas was the Martyr he died on April 11th. I was close to a priest who has since passed but he stayed with conchita and he followed garabandal with all his heart, so have I! The church is St George and is in Taylor Pennsylvania! We should take at least 15 minutes to say 5 decades and not 10 minutes. Once we know what He wants, it shouldn't take us long to give it or do it. According to Conchita Gonzalez, the principal seer of Garabandal, the Warning will come on the heels of an ecclesial synod, which she describes as a “small council.” Mother Nieves Garcia, a firm believer in the Garabandal apparitions who personally knew Conchita, went on record as saying that the Virgin Mary told Conchita that soon after a synod, the Warning will occur. Loli si sposò con Francis Lafelur nel Massachusetts (Stati Uniti) nel 1974, con cui ebbe 3 figli: Francis, Maria Melanie e Maria Dolores.
Iscriviti alla nostra newsletter Garabandal.it, María Simma, le anime del purgatorio e Garabandal, Dichiariazioni della Santa Sede su Garabandal, La posizione della Chiesa nei confronti delle apparizioni mariane, Conchita ci dà un messaggio – 19 marzo 2020. What does Conchita think about the year 2022?
Conchita, the lone survivor of the four girls who experienced this revelation, swore that she would only reveal the exact date eight days before its occurrence. La última vez que pisó el pueblo fue en agosto de 2000, cuando falleció su hermano Serafín, residente en Garabandal. Source Glenn Hudson FACEBOOK Conchita’s Polaroid. I pray for everybody in the world and for all of their good intentions. Maria ha scelto la parte migliore.” (Lc 10,41-42).
Quest’ oggi è molto importante. She has been instructed by Our Lady to give eight days notice of a Great Miracle which it is predicted will take place at Garabandal. Il silenzio è un dono, è un’opportunità per ascoltare Dio nel profondo del nostro cuore, senza che le tante altre voci che spesso ci disturbano affoghino la Sua voce.Ci parla anche dell’esame di coscienza.
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