They are, however, more accurate than Großer Kurfürst’s main battery at range while having a slower turret traverse (45 seconds versus Kurfürst’s 40 seconds). Wyvern+50% credits earned for the battle. 1: Priority Target/Preventative Maintenance, 4: Concealment Expert, Manual AA, Advanced Firing Training. Dragon Flag+333% Commander XP earned for the battle. Since high tier cvs are rarer than hens teeth aft and bft are less than ideal on the Montana. Overall, it feels like an Iowa with an extra gun but harder matchmaking. Hopefully they rework the entire captain skill system. As I have seen in the past. I still like the Yolo Montana! Because I switch my Massachusetts captain out between my Arizona, Massachusetts, and Montana, I get to see how secondary builds work in all of them. This is what I run...I have three modules I use as well that significantly reduce the time for a fire/flood as well as fly 8 signal flags etc etc...This is for up close and personal also allows for good independent play. Juliet Yankee Bissotwo-20% to flooding duration. This page has been accessed 267,182 times. You can ALWAYS use extra range from those main battery guns, especially in the early to mid game. Priority Target instead of Preventative Maintenance because only 1 enemy BB to knock out turrets. :). After the cv rework I will probably change the Monty back to aft and bft. this topic is important but i have a question. The success of carrier combat at the Battle of the Coral Sea and, to a greater extent, the Battle of Midway, diminished the value of the battleship. It depends on how you play. That build seems pretty good. Aircraft ArmorReduces continuous damage to aircraft in all AA defense zones. Secondaries have the best fire chance (9%) and rate of fire (15 rounds per minute per gun) of Tier X battleships. Not an ideal situation. Better to put those points into Manual Secondaries so that you can actually hit something. I do an extra 15-25k damage with the secondaries in the games I've played. Her secondaries are not as numerous as those of her Tier X counterparts, but they are better armored. Unparalleled flexibility when compared to her Tier X counterparts, making her a top choice for competitive play. Longest citadel among Tier X battleships, with height just at the waterline. Advanced Firing Training +20% to firing range of main battery guns with a caliber up to 139mm and all secondary battery guns. Everyone will hate this build though. Manual Fire Control for Secondary Armament Tightens dispersion of secondary batteries.-15% for Tier I-VI ships.-60% for Tier VII-X ships.Manually selected target only. Damage Control Party I&II already give infinite charges. This will save you a tremendous amount of hit points and keep you alive, especially in the mid- to end-game. Agree I have seen more t7 cv lately. November Echo Setteseven+5% continuous AA damage at all ranges.+5% damage from flak bursts. The main belt was 409mm thick cemented armor, with a separate lower belt 183-216mm thick mounted on one of the torpedo bulkheads. You can't use the number of charges you have. Basics of Survivability -15% to time of repair, fire extinguishing, and recovery from flooding. Press J to jump to the feed. The captain will gain ranks as he gets more skill points. Demolition Expert+2% chance of HE shells causing a fire on target.+1% chance of rockets causing a fire on target.+5% chance of HE bombs causing a fire on target. Just researched the Montana last night (with credits to buy her), and was wondering what build is best. 8 minutes ago, HashtagYoloSwagChamp said: 52 minutes ago, HashtagYoloSwagChamp said: On 1/2/2020 at 5:19 PM, HallaSnackbar said. I'm assuming Adrenaline rush sadly does not effect AA?! This is my Random build for Montana, Missouri, Alabama and Arizona. Your commander skills are spot on; don't change a thing. 1: Priority Target / Expert Loader (because Seagal), 2: EM / Adrenaline Rush / Jack of All Trades. Powerful AA does not often reflect in the game especially in the current Aircraft to AA meta. BFT/AFT both contribute to the secondaries as well. By Agree. +15% AA flak burst damage. I'm pretty responsible with my DCP, so this has worked out pretty well for me so far. You need to play a total of 10 battles to post in this section. Personal observations can be a bad reference point but I feel like the leak of the CV rework has increased the numbers of CV's I see in t10 games. Superintendent +1 additional charge to all consumables mounted on a ship. Air Supremacy -5% aircraft restoration time. I use Vig over BoS as the thing is so damn long you need all the advanced warning of torps you can get. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the WorldOfWarships community. Type 1, 2, or 5 camouflage can be equipped for Credits ; Types 1 or 5 are recommended at a minimum to reduce the detection range. The Montana-class would have been the largest, best-protected, and most heavily armed U.S. battleships ever, rivaling the Empire of Japan's immense Yamato-class battleships.
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