For example, when a Museum Hack team member is unexpectedly stepping out of the office, thinks of an idea for a meeting discussion or just wants to throw a crazy piece of non-work related information to the group, the random channel is a great place to turn. share. Participation trophies have become the great stereotype of the millennial generation, but there is a truth hidden in the joke: everyone could use a pat on the back occasionally. To that end, our pet-loving employees gather together in #pets-of-museum-hack to share photos, stories, and tips about our four-legged friends.
Someone might accidentally think we’re normal. That’s why I’d like to share 5 Slack channels that we have, but not everyone should. I want a tour.
Nine months later we decided to run the same research to observe the trend and hopefully find … We don’t write beat poems.
Last year we at Standuply explored that and composed the list of 400 Slack communities. Both are still funny. Let’s jump right in. So, I've gotten a lil' server together with some friends and need some funny names for chat and voice channels.
These short meetings are a great ice-breaker, and a genuine way to build community and truly neighborly feelings in our remote workplace. We’ll share it with you at the low low cost of you recording yourself performing them. See our findings: It took us some time and a lot of coffee to compose this list. Why are stock photos such a trainwreck? Here at Museum Hack, we’re huge champions of the Slack channel. If people at your company have pets they can share, or just enjoy cute pictures of doggos/squeak-loafs/pupperoos/meowfluffs. Not only is shouting out your team members a great way to show some love to the people who work alongside you, doing so in a public forum is a great way to bring more attention to your peers and make sure that your whole team knows who has been exceeding expectations. Can you read the above and imagine it performed like Mike Meyers here? The marketing-nitpicking channel is where we champion our company value of “No failure, only feedback.” We are always striving to serve more customers, companies, and museums, and this channel is a great place to reflect on the little improvements that help us reach the next level.
13. Again, once a year we have fun re-reading and even guessing who said what. Think of it as your Slack water cooler. hide. 5 Slack Channels Every Company Should Definitely NOT Have. It's also a great community for professionals. Is it fun to caption where these stock photos would make sense?
80% Upvoted.
They even have their own subreddit.
Share this article... your friends will love it too! “A house without either a cat or a dog is the house of a scoundrel.” – Portuguese proverb. Required fields are marked *. Creating a channel for random thoughts and opinions allows for your dedicated channels to remain focused and uncluttered. #who-said-it is a place to collect those moments and preserve the group’s odd history. Not only will such a channel provide some welcome levity in your business, it also will provide an opportunity to learn more about your team and the four-legged creatures they call family. S lack keeps growing like crazy with new ways of using the app besides team communications. #stupid-adorable-cute is set to “notify always” for me because it’s always worth the click.
When read properly, they turn into beat poetry. Your team will learn a world class skill they can use at work and in their personal lives. Bonus tip: These aren’t the only integrations that can make your Slack life easier.For a full list of integrations, check out the Slack app directory here. There are several fun places you can go to get the extra crazy stock photos served up to you. Unsurprisingly, you can customize your notification settings in Slack. They actually came out pretty good! Yeah!? The challenge is making them make sense again. For our purposes, beat and slam poetry are combined into a single genre. Your email address will not be published. Some channels we have like #home-and-garden create the strangest conversations. It turns out a lot has happened: There are more than 1000 Slack communities thriving online. It’s like a natural pick-me-up; better than coffee! From now on, I'm going to assume that your token is xoxo-123token. Are most of your random slacks about a specific subject, like availability? Enjoy.
Maybe it reminds everyone of a terrible movie you all watched: Or maybe it’s just a strange iconic moment: save. FITNESS WHOLE PIZZA IN MA MOUTH! Click on the heart and share it with your friends on Medium or click here to send a tweet with this list . The #you-are-awesome channel allows anyone on the team to applaud a team member for a job well done. You should know because in #stocklife it is our job to figure out why.
No team can survive unless its members work together, and no team can truly work together unless they know each other. We’d love to know what you come up with! WARNING: Some stock photos are so bad they are NSFL (Not safe for life). However, I felt it was far too useful. The duos report back to the channel what they learned about each other.
… *spoiler alert* it is! If you want to get the full list in PDF submit your email in the form below and we’ll instantly send it to you. We are. To create a new channel, go to the top of your channel list in Slack and click the (+) sign to the right of the “Channels” heading. Also, it’s a great place for food-related humor.
Slack is more than a team chat. Using Slack is a lot like casting Nicholas Cage in a movie: sometimes it works like a charm, and sometimes you’re caught up in a seemingly unending strange conversation about another person’s journey down an unfamiliar rabbit hole. funny slack channel names.
Last year we at Standuply explored that and composed the list of 400 Slack communities.They are used by many enthusiasts purely for knowledge sharing and chats all over the Globe. Add them in the comments, or maybe even write your own “5” post and share it! Slack keeps growing like crazy with new ways of using the app besides team communications. In order to meet this challenge head-on, we created the #mr-rogers channel.
The #mr-rogers channel is our favorite channel. In case you missed: here are my latest posts with lessons we learned.
Community, clear goals, tasks, and open conversation are all things we value, and that is reflected in the channels we have chosen to create.
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