which is introducing Irish goats into Kenya. The key question we have is whether animal donations compare favorably with other forms of asset transfers in terms of cost-effectiveness, and the Rwanda evaluation is generally silent on that question (though it notes that “Given that animal donations are expensive – Heifer (personal communication) reports that the average full cost of a pregnant cow, delivered to the Rwandan beneficiary households we study, is roughly $3000 –solid evidence of impact is arguably long overdue.”). They include enhanced farming techniques, animal well being, agro-ecology and gender equity—ensuring that all project participants, especially women who throughout much of the world are denied many opportunities that men take for granted, such as land ownership. Heifer is spending millions on initiatives like the Small Scale Dairy
I think there is a lot of similarity between “donor illusions” and the “Nike illusion” you mention. They claim [continued from left column] Two-thirds of non-Caucasians on the planet They can be applied together. So that's my beef with Heifer. The organization has received 3 and 2 stars in the past. If the world is “flat,” that opens up many possibilities for doing things differently. Sunday, October 16 is World Food Day, and this year's theme is "Climate is changing. are lactose intolerant and cannot digest dairy. In concept, I strongly agree with Ian. Return to The Heifer Project: Inhumanity in the Name of Humanity
Your declaration that the gift of a cow or a goat or other livestock to Heifer International is “donor illusion” is inaccurate. I donate my hard earned money to make change for the better not to make the well-off even richer.
Sustainable agriculture, which includes animals, is at the heart of everything Heifer does with project participants and families. In Tanzania, evaluators found most partner families were initially undernourished, but within a couple years after receiving an animal, were able to maintain a healthy diet. The Charity Navigator rating isn’t just less useful than a GiveWell-style analysis — it’s nearly useless if your goal is to actually help people with your donation. Gary Kowalski is the author of Science and the Search for God (Lantern Can they do without these luxuries, YES. Heifer Project International provides cows, sheep, and other livestock to rural families around the world with the aim of fighting hunger.
I would go in that order. I’ve pointed people to this blog post and Joedy’s comments a few times when Heifer is mentioned. This is wholly unacceptable if not pernicious. Although the “impact” question is complex and not easily answered, the bottom line is that one can find organizations that have both a good record on impact and do not pay its executives excessive amounts. Trainers from International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) conducted the writeshop for developing capacities of Heifer staff. chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese and even ostriches. Additionally, families agree to Pass on the Gift, too, by passing on offspring of the animal as well as the education and training they received to others, multiplying the initial gift. I think the question that Mary raised about CEO salaries is very relevant given the stated missions of the organizations that they are leading. I think Heifer does some good Copyright © 1998-2020 The Mary T. and Frank L. Hoffman Family Foundation. are warm and fuzzy and the message is appealing. Mary, what is your source for the “80% overhead” figure? But lately, we’ve gone into a bit more detail about our take on several of the best-known and most appealing charities out there. Summaries aren’t worth much. If you have to choose between two organizations with slightly different cost effectiveness and far different executive pay, you’d still do better to choose the one with higher cost effectiveness.
"improve" the gene pool with foreign imports can have unforeseen As a result, the idea that Nike doesn’t turn you into LeBron James is widely recognized. Why are the WMU evaluations confidential, anyway? The promise evident in animal donation programs is apparent, even if the impacts remain difficult to estimate precisely in small, observational studies such as ours. Thank God someone is doing this homework, at last! Cull ‘good intentions’ of useless self serving operations going round in circles of their own PR importance! Even taken at face value, we don’t find the Rwanda evaluation particularly informative: we would expect that giving families large assets in the form of animals would lead to moderate improvements in food security. However, I signed a nondisclosure agreement with Heifer that requires me not to disclose the contents of the evaluation. from your local bookstore. So, for example, I would consider an organization’s rating by GiveWell, then use Charity Navigator to evaluate what it pays its executives. Evaluators witnessed improvements around the world. The grain that could
www.kowalskibooks.com or By contrast, donors generally. But
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