The urban GER of 105% (male: 118%, female: 92%) is significantly higher than the rural GER of 84% (male: 95%, female: 70%). [19] Tharparkar has been suffering a drought for several decades and the provincial government has declared Tharparkar as a drought-affected area. Like the rest of Pakistan, domestic banking in Tharparkar is conducted interest-free as a result of previous Islamization of banking. The peafowl of Thar once caught attention of Alexander the Great while he was passing through Sindh. [218][219][220] As of November 2019, the 2017 census has not released its religious data. Parkar was the youngest sister among Dawood's 11 siblings. [61], As a part of humanitarian efforts, 287,000 families in Tharparkar each received 50 kg of wheat 12 times. [351][352][353][354][355][356][357][358][359][360], Coordinates: 24°44′24″N 69°48′00″E / 24.74000°N 69.80000°E / 24.74000; 69.80000, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, removing references to unnecessary or disreputable sources, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited, NED University of Engineering and Technology, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), United Nation Development Programme (UNDP), National Commission for Human Development, Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Children (SPARC), "Tharis warned against violating cultivation ban", "SC formed monitoring committee visits Thar", "DISTRICT WISE CENSUS RESULTS CENSUS 2017", "Population - Pakistan Bureau of Statistics", "Use of space-based technology to search for alternate sources of water in Tharparkar | Space4Water Portal", "Thar: where Muslims and Hindus live in complete religious harmony", "Pakistan police investigate 'joint suicide' of sisters-in-law", "Social & Environmental Baseline of Tharparkar District 2013",, "Web Portal of Population Welfare Department Government of Sindh", "Pakistan Emergency Situational Analysis - District Tharparkar, May 2014 - Pakistan", "Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation->destinations>Sindh->Tharparkar->Introduction",, "Drought Situation Report of Sindh Particularly in District Tharparkar-2018", "Last 20 Years Rainfall Record of Tharparkar and Drought History | Jhangi Zone", "Pakistan: Prolonged drought threatens communities in Thar Desert", "Evaluation of Thar Rural Development Project", "Comprehensive Assessment of Drought and Famine in Sind Arid Zones", "Over 500 children died in drought-hit Thar this year, Murad told", "Post monsoon floristic inventory of Nagarparkar, District Tharparkar, Sindh, Pakistan", "Mammalian Diversity in Thar Desert Habitat of Tharparkar District by Zoological Society Of Pakistan", "Conservation of endangered wild species in Thar demanded", "Gorano declared new habitat for migratory birds in Thar", "Illegal business of snakes, scorpions thriving in interior Sindh | Pakistan Today", "At Pakistan border, BSF fights snakes, Scorpions and porcupines too", "The unexpected little underdogs of the big bad desert", "Orthopteran Biodiversity of Thar Desert, Sindh, Pakistan | Riffat Sultana | Request PDF", "Sindh Minister's Solution to Locust Attack Is Eating Insects", "Chinkara Wildlife Sanctuary – Wildlife of Pakistan", "Gorano Reservoir declared as Ecotourism destination in Thar", "IUCN declares Gorano in Tharparkar a new habitat for migratory birds", "IUCN Identifies Tharparkar As A Major Sanctuary For Endangered Species Of Vulture", "Thar declared major vulture sanctuary in Sindh - Zameen News", " Latest News Breaking Pakistan, World, Live Videos", "More Than 170 Peacocks Have Died In Thar Due To A Contagious Disease And Everyone Is Quiet! Fauna of Thar is also part of art, culture, heritage and great histories. [77] Despite these efforts, the living standard index of Tharparkar has fallen by 50% between 2005 and 2015.
In 1858, the entire area around Tharparkar became part of Hyderabad, and in 1860 the region became part of the newly organized Eastern Sindh Frontier which was headquartered at Amarkot. Sant Nenuram Ashram (سنت نيڻورام آشرم ) also known as Puranbharti Ashram (پرڻڀارتي آشرم ) or Aakharo (آکاڊون) was established by Nihalchand Pabani(Neem Revolutionist) in Islamkot (also known as Neem Town or Sant Nenuram Nagri). [174] Also in 2019, the World Bank approved a $1.93 billion loan to Sindh to be used in several initiatives with various goals, including the development of Tharparkar’s rural economy. Although Tharparkar has been affected by drought for at least 17 years, and has been a subject of efforts of numerous major NGOs, including USAID, DFID and several branches of the United Nations, no detailed, statistical report on water resources and measures to improve the situation has been published by the government. In addition, thunderstorms and resultant lightning strikes cause an abnormally large amount of death. [175][176] Since, this occurred just after Sindh CM was summoned by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) in graft probe, has raised concerns among people. Naurata is celebrated twice in a year by Sindhi Hindus in the honor of goddess Durga. [295] The valuable and multi-coloured hill supporting the temple is mined for its rare and expensive granite, which is posing a serious threat to the hill and this ancient Hindu temple. Since then many breeding herds have been assembled in India and Pakistan. [325], Social issues in Tharparkar exist and are exacerbated by lack of education and awareness about problems. [64] The government's Benazir Income Support Programme has transferred Rs 387 billion since 2008. These women belong to under privileged and poor segment who consider it as their source of income. Now, with rise in road connectivity these trucks mostly transport the goods or general items. In early mornings they are seen roaming from one house roof to other and locals often offer them grains for feeding. ",, Articles that may be too long from March 2020, Wikipedia references cleanup from March 2020, Articles covered by WikiProject Wikify from March 2020, All articles covered by WikiProject Wikify, Wikipedia articles with style issues from March 2020, Wikipedia articles that are excessively detailed from March 2020, All articles that are excessively detailed, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2020, All articles with links needing disambiguation, Articles with links needing disambiguation from October 2020, Articles needing additional references from January 2020, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Health and Nutrition Development Society (, Sindh Agricultural and Forestry Workers Coordinating Organization (, Society for Conservation and Protection of Environment (, Association For Water Applied Education & Renewable Energy (, Participatory Village Development Programme (, This page was last edited on 2 November 2020, at 20:20. Haseena's passport No A2745364 issued on April 5, 1997 was valid till April 6, 2007. [citation needed], In October 2018, the Chief Minister of Sindh authorized the use of Rs 336.7 million for the construction of 110 reverse osmosis plants. It is also known as White or Gray Sindhi, Cutchi and Thari. [19], Tharparkar experiences the effects of earthquakes, floods, thunderstorms, drought, and locust attacks. As her brother turns big in the underworld scene, his enemies also increase manifold. Major tourist destinations in Tharparkar district include: These approximately 14 Jain temples along with Bhodesar Mosque are scattered throughout Nagarparkar taluka are inscribed on the tentative list for UNESCO World Heritage as the Nagarparkar Cultural Landscape. These health facilities included 1 district headquarters hospital with a capacity of 50 beds and 3 tehsil headquarters hospitals with capacities of 80 beds each. According to reports, Dawood stayed in the flat before fleeing India after 1993 Mumbai blasts.
[294] However many devotees across the world arrive in Diplo during the annual "Parbrahma Jo Melo" or "Parbrahma Mela" held in Jeth (the third Sindhi month).
The first song of the film, "Tere Bina", sung by Arijit Singh and Priya Saraiya, was released on 29 August 2017. [14] It grossed a total of ₹9.06 crore (US$1.3 million) during its run against the budget of ₹18 crore (US$2.5 million) and was declared a "disaster". The duration of this festival is nine nights (and ten days) which is marked by fasting and abstinence. [87][100][101], Between 2002 and 2018, the district was represented in the Provincial Assembly of Sindh by constituencies 60, 61, 62, and 63. The truck is decorated with various designs and flowers. [127][128][129][130][131], Bahawalpur district’s Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park, the largest photovoltaic power station in Pakistan, has a photovoltaic electricity output (PVOUT) of 1596 kWh/kWp per year and a global horizontal irradiance (GHI) of 1925 kWh/m2 per year.
The film Haseena Parkar (2017) is a biographical crime film based on his sister, Haseena Parkar. [137], The efficacy, political motivations, and administration of these plants have been called into question, and as a result of a four-month lapse in pay, workers went on strike in October 2018, causing a significant water crisis.
Its audio and lyrical version was released on 19 September 2017 and 29 September 2017 respectively. ",, "Multidimensional Poverty in Pakistan by UNDP", "Dubai-based Indian businessman builds 62 water hand pumps in Pakistan", "Dubai-Based Indian Man Installs Hand Pumps In Poor Pak District: Report", "SC plans body to examine govt measures in Tharparkar - Pakistan", "BISP, WFP ink MoU to mitigate food insecurity in drought-ht Tharparkar", "WFP Pakistan Country Brief, May 2019 - Pakistan", "Rs 15bn spent on development projects in Tharparkar", "Much-awaited free wheat distribution in Thar begins today - Pakistan", "Rs1.8 billion royalty of coal project to be spent on Thar | Pakistan Today", "Four newborns die of malnutrition in Tharparkar, toll mounts to 326 in 2019 | Pakistan Today", "Malnutrition claims life of five more children in Tharparkar | Pakistan Today", "Newborn baby brought in a bag for treatment at Tharparkar hospital", "Tharparkar'da 10 ayda 700'den fazla çocuk 'yetersiz beslenme ve hastalıktan' öldü | Tarafsız Haber Ajansı", "84 Infants Died In Sindh: Where Is The Sindh Government? The immigrating families were given 12 acres of land each (a total of 42,000 acres).
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