Just do it. Don't you think there is some trickery there if they keep taking peoples money but stop supporting it going forward? They are generally energetic and upbeat but sometimes lack self-control. When you have Pokémon like Klefki, Trubbish etc. Sony dropped PS3 and Vita support for PS+ games, but they gave people a full years notice so they didn't renew. Dragon Quest?
How the internet is reacting about this news: https://i.imgflip.com/33fd6d.jpg, You wanted a main Pokemon game on the Switch? Unless they screw it up like with Gold & Silver (until Iwata helped them) the games wil fit easily on a 16gb cartridge, and considering Nintendo doesn't have to pay license to use them that price you say is nonsense too.
It's already bad enough they lock content to saves that are timed events. Now, what if you transfer a Pokemon that isn't in the new Pokedex? @Reigestugatensho You seem to be completely failing to understand what people are saying. Ecosystems don’t work like that in real life without human meddling. Junichi Masuda height, weight & body stats. It's so frustrating to see so many franchises like Zelda, Animal Crossing, Mario, Mario Maker, Smash, etc evolve into amazing games yet Pokemon takes one step forward two steps back. If they allowed Game Freak to delay this game their share price would hit the floor. True story. I need a list of missing Pokemons in Sword / Shiels, so we can prepare our heart. @Yomerodes I get what you're saying apart from the Vespiquen example? Reorganize the pokedex! I love pokemon, but the balance between them is literally inexistent. This reasoning makes no sense since I doubt they will actually make "higher quality animations". The education details are not available at this time. In games that have one save file. ... ($3.5 billion 2018) by having around $80 billion net worth. But it is a bummer and I'm not sure I completely buy their explanation. @Alber-san Nintendo has already pushed back the release of two games this year, so I highly doubt that they'll delay the new Pokemon games.
as someone who wants to get into pokemon the sheer number of them has always put me off.
It would be a breath of fresh air to see different Pokemon in the mix. Junichi Masuda (増田 順一, Masuda Jun'ichi, born January 12, 1968) is a Japanese video game composer, director, designer, producer, singer, programmer and trombonist, best known for his work in the Pokémon franchise. 100% doable with the near unlimited funds the franchise draws in?
Now, stop complaing. I don't really mind that actually, it would be insane if they had to create new models and animations for each game, especially at the rate they're churning them out. But ultimately, this is a series with the tag line "Gotta Catch Em All", of course there will be upset among fans regardless of the reasoning you give. If all the current Pokemon were available in each new region, none of the regions would really feel as unique, just a new backdrop for gen wunners to catch the exact same Pokemon yet again. I didn't like x and y pokemon much.
But yeah, it was pretty much just balancing and getting this optimal selection of Pokemon for the adventure we wanted to provide.". GF sticking to their guns in the newest interviews points towards a technical issue. Its kinda sad to see this many people about this. Hype levels dropping.
I don't get the drama around this.It was bound to happen at some point.
Feel free to contribute! On the other hand, you're absolutely right that Pokémon games are horribly programmed (massively duplicated code and loads of unnecessary calls, for example), but that's simply another aspect of what people are upset about. If you see something that doesn’t look right, contact us. You can still store all Pokémon in the Pokémon Home app. So if my parents hadn't gone on vacation I wouldn't be living in this house right now. He’d much rather just have a night in with Mario Kart and a pizza, and we can’t say we blame him. The only thing that's been updated for all of the models and animations that have been there since X and Y, which is what the other user was talking about, is the resolution of the textures and of the game itself. I've actually written a game that functions essentially the same as pokemon. @MasterJay Can you link to one (1) example of an animation that wasn't already there on the 3DS? @AndreaF96 yeah that’s what I meant. Just give me some of my favorites and I’ll be happy. Honestly I don't mind this at all. We're probably going to get the missing pokemon later, so I'm not to worried.
Literally everything they've shown off except the Dynamaxed Pokemon are the exact same 3D models & animations they've had since X&Y but in HD. @Yorumi fair enough. If you went online you immediately were checked by a Tapu Legendary, and an Ultra Beast, usually followed by another legendary with a Z move and some broken mega Pokemon. No doubt there will be some form of expansion on Switch which will generate lots more sales. Discover the net worth of Junichi Masuda. Like I said previously, it's a balancing act. @Buizel if you unsubscribe you lose all the pokemon in bank. Fine! I'd be more willing to accept utter incompetence. He directed and composed the music for Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, and produced Pokémon Platinum. The people behind the most profitable multi media franchise ever trying to pull a "please understandu" give me a break. I don't even think the Switch could handle something like that. His work sticks to older mainstays of the series, including a focus on handheld game consoles and 2D graphics. In other words you prefer a €60 incomplete game now, than a complete one next year. There are way too many horrible pokemon in the game that need to be removed. I don't think that a game should only be evaluated by its replayability. What an absolute load of baloney.
Please be excited! I just hope they decide to include the national pokedex to sword/shield. Now, I do have a handful of Pokemon I have been religiously moving from game to game since I started playing Pokemon Ruby 15 years ago, but aside from a lv.100 Swampert and a few other ones (which are admittedly unlikely to be cut from Sw/Sh as they are rather major), the rest of my collection can happily stay in my X cartridge for the rest of time. The lawyer sued the driver of my car instead. Like many celebrities and famous people, Junichi keeps his personal and love life private. And the reality is that they could probably do it much faster! It's not lazy to cater to the needs of millions of fans of all ages and satisfy everyone. @Hunt3r_Cr0wl3y I also loved gen 5 pokemon. The real excuse is probably that there's no more space on the cart thanks to Dynamax adding 3 or more identical models for each Pokemon (the embiggened model itself with all the transitional stages). Then I asked her to marry me, we got engaged, my lawyer sued her, got $40k from her insurance, which I used to buy her a house, then after we got married she dropped her insurance which paid the claim and I put her on mine auto insurance. Still I could accept that happily if they included tha national dex. I think that the Sword/Shield will sell better than the 3DS games. They could have very well included each pokemon with just a little bit more effort (Pokémon generates great incomes, so it would have been feasible from a financial point of view). @Kirgo https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/262762273376960513/588660457548808194/animations.webm, Yeah...what were you saying about animations? This will all blow over sooner or later. @Reigestugatensho I don't think you understand the point. But they can't just re-use the other models because...? Let's hope they get rid of most of the gen 5 pokemon. @Angelic_Lapras_King https://serebii.net/swordshield/galarpokedex.shtml this is the list of every pokemon seen from the demo. He helped compose the music for games like Mendel Palace and Smart Ball before beginning to work on the first Pokémon games. I honestly don’t care about this at all. @-DG yeah. He named a character in Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire after his daughter Kiri.
@marandahir i knew someone would point it out the second i posted the comment. And if the amount of text is anything like SM/USUM, there is not even a little bit of a chance that I will be buying these games. They already have models and animations done anyway. Videos.
@Reigestugatensho Lol don't worry bro, you didn't gave me any headache but it's cool you cleared this out, Guess I'l just buy better games coming out this year, Since they can’t just copy paste the Pokémon from the 3ds games and they still have their make gen 8, it makes perfect sense that they can’t make all 807 Pokémon in super detailed HD that people expect on the switch. Mega Rayquaza?
@Yorumi ahah ok we had the same idea. No. There is literally no reason. We are currently in process of looking up more information on the previous dates and hookups.
Please understand".
@rjejr is there a pokemon bank for the switch. I wasn't keen on x and y. Does their using transfered pokemon mean you can't use new ones? I really hope they come to their senses, they are a juggernaut billionaire of a company and they have the manpower to make an amazing game, but a lot of effort is some kind of taboo to them apparently. Do people really need to capture 1,000 Pokemon in 1 game?
Here's their exact quote: "Pokémon HOME isn’t tied to a single game system, meaning you can connect with Pokémon Bank, along with #PokemonLetsGo, #PokemonSwordShield, and #PokemonGO. GF's coding of gen 7 games was already extremely sloppy, with each area having separate set of models for all characters and objects and I seriously doubt much has changed in that regard in just a few years. Hosted by 44 Bytes. Anyway I will probably skip sword/shield because of the lack of megaevolutions,z-moves and, most importantly, many old pokemon.
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