During summer vacations, Katharine worked at the Post, but after she received her Bachelor of Arts degree in history, she moved to California and worked as a waterfront reporter for the San Francisco News. (October 16, 2020). In 1973 the Post received a Pulitzer Prize for public service. She willingly deferred to her husband while he encouraged her to retain her job. "Graham, Katharine After her graduation with a B.A. In 1979 Graham turned the title of publisher over to her son Donald (born 1945). Available at http://people.aol.com. That changed when Graham went to the University of Chicago to study history in 1936. Her insecurities about being in such a lofty role are well documented in her Pulitzer-Prize winning autobiography, “Personal History”. Over the following two years, she grew much closer to her father as the result of their regular correspondence. Jacob E. Cooke Katharine's education included the elite Madeira School in Greenway, Virginia, where she pursued her growing interest in journalism by working on the school paper. …and firmly by his wife, Katharine Meyer Graham. In fact, Katharine Graham made most of her decisions based on the notion that governments should not dictate what ought to be published. who had a warm relationship with his son-inlaw, turned the business over to the Grahams in 1948 for one dollar. With Katharine Graham at the helm, truth and integrity were the order of the day. Two Post reporters, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, were the foremost investigators of the crimes of the Nixon administration. Graham had already lined up a newspaper job at the end of her degree. What I loved was her commitment to journalism and the fight for a free press. In 1948 Meyer sold the paper to Katharine and Phil for a token sum. Determined to preserve the family character of the business, she took up the reins after the death of her husband and worked hard not only to build but to improve her publishing empire. The administration moved quickly to deny any involvement in the affair. "Katharine Meyer Graham New York: Putnam's, 1993. In 1933, when Katharine was still a student at the Madeira School in Greenway, Virginia, her father bought the dying Washington Post for $875,000. Well worth the read. 1973: Became CEO of The Washington Post Company. move to Florida. The reputation of the paper was sky-high, and things weren’t looking too shabby on the business side either. With the publication of the Pentagon Papers in 1971 and the newspaper’s unrelenting investigation of Watergate in 1972–74, the Post increased its circulation and became the … One of them was Katharine Graham, the first woman to head up a major American newspaper and the brilliant media mogul who presided over the Washington Post from the mid-1960s until her retirement in 1991. Within the “Cite this article” tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. "100 Women of the Millennium," Women.com, 20 July 2001. People.com, 20 July 2001. As a reporter for the San Francisco News, Katharine Graham's first serious assignment was to lure delegates attending the convention of the Women's Christian Temperance Union to a bar with the simple proposition that they visit the scene of the crimes they railed against. At a Glance… Further controversy followed in June 1972, when an investigative reporting team, It wasn’t only Phil who was enjoying a rapid rise to the top; in the summer of 1946, Roosevelt asked the now 70-year-old Eugene to join the recently established World Bank as its first president. Welcome back. And I still feel the same." That dignity and integrity served her well. Over time, she gradually began to change her position. BusinessWeek.com, 20 July 2001. One of Graham’s first steps was letting him go. When she was young, Katharine Graham had a demanding mother and wanted nothing more than to fit in. Mrs. Graham presided over one of the most influential newspaper of all time during one of the most politically tumultuous and ethically compromised eras of the modern age. In fact, storytelling is so powerful a tool that once you become a storyteller, you have a great responsibility to tell stories that improve the lives of those around you. https://www.encyclopedia.com/arts/news-wires-white-papers-and-books/graham-katharine, "Graham, Katharine Katharine met him at a party where the aggressive and funny Philip immediately got the attention of the more subdued Katharine. Web site: http://www.washpos…, George Washington She was eulogized (remembered after death) by a large array of public figures, ranging from former first lady Nancy Reagan (1921–) and former secretary of state Henry Kissinger (1923–) to Noor Al Hussein (1951–), queen of Jordan. But it wasn’t the great events of world history currently unfolding before her eyes that Graham wrote about. The paper's reputation was further enhanced when, in 1971, Graham defied a restraining order and pursued publication of the famous "Pentagon Papers," revealing U.S. government involvement in the Vietnam War. He confronted McCarthyism, the unwarranted anti–communism campaign that ultimately persecuted innocent people, with a scathing editorial that likened Senator Power, Privilege, and the Post: The Katharine Graham Story. One month after her husband’s suicide, Graham was named publisher of the Washington Post. Journalist Laughing at whatever they said was guaranteed to win their favor and, sure enough, they would find her attractive. © 2019 Encyclopedia.com | All rights reserved. In the period from 1975 to 1985 profits grew better than 20 percent annually. The transition period was made easier thanks to the company’s strong market position. From overcoming oppression, to breaking rules, to reimagining the world or waging a rebellion, these women of history have a story to tell. Wouldn’t people assume he had been hired simply because of his connections to the family that owned the paper? Her curiosity had been piqued, and she would later return to the country to visit army bases several times over the remaining years of the war. How could they ever assert leadership over their natural superiors? Spoke at Cotton States and International Exposi…, Katharine Gibbs School: Narrative Description, Katharine Gibbs School (New York): Tabular Data, Katharine Gibbs School (New York): Narrative Description, Katharine Gibbs School (Melville): Tabular Data, Katharine Gibbs School (Melville): Narrative Description, Katharine DuPre Lumpkin and Dorothy Wolff Douglas, Katharine, Duchess of Atholl, to Eleanor Roosevelt, https://www.encyclopedia.com/education/economics-magazines/graham-katharine, https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/graham-katharine, https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/katharine-meyer-graham, https://www.encyclopedia.com/arts/news-wires-white-papers-and-books/graham-katharine. One of her first major trips came in 1965. In 1979 Graham turned the title of publisher over to her son Donald. Nevertheless, she was knowledgeable enough to surround herself with a capable staff. ." But she remained active in all areas of the business, from advising on editorial policy to devising strategies for diversifying the company's holdings, which included, in addition to the Post and Newsweek, the Trenton Times, four television stations, and 49 percent interest in a paper company. Her story is profoundly touching, from the challenges she faced professionally as a woman of her time (a photo of Katherine at an Associated Press board meeting, in which she is the only woman at a giant table of 23 editors and publishers, gives a hint) and personally (her husband Phil Graham, who was bipolar, shot himself when she was in the house) to the courageous roles she played in US history, publishing the Pentagon Papers, reversing the Post's position on the Vietnam War, and sticking with the Watergate Story when no other papers would follow. "Media's Katharine Graham, 1917–2001." Encyclopedia of World Biography. Available at http://people.aol.com. Martin Mayer in "Lady as Publisher," Harper's (December 1968), interviewed Graham. It was read and consulted by presidents and prime ministers in this country and abroad and had a powerful influence … Here are a few of the leadership qualities Graham utilized most. During her tenure, which lasted until 1991, Graham made what were potentially some of the toughest decisions a publisher has ever had to make – and her decisions led to two of the greatest moments in American journalism. And if that wasn’t demanding enough, she also took piano lessons on the side! So instead of taking on a high-profile job as a reporter, she decided to work behind the scenes with the Washington Post’s editorial staff. 1998: Won Pulitzer Prize for best–selling autobiography Personal History. He hit the ground running and was working overtime alongside Eugene. Katharine Graham was born to be a newspaperwoman. Commentary, August 1997. . A recognized Washington woman who had devoted her time to raising her daughter and three sons, she had never lost her interest in the affairs of the family business. Such notable statesman and dignitaries included former president Clinton, former secretary of state Henry Kissinger, former secretary of defense Robert McNamara, and President Bush remembered Graham as "the beloved first lady of Washington journalism.". As the most junior member of the editorial team, Graham's assignments were on the least important issues of the day—so-called light editorials. Encyclopedia.com. Business Leader Profiles for Students. She expected a lot from her children – too much, perhaps. Decisions like this boosted the company’s stock further. But there was more to it than that. Katharine Meyer Graham was born in New York City on June 16, 1917, the fourth of five children born to Eugene Meyer, a banker, and Agnes Elizabeth (Ernst) Meyer, an author and generous contributor to charity. Katharine Graham understood this, and it was what made the Post so successful under her leadership. The newly formed Washington Post Company, with Philip as its president, began to enlarge in circulation and influence. Print. Updates? The incumbent managing editor was Al Friendly, who was getting on in age. It was full of young employees and the newsroom was a relaxed, informal place – a perfect setting to learn the ropes! At the same time the Post, which boasts a circulation (the number of copies sold or delivered) of 725,000, serves as a hometown paper for a general audience who enjoyed the features, cartoons, and advice columns.
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