In these tarot layouts, the first card represents your current situation, your mood, your emotional or psychological state. Using more cards is a great way of getting a look at the bigger picture which is why using both the major and minor arcana cards provides the most in-depth information.
When talking about tarot, a spread is considered to be the number of cards that are chosen and the way they unfold before you to answer the question that has been posed. When you’re ready, a card will be drawn from the deck with the answer you seek on it. If you like, you can create a relaxing atmosphere for the reading by burning some incense and lighting up a few candles, and even playing soft music. Here’s the basic layout: Card 2 – The Magician – Actions that need to be taken, Card 3 – The High Priestess – Mysteries that need to be uncovered, Card 4 – The Empress – Sources of creativity and abundance, Card 5 – The Emperor – Required structures. This service is for entertainment purposes only. Tarot card images courtesy of the Everyday Tarot, The Wild Unknown and Lumina Tarot. So, in choosing a Tarot spread that is appropriate for the Major Arcana, we need to keep these aspects in mind. This spread is ideal for simple questions, and for those who are learning how to use tarot cards to do readings. Use only the Major Arcana cards for any Tarot spread of your choice.
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