More specifically, during the Renaissance era, a new form of art was developed, changing the way that we look at art to this day. Humanists believed that this period was one of greatness; They wanted to recapture as much as they could. One convicted of such a grievous offense was often excommunicated or killed, either by means of a proper execution or by a hostile mob. September 2017 Johannes Gutenberg, a German, invented the printing press in 1450s. The emphasis on these two ideas during, the Renaissance era, a new form of art was developed, changing the way that we look at art to this day. Individualism, or dictionary defined as: the view that stresses the importance and view of each person, practically exploded during the Renaissance.
Also, the revival of classical learning and education that occurred in the Renaissance was the exact opposite of the suppression of learning during the Middle Ages, ancient Roman event, following the ever present Renaissance trend of going back to the classics. Change can be defined as a basic alteration in a specific thing, event, or idea. Individualism and Secularism were ideas that were introduced in the Renaissance and became fairly popular with the citizens who had experienced this time period. In England and the northern Netherlands the Reformation brought religious painting almost completely to an end. Individualism When the renaissance first started the fact that god was the one who created everything and was the only one that will create amazing things was popular. Unlike the Italian Renaissance that was influenced by Ancient Rome, the Northern Renaissance used Christian sources to propel the movement. These pillars are humanism fueled by Petrarch’s passionate writing, secularism and Botticelli’s works depicting. This was called humanism. Even though the movement still adhered to Christianity, there was a larger focus on the individual's power to succeed and serve as a virtuous member of society. Prior to the Printing Revolution, information spread in Europe through people rewriting books and copying the Bible. The slow demise of feudalism also weakened a long-established policy in which church officials helped keep the population of the manor under control in return for tribute.
Prior to the Printing Revolution the way information spread in Europe was through people rewriting books, and mainly the copied the Bible. However that started to change as people especially artists believed that man could achieve things that others could not.
Eventually European power spread around the globe. The renaissance became a historical movement that marked the beginning of individualism and modernity through the unification of philosophers, artists, writers, and poets.
[2] Despite frequent cultural and artistic exchange, the Antwerp Mannerists (1500–1530)—chronologically overlapping with but unrelated to Italian Mannerism—were among the first artists in the Low Countries to clearly reflect Italian formal developments. Renaissance humanism and the large number of surviving classical artworks and monuments encouraged many Italian painters to explore Greco-Roman themes more prominently than northern artists, and likewise the famous 15th-century German and Dutch paintings tend to be religious. Prior to the Renaissance, Italy and much of Europe were entrenched in the Middle Ages viewpoint that man … Along those, were the values of individualism and generalism.
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