Kick is not used for calculating the layouts, as it is functionally identical to Backhand, except that it pushes back some enemies. Regular bar with hurricane, quake and cleave at the beginning i suppose. It needs repair. I will be using revolution. Posted by 4 years ago. share. report. report. (This is particularly true of Sacrifice.). 2 comments.
Revolution++ bars [edit | edit source].
However, this generally does not happen, and the amount it increases AADPT by isn't enough to change the order of layouts. You may want to consider adding some AoE abilities (such as chain, ricochet, quake...) manually. hide. The base repair cost of the Noxious scythe when completely degraded to 0.0% item charge is 4,500,000 coins. This provides a discount of 0.5% per Smithing level (including boosts). Thank you :) 5 comments ... Slice, Barge. Dunstan - the smith in Burthorpe 4. This represents the highest damage that Bash can do. Abilities that state a single percentage in their description (... does 188% weapon damage) really mean that the ability does up to that percentage. Press J to jump to the feed.
Squire - in the workshop area of the Void Knights' Outpost Alternatively, it can be repaired on an armour stand in a player-owned house, or a whet… Bash is a basic shield ability that does 100% ability damage plus the armour value of the shield plus your Defence level, with a 15 second cooldown. A subreddit dedicated to the MMORPG RuneScape. After the Going like Clockwork update, ultimate and threshold abilities can be placed, and are automatically triggered. Also sorry for the other posts from other users who are telling you all kinds of other bullshit but not the actual answer. The only problem is: I can't really discover what melee abilities to use on the ability bar when using revolution. Several abilities are identical in damage and cooldown, so can be swapped to favour one or the other for their secondary effect, or to swap handedness, without changing the layout's AADPT: RuneScape Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Tuska's Wrath and Barge are abilities I put outside my Revolution since those are really great utility basics.
if your next ability was going to hit 200%, it would hit 200+5=205% (not 200*1.05=210%)). param = cost|cost|4500000|hidden|||, From the RuneScape Wiki, the wiki for all things RuneScape. ","noteable":"no"}, {"edible":"no","members":"yes","noteable":"yes","stackable":"no","stacksinbank":"yes","death":"reclaimable","name":"Noxious scythe","bankable":"yes","gemw":{"name":"Noxious scythe","limit":2},"equipable":"yes","disassembly":"yes","release_date":"28 July 2014","id":"31725","release_update_post":"Araxxor, Twitch Integration and Lobby Update","lendable":"no","destroy":"Drop","highalch":500000,"weight":2.267,"tradeable":"yes","examine":"A lethal scythe, made from spider parts. Minimum damage (shield with 0 armour, no Defence): 100%, Normally, it does 110% damage with a 15 second cooldown, When the monster being fought is your current Slayer task (with exception to non-tagable monsters) it does 100 * your Slayer level (which can be increased by a slayer helm's damage increase), with a 120 second cooldown, Cleave and Decimate for Strength, and Smash and Havoc for Attack - swapping these pairs (Cleave and Smash for Decimate and Havoc) is a simple way to swap between two-handed and dual-wielding melee (in addition to thresholds/ultimates), Dazing Shot and Needle Strike can be swapped to change from two-handed to dual-wielded ranged with minimal change to AADPT. Squire - in the workshop area of the Void Knights' OutpostAlternatively, it can be repaired on an armour stand in a player-owned house, o… hide. This will last for ten seconds or until the spider loses all 10,000 of its life points, whichever comes first.
Don't know why people get all pissy and take the moral high ground as if the abyss is cheating lol. As the damage is not a pure percentage, it has to be adjusted to be calculated into the optimal layouts properly. Find your ability damage in your Gear interface, under the Loadout tab with the combat stats. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This page was last modified on 26 October 2020, at 22:50. Except abyssal demons, with the right setup, are MORE afk than abyss. level 2. It requires level 90 Attack to wield. Looking for a good nox scythe ability bar. Berserk is on there as #4, but it's only used if the crit bonus from meteor strike has been so effective, that all the first three are on cooldown at the same time. It takes account of the maximum and minimum damage of each ability (thus average), is weapon-independent (being a percentage), and is rated per game tick, as opposed to per second (1 tick = 0.6 seconds). It is an empirical measure of comparing revolution layouts, and is given as a percentage. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. - - - - - - - - - - With the new Revo +, what should my bar look like? Saradomin and the abyssal demons require attention to aggro pot or prayer renewal. It can be repaired by: 1. For ease of calculation, this is included into the Needle Strike damage rather than the next ability (since it'd be the same amount regardless).
For instance, if the player is hit by an attack that deals 1000 damage, both the player and the spider take 500 damage, and the attacker receives 500 points of deflection damage. Ectoplasmator takes care of prayer.
The Noxious scythe has a special attack named Mirrorback, which requires full adrenaline and will summon a mirrorback spider to aid the player.
It can be repaired by: Alternatively, it can be repaired on an armour stand in a player-owned house, or a whetstone device anywhere. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. It'd be a waste since they die so quick anyways. The noxious scythe may be augmented using the Invention skill. Note: when a table row states "with [an ability]", the ability is simply being considered for inclusion and may not actually be part of the layout if it doesn't improve the DPT of the layout. This special attack does not work against certain attacks, and also cannot deflect damage back to attackers that are immune to deflection damage. These action bars include all such abilities for increased damage per second. param = charge|Item Charge|0.0|number|0.0-100.0|| The calculator form will appear here soon.
New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Spider leg top Creating a noxious scythe by buying a spider leg yields a profit of 147,647,692 coins. template = Calculator:Template/Smithing/Armour stand
Spider leg bottom If a layout contains both a stunning ability (Impact/Backhand/Kick/Binding Shot) and a stun-buffed ability (Wrack/Punish/Piercing Shot), and the stun-buffed ability occurs immediately after the stunning ability, the AADPT of the layout is increased slightly.
For example, Sever does 188% ability damage. save.
Reproduced from the base page. 7 comments. Araxxi's fang Keep slaughter) -> Barge -> Slice -> Tuskas Wrath. layouts generated will be able to continuously use basic abilities forever. You will need JavaScript enabled. While active, the spider will reduce damage from attacks against the player by 50%, and reflect that damage to the attacker, but it will also be damaged for an equal amount. What it does is make sure all your non-AOE's one hit the abyssals, while also using cleave three times before hurricane is ready. For all the fucking idiots flaming me, Quake, Cleave, Hurricane, Meteor Strike, Dismember, Sever, Smash, Slice is netting me 735k xp/h with augmented crystal halberd in the Abyss while I watch netflix.
It is currently the third most powerful two-handed melee weapon outside of Daemonheim, surpassed by the Zaros godsword and Masterwork Spear of Annihilation. It needs repair. 1666 ability damage with an AADPT of 30.81% gives 513.3 DPT, Divide this by 0.6 to convert from DPT to DPS, Equally, you can convert from AADPT to AADPS (Average Ability Damage Per Second) by dividing the AADPT value by 0.6, That enemies are not moved during any bleed ability, That no adrenaline boosting items are used after an ultimate, That enemy is stationary and you have 100% accuracy. This page aims to calculate optimal layouts for various conditions, to expand upon the general optimal layouts listed on Revolution. Cleave is a two-handed melee ability which can hit additional targets in front of the user in a small cone. These should be considered a benchmark of sorts - when considering various specific conditions, check the difference in AADPT between those conditions and these layouts. Ectoplasmator takes care of prayer. I dont think there is enough good abilities to justify having separate ones for the magic and range as most people know which thresholds are good and which to ignore, also all the ultimates are the same. Corrected the player animations when attacking with a scythe. Production JSON: Araxxi's fang As for aggro, clicking on a pot every 6 mins (or refilling a reservoir every 36 mins) is arguably far more chill than having to run to other side of the abyss and back again to re-aggro. Thus, on this page, Bash uses an ability damage of up to 153.1%. It has the same attack range and mechanics as a halberd, and is the strongest area-of-effect melee weapon in the game. Sort by. With maximum tier gear, and level 99 Slayer, the hit is equivalent to 713% (with a small enough range to ignore). Make the following changes: This means your final bar should look like this: Meteor strike -> Hurricane -> Cleave -> Smash -> Quake -> Sever -> Dismember -> Slaughter (Assault is channeled so don't use it.
Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. A full repair, without discounts, costs 4,500,000 coins. 1666 ability damage with an AADPT of 30.81% gives 513.3 DPT Divide this by 0.6 to convert from DPT to DPS E.G. I just don't have the slayer level/ other requirements for the other methods.
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