[21] The mines rapidly deteriorated in the heat and humidity of Laos, nullifying their effectiveness.
The interdiction effort (like the entire American effort in Vietnam) became focused on statistics as a measure of success and "devolved from considered tactics to meaningless ritual.
The eighth mission was also flown on 5 August 1967.
Between 1966 and 1972, Air Weather Service WC-130s flew over Laos, dispensing crushed, dried ice in hopes of creating floods along the trail and in agricultural areas of North Vietnam. July 17, 2017 The hand emplacement of sensors and bomb damage assessment missions were to be carried out by the reconnaissance teams of the highly classified Military Assistance Command, Vietnam Studies and Observations Group (SOG), which already operated "over the fence" in Laos. All U.S. and South Vietnamese air assets were diverted to first slowing, and then halting the onslaught. "true" : "false") + "; expires=" + d.toUTCString() + "; path=/"; A scientific group was established to find or develop the technology for what was initially titled Practice Nine. The 41st Troop Carrier Squadron subsequently provided the requisite aircraft and crews. The state of the roads was reported to be expected as a result of normal, naturally occurring rainfall. Between 1964 and the end of 1967 there were 103,148 tactical air sorties launched against the trail, including 1,718 B-52 strikes. In 1967 U.S. recon photographs uncovered an unusual sight. The results of Commando Lava were deemed successful enough to warrant a follow-on test, expected to take place in July 1967. Commando Hunt provided the figures that sated that appetite. Official documentation, classified "Top Secret," described Commando Lava as an "exercise," rather than an operation. Mud was one of the many issues that the famed Red Ball Express had contended with as its trucks sped across Europe during World War II. At night, fixed-wing gunships would prowl for prey. Staged out of Udon RTAB, the 3 aircraft conduct tests over sections of road in Laos as planned. [12] No amount of pressure, it seemed, could either drive Hanoi to the negotiating table or slow the flow of PAVN supplies and men to the south.
By early the following year the pipeline had crossed the Laotian frontier and by summer it had reached Muong Nong and the approaches to the A Sầu Valley. The aircraft used during were required to have skate wheels covering approximately 60 percent of the cargo floor space and cargo nets for 3 normal pallets of cargo. The third mission was finally flown on 30 July 1967, with the aircraft successfully dropping its payload on target.
13-03-2012 16:36:20 ZULU. One new innovation that took place during the campaign was renewed interest in personnel infiltration.
This lack of real intelligence forced the Air Force to basically take its best guess as to PAVN numbers, intentions, and limitations. document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); The story begins following the 1954 Geneva Accords, which divided Vietnam into two states. The operation began on 15 November 1968 and ended on 29 March 1972. Issues of the compound's transportability, packaging, and storage were also to be evaluated during the test. It also claimed that 20,723 enemy had been killed by air, 15 percent of the total number believed to have been travelling on, operating, or defending the trail.
The U.S. was no stranger to the effect that rain could have on logistics. But seeing trucks under triple-canopy jungle was difficult, to say the least.
[24] Manual labor was still provided by an estimated 40,000 to 50,000 Laotians (mostly pressed into service) and North Vietnamese volunteers. In addition to Project Popeye, the Air Force initiated Operation Commando Lava in 1967—another colorfully-titled effort to create artificially muddy conditions along the trail.
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