- Carol (, "Dear Liz Lemon: While other women have bigger boobs than you, no other woman has as big a heart. -- Wedding Bells "Count Poppycock, be getting your hands off my schnitzel." As any fan of 30 Rock knows, the Emmy-winning sitcom has remained iconic in part because of the non-stop zingers and one-liners that filled every episode of the show. In this sketch, Edward Norton hilariously describes each piece of candy as he takes them out of a pumpkin bucket that's akin to Mary Poppins' bag of tricks. It's a parody of Twilight focusing on Frankenstein monsters (which is, hello, basically Halloween).
That's my thing, and if you take it away from me I will kill myself... and then you. But there's a new thing called 'women's liberation,', which gives you women the right to choose and you have chosen to abort me, and that I must live with. Get all the best moments in pop culture & entertainment delivered to your inbox. In it, he and Jay Pharoah rap about stealing candy from kids instead of trick-or-treating on their own. Nan. The best way to celebrate this year? I'm like a chameleon, always a lizard! Yo Mama. Reporting on what you care about. ", "I once saw a pack of wild dogs take over and successfully run a Wendy's. Q: Did you hear the story about the peacock?
In this episode, Steve is doing his best to guess punny costumes...I'll let you use your imagination as to how that works out for him. I officially renounce my squatter's rights." I already have a drink. I'm cheating on my wife.
I can't stop smiling just thinking about it. ", "I don't like to swear, sir, but, no, thank you. Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. When I saw you getting ready to go out and get nailed by a bunch of guys last night, I knew for sure it was over between us, and for the first time since the '86 World Series, I cried. Knock-Knock. What am I, a farmer? The feathers have barbs, which in turn have rods. It's so fun to see how the cast reimagines a very grumpy Vincent Price and an inappropriate Judy Garland, among other impersonations of famous faces.
Y'all already know if Stefon is making an appearance, it's going to be a fantastic episode. Powdery mildew is the biggest concern with phlox, although this cultivar is resistant. Dolphin. In this tribute to *spooky szn*, he portrays a ghost alongside Aidy Bryant, Kenan Thompson, and Mikey Day in a sing-along about how each of them died. Spooky season is upon us, my friends! Hardik: Very Nice Stories Beard. ", "My boyfriend was supposed to pick me up after that shoot, so I called him and I was like ', "Your new vibe is a double edged sword. The sketch is from the perspective of a couple on the ride when it breaks down. It's this new nightclub where all the women are in a glass room in the center of the dance floor and the guys just watch and feed them." Much like the one, "Oh don't be so dramatic. It's also unsurprising that so many lines were so quotable since the series' writing staff was full of comedy powerhouses like Tina Fey, Robert Carlock, Donald Glover and more. "One of them stayed for sherry and showed me how his handcuffs worked."
", "Well, it's business drunk, it's like rich drunk. I'm going to go out on a limb and say this is the *most* relatable Halloween sketch of all time. So tonight, when you arrive home, I'll be gone.
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