For the creed what you decide is optional for items though the page of light is useful buff to invest in as well as the orange phial. But use the Haymaker against the Disembowled Husk (Use holy), Untouched Inquisitor (Use arcane), and The Third Lamb (Use arcane) then change the weapons however you like for the rest of the game.
On my Mage, I eventually unlocked Swords 4 to use the Branding Iron. You'll want to be able to wield 5lvl swords.In parallel, even sooner than lvl5 swords you'll want decent endurance and carry weight, go for light armor.During this process, never use a shield. When you beat Carsejaw The Cruel, you can buy his armor and use his sword instead. The Sunken Keep is the fourth area of the game on a typical route, so you'll fight The Sodden Knight, The Queen of Smiles, and either The Mad Alchemist or The Kraekan Cyclops before you can find the warhammer. Builds for Salt and Sanctuary are player-created combinations of equipment and stats to adapt to specific playstyles. A notable heavy armor available in The Watching Woods is the Leather set (Heavy Armor 1), which is pretty light for a heavy armor and has the best balance/weight ratio in the game, which helps you avoid flinching and having your attacks interrupted when something hits you. NOTE: Second char, I have beaten the game already, so I know whats possible. Generally, one loadout is sword/shield at just under 100% carry weight, then a two handed sword ends up around 55% for dodging and moving faster.Stats are heavy on Endurance and Magic, with Willpower close behind.Spells are Lightning Storm, Wildfire (elemental imbalance is still a thing), Lightning Pod, Flame Guardian, Arcane Weapon, and Poison Gas. Divine Armor reduces incoming physical damage by around 20%, apparently regardless of Wisdom. This playstyle is very fun and lets you tackle situations in basically any way you want. As secondary weapon you can take, for example, the gravedigger, if you want to use two loadouts. Once you have dark swarm and the saper charm, just spam it on whatever you see.
Thanks for your work, good stuff.
Have fun, wreck dudes, etc.
You only have to take 30 of each type of attribute. You can start as anything and put your points anywhere, as long as you don't care about optimizing anything.
Then learn to roll and parry. Sacred Linens and Mend are good when you're stacking up a ton of wounding and don't want to use a slot for the Bandaged Ring, and Divine Armor is better than most actual armor. rings: anything goes, but the bloodluster's ring really fits. There was no build template to select when I made my build. From here you simply invest in two main things wisdom and willpower, along with some energy potions. Good luck, have fun and git gud. Doing mostly Fire damage instead of just Slashing makes it a whole lot more useful in general despite not attacking quite as fast. Yep. These spells will be useful for the entire game even without raising your Wisdom beyond 10.
Just pour points all your points into the Greathammer line and use the strongest Greathammer you can get your hands on.
For DPS reasons you'll switch to the Scharfichter when you can. Are there any wisdom scaling weapons? upgrade all to max. I beat a first playthrough by Salt Level 75 and didn't have equipment load under 25% so if you do the same the Fused Metal ring can be switched to a ring of your choice.
You'll need 4000 salt so make sure you have that when you get there. The reason for this is that Magic makes spells scale in a big way, so points spent raising Magic for spells are a lot more useful than points spent raising Wisdom for prayers.
You will need Willpower for Stamina reasons as well.
Enjoy wrecking the game !
Swords and wands have satisfying combos with each other, and you can spam your magic without fear of running out of focus.
Press J to jump to the feed. If you’ve come from the Souls games, then a lot of it will be familiar concepts with different names.
Since the Flint & Steel allows you to attach a charm you can modify your elemental output with that, however glowing shot and poison shot are available. This build is primarily a cosplay/for fun build. Go for tier 5 wips at first ignoring other skills. For Salt and Sanctuary on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "any advice for cleric builds? my build is pred armor and staff and blackwidow, What about a whip sword build I find the weapons awesome. Also, in there is a mage stone. If you’re new to the ‘souls-like’ genre entirely, then things may seem a little confusing, or at the least, there’ll… Try Splendior's hous covenant. Keep going until you hit the Hall of Red Cages. Clerics get Light Armor to build from, though, so they can easily pick up any weapon skill they like within the first handful of levels.
Divine Blessed Weapon is a 4th tier prayer, so it's pretty far into the Cleric tree, requiring a total of 15 levels worth of investment before you can cast the spell once you find it in Haegar's Cavern (or buy it from a cleric if you're a follower of Devona, which I recommend as a starting faith to get orange potions and early access to purchase more advanced prayers if you level up your devotion after placing a Leader in a Devona sanctuary).
Don't transmute the Kureimoa into anything else.
Make sure to reach cleric class 4 before the castle of storms and reach reaper class 3 before the dome of the forgotten.
Also grab the Whistlebone Charm below the Sunken Keep shortcut. Being able to roll fast is worth a lot more than the relatively crappy protection that low level armor gives you. For this scythe upgrade it as high as possible since your build will center around the purifier.
Another advantage of having the Light Armor node at the start is that having a node in the usual starting neighborhood gets you easy access to Swords. You can transmute that as soon as you hit the first Alchemist. Oh, it's also the best Greathammer for Strength builds; it has "Fast Hitter", making it a fast Greathammer and it weighs slightly less than the Class 4 Greathammer.
Upgrade it as you wish and get marksman perks. Each hit with knives gets incremental more powerful.
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