It was clearly visible from the relative height of the helicopter. Three people are lost at sea per day, and seven hikers were lost per day. $120.00. Have you ever been lost? Trade shows are a love/hate thing for me personally. Everything else, like a sea dye or a flare, would last only seconds or minutes. I created a Profit Sharing Licensing Agreement with my attorneys that were a win-win for both parties and it enabled me to grow the company astronomically by bringing real financial support and expertise on board. Mark then focused on the investment side of it and his own perspective as an investor: first off the amount of work required, second of all how big can this product be.
We've interviewed many impressive businesses who swear by the results of the product, including Brumate, Beardbrand, and many more. Dr.
See Rescue Streamer Shark Tank | Credit ABC. Lori said that that made sense to her because people do get lost. See Rescue Streamer Shark Tank Pitch by Dr.
Discover what tools Dr. reccommends to grow your business!
Lori was the second shark to share her insight, praising the entrepreneur for the idea, but stressing how hard it is to break into the mass retail market. Be careful not to take on too many investors/partners, especially if you are building a business for the long term. The sooner you are rescued, the less time you spend with sharks, bears, or freezing temperatures. He has invented a multitude of survival technologies that were awarded U.S. Military/DARPA funding and U.S. He backed out of the deal soon after.
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Become a premium member to get full access. We have created the See/Rescue Streamer to ensure that you can be rescued, land or sea, day and night, 24/7 until you are found. Whether you are stranded in snowy backcountry or lost on a hiking trail, the See/RescueStreamer highlights your location so you stand out against your surroundings. Robert wanted to know if he was currently selling the product in retail stores such as adventure stories or hiking stories. The doctor emphasized that that kind of emergency was more common than you might think. Rob told him that sales for this year have been $200,000. He liked the business idea but didn’t see it as investable. Dr. He stated that life jackets already have flotation, but they should be required to have visibility as well. Whether you are stranded in snowy backcountry or lost on a hiking trail, the See/Rescue®Streamer highlights your location so you stand out against your surroundings.
Ariel enjoys traveling, hiking, unnecessary impulse purchases, and making things with her hands. Therefore, I built all of the first generations of the product at my own home laboratory. That was a major milestone because not only had I obtained a patent, but it was for a simple idea and ironically, the simpler the idea - the broader the patent coverage! Ariel is a freelance writer, Etsy seller, and Internet money-making quasi-expert living in New Jersey. Kevin wondered if sales had dropped because most people rely on the GPS now. Unfortunately, around the same time, his wife got sick with multiple sclerosis. Daymond told him that he liked the idea of the product in the terms of how many lives he had saved, and how much money he had made. Rob said that if he had the money, he could build a team that would help. ... #SharkTank Sea Rescue Streamer … I have also invented the LIFE/FLOAT Rescue Board, the Pocket/Floatation device, Pocket DeSalinator, Video Search and Rescue (vSAR), and the upcoming Fin-propelled Water Bike. Kevin was the last Shark remaining.
I like to approach it like a slide presentation where you only should have 10-20 works maximum on any slide. The only problem was that Robert detected too many challenges in getting it into the consumer market.
Lori asked him if the product that he is bringing on the shark tank was new, or if it was the one that he’d been selling all along. It also includes lights, and reflectors, help will be quickly on its way regardless of whether it’s day or night.
continuous high visibility signal on land or in water.
I looked down and all I could see was blue water. See Rescue Streamer is made out of patented technology used to increase the chances of a person being found if lost at sea or on a remote moutain top.
Dr Yonder notices the main problem with any search and rescue operation either at sea or out on a hiking trail has always been the rescue teams and pilots spotting the person in need. With the prospect of such a huge amount of work involved, Kevin also backed out of the race. Shark Tank (and the subsequent reruns) have helped build our domestic consumer market as we have built-in exposure from the airings and the overall web presence. Before appearing on the Shark Tank with his invention the See Rescue Streamer, Dr. Kevin made a face. Robert also told him that it was a great product. document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a37488a2e67d8ee2acee211f39b0a9df" );document.getElementById("cf8479d10d").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
We are driven to that end! Rob countered by saying that he wanted to do everything, including the military. Dr. At present day, my licensing agreement has ended and I am running the business as a family business as it was originally. Listen to the audio version of this story! The million dollar question (or rather the $200,000 question) was how would Mark’s expertise help the business. Rob Yonover is an entrepreneur from Hawaii with a solution that is guaranteed to save lives: the SeeRescue Streamer. By sharing these stories, we want to help you get started. How easy is it carry? Aloha! Daymond pointed out that it was very difficult to see the person on the screen that depicted the ocean. Lori asked him if he is selling them to the military at the moment, and Rob said that he was. If you like what you have just read and would love to buy your own high-duration visibility device, make sure to visit their website or purchase it online here.
One thing that I learned is that low overhead wins the day because you can protect your margins and stay profitable, thus becoming the proverbial tortoise that eventually passes the hare. Military version Dr. The line I came up with that I still use today are these simple 4 words: “Have you seen this?” If they say no, you show them your wares. Guys are too macho to admit they need safety stuff, where women definitely want their loved ones to have the best in safety gear (assuming they want their particular loved ones to come home - ha!). Bright orange streamer that can be seen over a mile away and provides a continuous high visibility signal on land or in water. Rob has been giving talks at universities and even the International Military Aviation Briefing in relation to his product. Dr.
The challenges of running a business paled in comparison to that struggle! The last shark still on the fight for an investment opportunity was Kevin, who also focused on what value he could bring to the company. I run a small lean and mean a company with sales of $20,000 per month with a significant portion of the sales coming from International accounts. Rob said that he was, but the bigger opportunity was in people buying it for loved ones. The NEW lighted SEE/RESCUE® STREAMER provides day and night signaling capability.
This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by linking to Any networking that you can tap into is advised. It seemed like I was always on the edge of dying, so I began to invent survival gear to save my own ass! One of the things I learned from trade shows is what not to say to attendee’s passing your booth - Do not say “hello” or “can I help you”.
Chem lights that work for … The See Rescue had already saved four lives, he needs their help to save even more. SeeRescue® Streamer attracts rescuers to your location, so you are not lost at sea, or on the side of a mountain. The military was much more serious about safety as it is their job to keep their personnel safe, whereas the consumers typically would rather buy another 6-pack of beer for their boat then a safety device. See the seller's. Years later, my media book is so large, I can’t even carry it to meetings with all the reprints of articles and stories! He thought that Dr. Owner has recently spent USD 4.5 million on vessel. The other Sharks encouraged him to walk even further. Kevin understood – Dr. Many iterations, hard aches, and struggles later, I obtained a U.S. Patent! When needed for a rescue, it rolls out into a 25ft. I looked to nature as I commonly do to solve problems as nature has been solving problems for billions of years (see Darwin/Evolution). During that time, his wife got sick with multiple sclerosis. At the same time, we are constantly trying to promote technology organically through social media and the internet in general. Patents, including: Dr. Yonover’s media credits include appearances on CNN, PBS, Discovery Channel, and he is the author of Hardcore Inventing and Brainstorm Islands. available in 4 sizes. Initially, our strategy working with a licensee was to pursue both the consumer and military markets through a combination of direct marketing and lobbying, however, it quickly became apparent that the military was the market to be in. The Streamer is rolled up in a pouch, and has a clip so that it may be worn on clothing until it is needed. I'm Pat Walls, the founder of Starter Story. Copyright var date = new Date(); document.write(date.getFullYear()) Helicopter Helmet. No one wants to read much, especially if it’s boring.
See/Rescue® Streamers can now be found on US Navy submarines. He said that he had a little GPS device that was on his body. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. The product has also been featured on … Approved for use in USAF survival kits, survival vests and multi-place life raft accessory containers.
He was a Ph.D. scientist who worked with volcanoes, and he liked extreme sports such as surfing on big waves and fishing in rough waters. That’s why he got the idea for the See Rescue Streamer. There is no better equalizer, as if you dress up (and even shave), you can be face to face with critical decision-makers that normally would never take your phone call or answer your email. You’ve got to be hardcore in your approach to your effort because there are a lot of people that are as hardcore as you attempting to capture the same market! He requested $200,000 from the Sharks in exchange for 20% equity stake in his company, See Rescue. Italy: Village Will Pay People To Move There. We are not looking for internal hires, but we are always looking for additional sales reps that might have an angle for a certain sector that could help us get more of our lifesaving technology into the hands of the people that might need it!
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