As mainusch pointed out, “The Church, however, does indeed have an inherent interest in persuading its members that they must abstain from sexual sin.”, (Sorry, I don’t know how to double-quote). To what extend can a sin be legal? Clearly the state is (or should be) extremely limited in legislating bedroom sexual activity. There may be other parties whose business it is, however. Governments can (and should, in my opinion) make laws about rape, coercion, assault and battery, sex crimes, etc. They say that they are against abortion but believe that people should have the choice. That isn't what it means at all, it means we have no business to judge what a couple dose in their bedroom, Ignorant fool. I do not believe that the Church has officially commented on the statement “What goes on in a private bedroom between consenting adults is no business of the state.” as that seems to be a governmental issue and the Church acknowledges the States right to set laws in its own governance and encourages those laws to uphold a moral framework. Adultery can destroy a marriage which can lead to poverty and the state having to care for children. 46 min ago, JavaScript | to defend and safeguard a true and just freedom of information.” By promulgating laws and overseeing their application, public authorities should ensure that “public morality and social progress are not gravely endangered” through misuse of the media. By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the, [Discord] Alert when a user goes online in a server, get-recipei private static async Task
>> GetRecipients(IEnumerable enteredRecipients, INotificationQueryRepository repository) { var countInputRecipients = enteredRecipients?.Count(); if (! It is for the civil authority . After all, should all that is against God be made illegal? Society should permit each of its members to fulfill his vocation. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, : The views and opinions expressed in these forums do not necessarily reflect those of Catholic Answers. So even if it becomes legal, doesn't mean it's here to stay, then again just because traditionally things are one way doesn't mean they are here to stay either. Take this thing on homosexuality. It’s fairly well documented in human history that this sort of thing can provoke violent, even fatal reactions. . Civil authorities should punish any violation of the rights of individuals to their reputation and privacy. For a member of a contextualist religion, you're taking his words a little bit too literally. The benefit is the same as any union between a man and a woman. There are too many religions, schools of thought to cover and it would be nearly impossible to enforce without an invasion of privacy into innocent people's homes. If two jihadists meet in a private bedroom to finalize construction of a bomb, and work out details to set it off in a public place… well, yes, it is the state’s business. Would the state turn a blind eye to that?" I agree. . What goes on in a private bedroom between consenting adults is no business of the state. The state has no interest in such things? ", but for those who doubt the authenticity or infallability of texts like the Quran, TOrah, Bible, etc, it's no longer the sole source of guidance.When studies and science contradicts (even temporarily contradicting or flawed studies) people begin to question and doubt traditional beliefs. Divorce, well handled, rarely leads to the state having to care for children. Never judge someone until you've walked in their shoes, tried on their skin, seen through their eyes. A product of an incestuous union cannot, and it is in the interest of the state to prosecute those who commit incest to prevent such children from being conceived because of the high incidence of genetic problems. As somene said, nothing happens in a vacuum. 2498 “Civil authorities have particular responsibilities in this field because of the common good. Ever hear of forgiveness? (countInputRecipien, lettura e calcolo su vettore con uso delle funzioni. How many adults? And as long as those rules do not counter the rules of God, the Church accepts that. Does my opinion reflect the spirit of secularism and modernism that’s present all around me or am I correct? There has to be a line. Suicide? When the person against gay marriage speaks, they go on tangents, using the most extreme examples that are not well linked to the topic at hand.Example a) "What if a child is being sexually assaulted? The families of these hypothetical people may be affected by their actions, for example. I would agree that if two consenting adults want to get together and do whatever sexual weirdness they want with one another, generally speaking, it is none of the STATE’s business. No adult can claim to be unaware of that possible effect. The Church has always given Caesar large leeway to handle Caesar’s business as long as Caesar’s laws do not go against natural law. It is similar to the privileged nature of conversations between patient/doctor, lawyer/client, or priest/confessor. If I understand the legal principal correctly there would be no need for such a statue (at least in the US) since case law has already established it. What about drug use diminishing consent? These broken contracts often have civil costs associated with them; Court resources, difficulties for children, administering child support payments, chasing deadbeats, medical costs associated with resultant STD’s. 49 min ago, C# | (pharmisuticals, medical treatments, smoking/tobacco are some obvious ones). Much is being made lately of the "civil’ nature of marriage. I mean if two people wanted to dress up as chickens and dance around the house, they could do that as well, despite the fact that it has no benefit." It is obvious Truedeau is not referring to murder or child abuse.. in fact he explicitly states when it relates to minors this is a different matter. I don't think you have a right to pornography, though I don't think there's an inherit right to pornography what goes on in a private bedroom between consenting adults is no business of the state strongly agree no one can feel naturally homosexual strongly disagree and. 6.5 No one can feel naturally homosexual. That means there’s no such thing as two consenting adults going into a private bedroom without the state— the government is responsible for enforcing what “consenting” means. It's not just what God would want, but what all people should.To everyone here:Have a wonderful life. Strongly Agree. - disagree These days openness about sex has gone too far. "The state has no place in the bedroom of the Nation", Catholic News and Opinion October 13, 2010, Next Radio Show: Today at 8:00 EST (7:00pm Central). It is a ceremonial symbol of a commitment to loving another person. 4 min ago, SQF | The question in the title is about the state. Well, if you're running low on money you could always sell her as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7And Phil, have you ever spoken to a women while she was on her period?Lev.15:19- 24 strictly prohibits this. Much of it is being made by the “Government stay out of the bedroom” crowd. 11 year old? 49 min ago, C | Are you talking about apples, or oranges? What is victimless? And as long as mother & son or father & daughter, don't procreates then it's no harm done, from a biological standpoint. He learned through experience, and made his own decisions. In cheating on a spouse, there is a civil (as well as an eternal) contract being broken, unless the seculars have suceeded in redefining marriage to the point where even fidelity is optional. 6.4 What goes on in a private bedroom between consenting adults is no business of the state. The conscience has to be an informed conscience. Strongly Disagree (Scandal can add to the problem but avoiding scandal doesn’t mean that you’re avoiding sin.). - strong agree No one can feel naturally homosexual. Strongly Agree. Well, I’ve always held the view that we are free to sin and that our behaviour is our choice and we are going to pay for it when we die. If that agreement includes monogamy the State should enforce it. Is that what the Church teaches and has always tought or is this your opinion? So for example two young adults have pre-marital sex or a husband cheats on her wife. 6.6 These days openness about sex has gone too far. Each situation is different. To clarify, the question exludes any extreme cases. I’m thinking whether my ideas don’t at least to some extend reflect the same kind of thinking. Is it just homosexuals you discriminate against, or do you do that for people with defects in their sight too, because the bible sure does:Lev.
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