Treadwell's first job as a journalist was with the San Francisco Bulletin, where she was hired in 1908 as a feature writer and theatre critic.
[1] In addition to her accomplishments, Treadwell traveled often with 'Mac' across the United States, Europe, and Northern Africa.
[2][3] One who wishes to obtain the rights to Treadwell's plays can address an enquiry to: Fiscal and Administrative Services, Diocese of Tucson, PO Box 31, Tucson, AZ 85702. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. "Susan Glaspell and Sophie Treadwell". [3] Treadwell's father had a Catholic education and was fluent in five languages. //-->, This article will be permanently flagged as inappropriate and made unaccessible to everyone. [1] Due to financial pressure, Treadwell had to work several jobs during her studies; receiving additional training in shorthand and typing, teaching English as a second language in the evenings, as well as working in the circulation department of the San Francisco Call. A 2-act comedy set in a restaurant in rural Texas. Access to this resource is available by purchase directly through ASP's website, or through library access at many academic institutions that have purchased a license to the database.
[1], Treadwell lectured and advocated openly for authors rights and was the first American playwright to win royalty payments for a play production from the Soviet Union.
Born 5 October 1885, Stockton, California; died 20 February, Tuscon, Arizona, Daughter of Alfred B. and Nellie Fairchild Treadwell. Before writing the play, she worked as a journalist in New York, where she focused on the feminist movement (including the fight for Women’s Suffrage and legalizing birth control.) Reproduction Date: Sophie Treadwell (October 3, 1885 – February 20, 1970), was a noteworthy American playwright and journalist of the first half of the 20th century. Treadwell wrote dozens of plays, several novels, as well as serial stories and countless articles that appeared in … Article Id: A comedy set in rural Mexico with subject matter of mostly romantic and socially centered content.
[5], Critics often negatively judged Treadwell's plays as having poorly developed plots, unsympathetic characters, or objectionable themes.
Retrieved October 16, 2020 from
Judge Treadwell deserted his family; despite his wife's attempts to win him back, the couple never reunited. Her father, Albert, was never a wholly absent force and Treadwell gravitated towards interests similar to his: … Ran on Broadway December 1922-January 1923. a comedy, ran on Broadway in October 1929.
[2] She interviewed celebrities, such as Jack London, and covered several high-profile murder trials.
She follows the rituals that society expects of a woman, however resistant she may feel about them. , French for mechanical or automatic, is Sophie Treadwell’s groundbreaking expressionist play, written in 1928. Her most well-known work is Machinal, an expressionist play about women’s freedom in the 1920s. [1][2], In 1915, Treadwell moved to New York,[2] following her husband who had already made the cross-country move for his career. During these visits, Treadwell was first exposed to theatre; she witnessed famous actresses Helena Modjeska and Sarah Bernhardt in The Merchant of Venice and Phèdre, respectively. [3] During college, Sophie had her first brushes with mental illness, a variety of nervous conditions that would plague her and lead to several extended hospitalizations throughout her life. [1], Treadwell traveled to France to cover the First World War; she was only female foreign correspondent writing from overseas at that time, accredited by the State Department. [2] In 1910, Treadwell married William O. McGeehan, better known as 'Mac', a beloved sports writer for the San Francisco Bulletin. Treadwell was the first American playwright to be paid royalties in the U.S.S.R. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, cannot guarantee each citation it generates. Oxford Companion to Women's Writing in the United States (1995). Sophie Treadwell was the only child of a pioneer California family. Within the “Cite this article” tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. [4] Gringo was Treadwell's first play to be produced on Broadway. [2][3] Although Sophie originally excelled at school, after her father left she struggled, which others have attributed to the frequency with which she and her mother relocated.
Himelstein, M. Y., Drama was a Weapon (1976). Gassner, J., Best American Plays (Early Series, 1900). The play features 16 characters of white, Hispanic, and American Indian races with a myriad of occupations with subject matter ranging from economics and family, to health and romance. [1] Treadwell underwent media controversy in the mid-20s for a drawn out dispute with the famous John Barrymore; Barrymore attempted to produce a play about Edgar Allan Poe supposedly written by his wife Michael Strange, which borrowed heavily from a manuscript that Treadwell had written and shared with him years prior.
[1] Sophie maintained a separate residence from her husband, an idea encouraged by the League. [3] In New York, Treadwell joined the Lucy Stone League of suffragists.
google_ad_client = "pub-2707004110972434"; //-->. Elmer Rice (1892-1967) was an American playwright and novelist. ."
Proceeds earned from the production or printing of Treadwell's works are used to benefit Native American children in Arizona.
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