No question. He only wasn't angry going in because he was explicitly identified as entirely self interested early on, and so he simply didn't care about anything that happened to anyone else before then. Due the the absence of thinking the strong have any reason to help the weak if they don't want to. Sacrifice culture for peace? Most chaos reps are driven by anger.
That's how the equality of chaos is portrayed in that game. Building off your example I think people like gun-hoarding militia nut jobs are well past freedom-loving and into selfish - though of course, they don't see it that way.
Do you seriously think mental mass castration bringing worldly factory bliss is a good thing? Here's where the Law ending comes in. Jiminez doesn't have that anger. The whole point of free will is the pursuit of happiness anyways, so what's the point of resisting? If the Neutral ending banned demons for good, the world would still be full of corruption. Humanity may have lost its freedom, but it was all for the greater good. It uses social darwinism to illustrate the way the world works. Zelenin's mercy on Jack's squad was the turning point for me; it was here that I started thinking critically about the different endings.
Best case scenario, they destroyed the Schwartzwelt permanently and they'll never have to deal with demons again. Other than that, there are three endings, as mentioned before: Law, Neutral, and Chaos. For example, new Law ends with humanity bring stripped of their will to fight, so next time demons appear (and they will) then will humanity be able to defend itself? Peace exists for culture! Chaos is not about social darwinism.
But what if they did? The whole point of free will is being able to choose whether you're happy or sad. Silence that disgusting song, putrid angel.
All that's beside the point though since there's no way to prove we have free will anyways. Y'know, every single MegaTen game i've ever played, I at one point purposely get the game over sequence, just to see what it is. Angry at god. © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. It's a close one between her and Argilla, I really can't decide haha, I kinda saw the 'romantic' chaotic world where people die over and over while people chase their desires somewhat appealing. Death to evil even when it's human, compassion for friends even when they're Demons. In a world where people are encouraged to be self interested, and survival and progress are based on strength, and any semblance of the idea that you "need" to support anyone weaker for any moral reason are done away with, its pretty explicitly social darwinistic from the egoism alone. Either humans would ascend like Jimenez did or they would get slaughtered and be reborn by Mem Aleph as demons (Jimenez suggests this concept in his dying words).
In the end, the Red Sprite destroys the Schwartzwelt, leaving humanity to live untouched by demons. Maybe one or two would get kept as pets by the succubi or the fairies, but the majority face extinction. Angry at social structures. General Atlus discussion is usually allowed as well. Demon / human relations being better doesn't change that if war for the sake of war is a staple in this new world that things analogous to racism would be encouraged. World of Strength, death to the weak, etc etc. Incidentally, the Law and Chaos endings in Shin Megami Tensei I both suck royally, and the neutral … I told myself that even if the Chaos route sucked, I could still go Neutral to maintain the status quo. Hell, as strong as the Space Marine ends up, he can only hold his own against the demons because of the DEMONICA.
You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. The ending text says that the impure are purged, but since Zelenin deems Jack's squad fit to live, it seems the bar for survival is set pretty damn low. I think that the Jack's Squad guys deserve to die, not to be saved. You do as you please and shape the world as you see fit.
I find a lot to sympathize with in Strange Journey chaos. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The darwinism is implied by the absence of what chaos thinks as much as the presence. They want to tear it all down to give everyone a fair shot. Megami Tensei II for the Famicom has two possible endings, depending on some choices the player makes during the game. What a load of it, you werent any bigger!
Social darwinism doesn't imply constantly actively weeding out the weak just because they're weak. This is a community for all MegaTen and subseries related news. The purpose of Chaos is to wipe out the evil humanity in favor of a new one, so that humans can flourish and rejoin their connection to the old gods in harmony. That is torture, and a lack of liberation will lead to mankind's collective suffering. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Blood dances in that world. People are crazy about the freedom to own a gun, even though they're more likely to shoot themselves than stop a crime. Demons are a reflection of humanity. The Earth remains a world of humans struggling against one another to survive. When I first booted up Bizarre Adventure, I already knew the gist of the plot. The chaos in SJ is one where life doesn't matter and comes and goes freely. You just lost yourself..
It has a strange appeal as people don't seem to care about anything, even their lives.
Isn't there a bad ending or something like that? The existence of righteous demons in a new, Chaos filled world would serve as guideposts as to how humanity should live in order to preserve their relations with the Gods and ultimately with themselves.
Well, while I don't know and therefore don't really need to be making this post... Don't forget to check out my SMT related webcomics at, I don't think we can choose Light-Dark-Neutral for MC : /. The fact that everyone gets to fight for their life isn't really everyone having a fair shot. Never! They are part of life's cycle and embrace it. "Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone.". But it would be misleading to act like most chaos demons in-game aren't big on social darwinism in an explicit sense. It is a perfect Neutral/Law world because in such world there is minimized pain(Law), and those who are too extreme are immediately sent away(Neutral). Strange Journey contextualizes the character arcs differently than most other SMT games.
As a bonus, this option has the lowest body count by an enormous margin. Hah! Coming off of Nocturne's True Demon Ending, I had fully embraced my status as a chaos-fag. They want to tear it all down to give everyone a fair shot. Even if you do come to this realization, there is not much that you can do about it once Law has been established. There's no cold "for the greater good" dissociation with him. I never once considered Law as an option until the plot began to unfold. Yes, you can spin it as an opportunity for something else, as a well intentioned person who thinks that they can get people to use thier radical freedom for something else. But in the end, I just couldn't take the same path for Strange Journey. The Schwartzwelt would be forgotten within a few generations and humanity would go right back to its violence, depravity, greed, and wastefulness. "Killing someone is easy. I just want to know sooner then later so I don't mess anything up. I'm a law guy in every other game because the chaos reps think and act like children. You all got together and sang hymns to God... probably felt like you were part of something bigger. You know, is not like Merkabah literally say the same thing in IV.
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