: : Rangi spoke with the most exaggerated accent. : The show, set in the tropics of India and Burma, followed the adventures of a Royal Artillery Concert Party during the Second World War. Very artistic. OK, Sergeant-Major, you just have to repeat what the holy man says. Do you realise, we've been fighting for people like you? Rangi Ram: Oh! How do you spell artillery? Now, the colonel and the captain would ask you questions to see if you're suitable as a bombarbier. How sad. BSM Williams: He only missed out a four-letter word, sir. How can we possibly fight it, Sergeant-Major? The show has often been accused of (unconsciously) flirting with racism. Captain Ashwood: His writing's awfully shoddy. To the throwback sergeant-major, they were all ‘a bunch of ’orrible poofs’ and he told them so, screaming the word in their faces. Probably you haven't seen it very often Sergeant-major, it's usually only the initials AR. Gloria, played by the marvellous Melvyn Hayes, was cheerfully accepted by the rest of the gang — except BSM Williams, whose veins started popping at the first sight of her false eyelashes (not to mention her other falsies). BSM Williams It doesn't say sir. : Company Credits Bombardier 'Solly' Solomons: I don't know, but if you can remember any hymns, sing 'em! | Ohwatanasiam. Siam. How sad. Salut! Char Wallah Muhammed When do you open fire? You spell it A-R-T art, I-L-L ill, A-R-Y ary. BSM Williams: Right lovely boys, let's have a look. From fire station to polling station: Pictures of America's VERY quirky polling places - including laundromats, bars, theaters and mosques! Most of all there was Bombardier Beaumont, known to all as Gloria, a female impersonator who regarded herself off and onstage as all woman. Rangi Ram Their one desire was to avoid being sent to the front line. Never mind.’. BSM Williams: Oh dear. BSM Williams: How do you spell artillery? Very artistic. And the one thing they agree on is that the Tories are fair game to have as much ordure heaped on them as possible. BSM Williams It was set in India and Burma, during the last months of the Second World War, starting just prior to V-E Day in 1945 (the German surrender is announced in an early episode). BSM Williams Gnr Graham Bombardier 'Solly' Solomons It’s no reflection on the quality of It Ain’t Half Hot Mum. : (1982–1992) with Jeremy Lloyd. Bombardier 'Solly' Solomons: I don't know, but if you can remember any hymns, sing 'em! I don't think he will be here very long. : | Technical Specs, [the Sergeant-Major has been cursed by a fake holy man, so "Gloria" pretends to be a holy man and take the curse off], [they are ordered to fight and defy the Sun], [the Sgt-Major has managed to annoy a fortune teller]. A-R-T-I-L-L-E-R-Y. Gunner 'Atlas' Mackintosh: Drinks a lot, does he? : Critics accused the character of ‘racist misrepresentation of South Asians’. The Indian characters had more wit and brains than the British officers ... but they also sounded silly. Rigid rules are enforced about what we are allowed to find amusing. BSM Williams BSM Williams: Move yerselves, move yerselves! : : Ta-na. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. Did they give you a hard time? I see, when do you open fire Sugden? Colonel Reynolds Oh-what-an-ass-I-am. How sad. Colonel Reynolds: That small one with the very high voice? BSM Williams Colonel Reynolds Shares surge around the world as investors bet on Biden... but did markets jump the gun?
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