The Alawites are the second largest religious group in Syria, after the Sunni Muslims. The atmosphere exists not so much to affirm the ‘Alawi-ness of the city, but rather to provide a sense of order and control under the regime, its institutions, and its ideology. In the summer it is a vacation spot for many Syrians. Referring to events in Homs in early 2012, Hani declared to one of his fares, a ‘Alawi from Homs who had for now resettled in Tartus, “all the current problems in the country are because of you. The population is 115,769 (2004 census). I do not know for how long I will be here.”. Images of the president and of his brother Maher are ubiquitous. In particular, religion seems to have become a greater factor in group cohesion, and the makings of new inter-communal relations are evident.
Beginnen Sie noch heute mit der Planung für Tartus. Laut dem 2012 International Religious Freedom Report der US-Regierung zielte die syrische Regierung zunehmend auf Mitglieder von Glaubensgruppen ab, die sie als Bedrohung ansah. The city enjoyed major investments in the last few years. [4], The Turkish-speaking Turkmen/Turkoman are the third largest ethnic group in the country (around 4%–5% in 2013) and are mainly Sunni Muslims. The divisions and maintenance of a particular Tartusi atmosphere are not affirmations of the ‘Alawi-ness of the country. This reinforces Tartusis’ feeling of dependence on the state. Tartus is the second largest port city in Syria (after Latakia), and the largest city in Tartus Governorate. The population is 115,769 (2004 census). It was rebuilt in 346 ce by Emperor Constantine I and flourished during Roman and Byzantine times. Syrian Christians are relatively wealthy and highly educated than other Syrian religious groups. Gläubige, insbesondere Frauen, besuchen diese Schreine, um um Hilfe, Glück und Schutz zu beten. Athanasius reports that, under Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, Cymatius, the Orthodox bishop of Antaradus and also of Aradus (whose names indicate that they were neighbouring towns facing each other) was driven out by the Arians. A primary distinguishing feature is acceptance or otherwise of the 3rd and 4th Ecumenical Councils of 431 and 451, which concerned the precise relationship of the human and divine natures of Christ. In Al Hasaka bilden eher sunnitische Kurden als Araber die Mehrheit. 2500 character limit. The acts of the Second Council of Constantinople in 553 were signed by Asyncretius as bishop of Aradus. Civil codes have greatly modified the authority of Islamic laws, and before the recent upsurge in Islamism during the Syrian civil war, the educational role of Muslim religious leaders had been declining with the gradual disappearance of kuttabs, the traditional mosque-affiliated schools. 1991 sagten Professor Alasdair Drysdale und Professor Raymond Hinnebusch, dass weniger als 1% des Landes aus sunnitisch-muslimischen Zirkassiern besteht. Es gibt auch eine kleine jüdische Gemeinde. Given the sensitive nature of the research, names of interview subjects have been changed. They form the fifth largest ethnic group in the country (around 1.5% in 2013[12]) but the fourth largest Sunni Muslim community in Syria. They explained that they had selected the complex because there are no lively streets with high-end establishments in the center of Tartus comparable to those found in Damascus or Latakia. Indeed, the chalet population is well controlled, as practically anyone who goes to live there, whether an owner or renter, must provide his or her national identification card to the security services.
As was the case prior to 2011, the government’s strong control continues to conceal latent divisions within the society. Recent demonstrations have not only thanked the foreign governments supporting the Syrian regime, but also expressed solidarity with the Turkish people struggling against their own regime—a stance repeatedly expressed by the Syrian government.8 Significantly, major demonstrations of this nature, bringing masses of celebrating Syrians into major city squares, cannot be observed outside of Tartus and Swayda at present. The image presented by the international media is strikingly different, seeing in the situation the government securing a safe haven for ‘Alawis on the coast—an “Alawite town.” On the surface, this interpretation appears plausible. It was captured in 1099 during the First Crusade, but it was later taken over by Muslims, before it was recaptured by Raymond of Saint-Gilles in February 1102 after two weeks of siege, then it was left in 1105 to his son Alfonso Jordan and was known as Tortosa. In Syria, as elsewhere, the degree to which Jews submit to the disciplines of their religion varies. In Syrien wie auch anderswo variiert das Ausmaß, in dem sich Juden den Disziplinen ihrer Religion unterwerfen. All other groups, in such matters, come under the jurisdiction of the Muslim code. Seit den frühen 1960er Jahren ist eine starke Auswanderung von Christen zu verzeichnen. In 1123 the Crusaders built the semi-fortified Cathedral of Our Lady of Tortosa over a Byzantine church that was popular with pilgrims. With the exception of the Armenians and Assyrians, most Syrian Christians identify ethnically as Arameans or Arab Christians. 7 Observations and interviews were conducted with inhabitants of Tartus in 2013. It is thus the notion of “government town” that best describes the identity of Tartus during the present crisis. [6], The city was called Antaradus in Latin.
Erleben Sie … Sehenswürdigkeiten, Wanderrouten und einzigartige Erlebnisse. This example of a secret service general hiding his family’s place of origin for security reasons highlights the ambivalent identity of the Tartusis. This is, in fact, what has happened in Homs since violence escalated there—all important public institutions are controlled by ‘Alawis and have been moved into ‘Alawi neighborhoods of the city after the city center was destroyed.
Such is the case at the home of ‘Alawi Shaykh Abu Ali in a village near Tartus. In addition to debunking the myth of Tartusi economic dynamism, a closer look at Muhannad’s dry cleaning business unmasks the sometimes-difficult relationships among people within the context of the ongoing crisis. Significantly, the aspects of the café characteristic of a cultural center—including the library, artistic atmosphere, and self-service—had to be excised, reflecting the fact that Tartus cannot become a central place in its own right. Es gibt nur drei Gouvernorate, in denen sie keine Mehrheit haben: Al-Suwayda, wo Drusen vorherrschen, Latakia, wo Alawis die Mehrheit haben, und Tartus, wo Alawis ebenfalls die Mehrheit haben. Die Ja'afari-Schiiten kommen hauptsächlich in Qadmus im Tartous Governorate vor . [2] In the summer it is a vacation spot for many Syrians.
Letztere erklärten 1182 ihre Treue zum Petersdom, was 1100 vom Papst bestätigt wurde: Die anderen orthodoxen und orientalisch-orthodoxen Ritus-Christen, die mit dem Papsttum verbunden sind, entstanden im 18. und 19. For example, he refers to the rebels only as “terrorists.” For this reason, Muhannad fears the employee is playing a “double game.” He also knows, however, that what he feels are only suspicions. Inside the city, he caters to everyone, but he fears being abducted if he leaves the city. Most important, she explained, she had encountered someone in the room from Damascus. Mit Ausnahme der Armenier und Assyrer identifizieren sich die meisten syrischen Christen ethnisch als Aramäer oder arabische Christen . Although the identification of the individual with their religious community is strong, belief in saints is not limited to one religious group. Es ist heute nach Religion und Kultur ein mehrheitlich sunnitisch-muslimisches Land, wird aber von der alawitischen Minderheit regiert. Tartus is a popular destination for tourists. Catholic and Orthodox Christians were members of one Church until 1054. It was united to the see of Famagosta in Cyprus in 1295. More recently, displaced persons are coming from elsewhere—for instance, Aleppo. Im Jahr 2016 führte die de facto autonome Föderation Nordsyrien - Rojava zum ersten Mal in der syrischen Geschichte die standesamtliche Eheschließung ein und begann, sie zu fördern, um eine säkulare offene Gesellschaft und eine Mischehe zwischen Menschen mit unterschiedlichem religiösem Hintergrund zu erreichen.
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