Tweaking any of these settings should give you the best possible experience and make live and time-lapse videos infinitely better and more usable. The webcam stream via the web frontend worked 2 months ago. I have not seen (nor did I expect) any change in video playback by changing this option but since I am using a USB webcam I changed from auto to USB as shown below. weird network activity, unannounced tracking, ...) and I first tried different stream urls but nothing worked. I have not seen (nor did I expect) any change in video playback by changing this option but since I am using a USB webcam I changed from auto to USB as shown below. I'm getting this in the Control tab with my Xbox 360 camera: It was working 5 minutes ago, then froze. By default, Octoprint will automatically detect a camera that is connected via either Ribbon Cable (Raspberry Pi Camera) or USB (webcam) but if you want to you can specify in the octoprint.txt file how your camera is connected. Pull up Webcam Streamer in the OctoPi settings panel. Click the Install button to complete the installation. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Enter your streaming providers embed URL for your live stream video into the “Viewer Embed URL” field. The worst that will happen is your camera feed will stop working and you will have to rollback a setting. I'm trying to get my Raspberry Pi V2 camera working but on the control tab on octoprint, I get the 'Webcam Steam Not Loaded' message and I'm struggling to resolve the issue. Had I known then what I know now about just what we can tweak with cameras in OctoPrint I most likely would have stuck with the Raspberry Pi Camera as it would have done everything I needed it to do and had so many more mounting options on my Monoprice Maker Select Plus. What is the problem? Using connectivity to automate our lives will empower civilization to achieve greatness. The default webcam URLs in OctoPrint on OctoPi are: Stream URL: /webcam/?action=stream (no leading http, it's a relative path, it's correct this way!) For me and my Logitech C920 things work best when set to: That should be everything that needs to be changed in this file but you do have additional options like: After making any changes to this file you will want to reboot your Raspberry Pi in order for the settings to take affect. I also tried to change the USB ports but it didn't help. A fully qualified URL is needed containing either the resolvable hostname or the IP address of the OctoPi. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), The Raspberry Pi 4 Gets a Hardware Revision, Ring-MQTT: Do more with your Ring Products, Properly Configuring a Camera in OctoPrint - CrackedConsole, If not already done check the box next to. Thought that might have been the case, so I looked at my own post in General to see if I could figure it out, but maybe that doesn't apply to topics in that category. Twitch: Your Twitch username is needed to construct the embed URL. Camera selection aside as I said it really is all just personal preference, what will make the real difference is coming when we dive into settings and start aligning out OctoPrint settings to our camera properties. With all of these settings properly configured your camera feed should look remarkably better than when you first plugged it in. When I started looking into just what could be done to optimize cameras in OctoPrint I found that much of the information available was either outdated or a raw data dump that was not easy to read (or act upon) for most users. Fixed it with help from - please delete this thread. Enter your OctoPi webcam URL into the “OctoPi Webcam URL” field. Before we start changing anything I just want to point out again that you are not going to break anything here so do not be afraid. "Mark as solved" is currently only enabled for "Get Help" and I think I also enabled it in "Plugins". Open the plugin repository in the Plugin Manager’s settings dialog, click on “Get more…” and enter the URL in the “… from URL” box. With the “YouTube Channel ID” in hand, constrcut the URL like this: 1.2. 1.1. It can be found on your Advanced settings page. I could imagine this is something that others might run into, so I'd definitely not delete it. Plugin that adds a tab to OctoPrint for viewing, starting, and stopping a live stream. It can be found on your Advanced settings page. When I use the iPad app the cam works just fine but not on the website. “Docker Image” default is adilinden/rpi-stream:latest. People do this without even considering that settings could be tweaked to make the video captured by these cameras better. To access these settings: While these are all basic settings as I mentioned they can be pretty powerful giving you the ability to adjust aspect ratio and rotation. The following variable substitutions are available: If there is something wrong with this listing (broken links & images etc), please report it here. The OctoPrint frontend has some very basic yet powerful controls over your webcam and thus should be the starting point for anything you do. I've done it with some topics over the past couple days which definitely were solved but where the OP didn't seem to be interested into marking the solution. Get Help. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Thanks in advance . Variable substitution is performed to insert setup values into the ffmpeg command line. Looking at the plugin source you are using stream value from webcam octoprint settings to fetch data. For example, –colfx 128:128 should result in a monochrome image. I've seen some posts here that get marked as solved with a link to the post that solved it, but I can't see how that's done. At this point, we will have no more autofocus issues which will be evident when watching a video stream as the camera will not be focusing in and out for hours while your proter does its thing. If you want a bit of guidance however you can always consult the list of cameras known to work with OctoPrint here. What I find as the best practice when setting the framerate and resolution for a new camera is to gradually increase one at a time until the camera stops working then back down the setting to the previous. report it here. Although this plugin should work with a wide variety of webcam, it has only been tested with a Raspberry Pi cam running on OctoPi and made available via OctoPrint mjpeg-streamer. YouTube: Your “YouTube Channel ID” is needed to construct the embed URL. The “Primary Stream key” can be found on your Dashboard Settings page. Most people that I talk to in the various 3D Printing communities I am a part of simply plug in a Raspberry Pi Camera or USB Webcam and run with it. When it comes to cameras to use with OctoPrint there is no shortage of options. How do I mark as solved? This setting is regardless of what kind of camera you are using but since I am using a USB webcam I am going to focus on that from here on out. The complete “Stream Server URL” should look like this: rtmp:// Webcams. If this plugin is doing something suspicious (e.g. The option here that we may want to adjust is the FFMPEG Threads as by default this is set to one but depending on the hardware we are using we can comfortably bump this up giving a little more horsepower to our time-lapse processing. This value is rather arbitrary but the default makes sense (to me). By default, the camera connected to your Raspberry Pi (or other device running OctoPrint) is configured to a resolution of 640×480 at 10 frames per second. In addition, the camera is shown is lsusb. Liked it? If you have a camera that has autofocus you will most likely want to disable it as the constant moving of your 3D Printer will have the focus constantly changing and chances are it will never really focus on the proper thing anyways. This value needs to match the docker image installed in the setup steps. It's a category specific thing. One thought I did have about this setting however is that it could be useful if you had both a Raspberry Pi Camera and a USB Webcam connected although I have not tried this so do not know exactly how the system would work. Luckily there really is no wrong answer and it just comes down to personal preferences and aesthetics. For example With the basics done via the frontend of OctoPrint we can go one step further and start making changes to the octopi.txt file which is located at: In the octopi.txt file, you have the ability to change settings that will improve video quality, image compression and other settings that will have little effect other than to clean up some code. Both values can be found on your Live dashboard page. sydthe. The “OctoPi Webcam URL” typically looks something like this: Terse setup information is also availabe via the expandable “Additional Information” section on the “Webcam Streamer” settings page. edit: nevermind, I just added solved in the title. To do this we need to edit yet another file. Access the OctoPi command line and run the ~/oprint/bin/pip install command. After some experimentation you will have the value that works for you and you will want to make the change permanent. Had to be fine by either the topic author or a mod. Advanced option allow for modification of the FFmpeg command line for use with other streaming services or cameras. I have the latest version of Octoprint installed. Changes to these settings modify the bundled MJPG Streamer and can be used for both USB Webcams and Raspberry Pi Cameras. YouTube: Your “YouTube Channel ID” is needed to construct the embed URL. Not sure if it would make sense in one of the others. This plugin relies on a Docker container running FFmpeg to convert the mjpeg-streamer video stream and pipe it to a live streaming service. Aside from an easy to use interface and the potential for remote control over your 3D Printer, having a camera to watch over your 3D Prints is one of the major benefits to OctoPrint and often a driving factor for setting the system up. I had originally started off with a Raspberry Pi Camera and then eventually moved on to a Logitech C920.
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