In the example about European travel above, readers might be interested in travel around Europe but will they be interested in solo travel, and greater independence and confidence? (Answers are attached at the end of this worksheet.) The Tone of an introduction to an essay establishes how you feel about your topic and the relationship with your readers. The following video offers a definition of thesis statements, and guidance for finding thesis statements as you read. true or false. Also, make sure your audience will want to learn these new facts and possibly embrace these new opinions. If it does not, the thesis statement is not appropriate because it is more a summary than a point. User: In evaluating a thesis statement, it's important to bear in mind that it should Weegy: In evaluating a thesis statement, it's important to bear in mind that it should: serve as an announcement regarding what the essay is about. Locating and Evaluating Thesis Statements The following video offers a definition of thesis statements, and guidance for finding thesis statements as you read. Think of it as a loving mother steering her children away from danger. First, it allows the reader to get excited about what, specifically, is coming their way. It is specific and states a position. Earn a little too. This is a harsh yet necessary question to ask yourself: will my readers have any reason to care about what I'm writing? Is it a reflection of society? Reading is a process that can be taught to any child as long as the teacher is patient, consistent, and willing to help the child succeed. If a word is vague, unclear or can be replaced with a more specific word, you must change the wording. Strong. For example, saying "European travel is a good way to spend your summer," is not specific enough. Regional settlement patterns are most affected by this physical ... After chlorofluorocarbons were banned, which class of chemicals was ... the house of representatives haa the special power to. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming social network that turns your phone into a live broadcast camera for streaming to friends, family, followers, or everyone. Evaluate the following thesis statement as Good (the thesis statement makes a focused, clear point) Needs work (with some revision the statement could be good) or Unacceptable (the thesis statement should probably be abandoned for an entirely new thesis). Second, it stands as the point of reference for your entire paper. It makes a bold claim about the topic and then provides two or three supporting factors to demonstrate why the statement is true. The purpose of my paper is to identify the causes of global poverty. In evaluating a thesis statement, it's important to bear in mind that it should, A _______ should make clear what the paragraph is about and express a view about the subject matter, The _______ of an introduction to an essay establishes how you feel about your topic and the relationship with your readers. Justifies a discussion and states a position. View Evaluating_Thesis_Statements (1).docx from ENC 1101 at Florida SouthWestern State College, Lee. User: primary wave User: a space in which particles have ... Weegy: 12+12 = 24 User: Approximately how many hours does she play soccer in a year? Now, you can hone in your research on solo travel through Europe, the need for independence, and its positive effect on personal confidence. It makes a claim, directly answering a question and must be very specific, as you can see in our thesis … Media violence is harmful to society. Refer back to it and ask have you wandered off topic? Because some herbal supplements promote rapid weight loss, it poses a potential danger to consumers. Below are 15 debatable, supportable, and focused thesis statements for you to learn from. Feel free to customize them for use in your own argumentative essay. 2. A thesis statement is powerful on two fronts. This exercise will help you understand the difference between an effective and ineffective thesis statement, ie a sentence that identifies the main idea and central purpose of an essay. What are the causes of violence among inmates? All Rights Reserved, notebook with words write your thesis on the page. Exercise 1.3 Evaluating thesis statements This activity contains 10 questions. Write your thesis statement once and then rewrite it again with greater specificity. Expert answered|Janet17|Points 30045| User: Which method of organization is most often used in narrative essays? You can also stop watching at 6:00, since the video then proceeds to writing thesis statements, which is not our focus at the moment.). The reason is that your evaluation essay thesis is supposed to be a guidepost to your readers and thus you should position it in a place where you your audience can easily spot it. Why are there so many homeless people in Boston? Look for an argument against your thesis. When you're done, you may want to discuss your answers with your classmates, and then compare your responses with the suggested answers on page two. A thesis statement must always have a potential argument or different point of view. It's worth reiterating that a strong thesis statement is specific. I would like to discuss how parents can have better relationships with their children. Why is European travel good? A thesis statement is one sentence that expresses the main idea of a research paper or essay. Lacks clarity because it doesn't express one main idea. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. 52 4/5 B. Poor. An expository (explanatory) paper explains something to … "Solo European travel requires independence which, in the end, bolsters personal confidence." An ocean wave is an example of a(n) _____ wave form. It makes a claim, directly answering a question. Locating and Evaluating Thesis Statements The following video offers a definition of thesis statements, and guidance for finding thesis statements as you read. Be very careful you're not developing a topic that is of interest to you alone. Clear and expresses one main idea. A thesis is the statement telling the reader the main point or points of an essay. Strong. A. A thesis is never a question. A thesis is the statement telling the reader the main point or points of an essay. Honesty and trust play an important role in parent-child relationships. This set of cards is designed to show students examples of strong and poor thesis statements. The placement of your thesis is a critical consideration you need to keep at the back of your mind. When an assignment asks you to analyze, to interpret, to compare and contrast, to demonstrate cause and effect, or to take a stand on an issue, it is likely that you are being asked to develop a thesis and to support it persuasively.
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