In this situation, God waited until it was completely out of Abraham's hands, out of his control. I bring you good tidings of great joy! Maybe to change jobs. Was he some kind of superman? What was he thinking those 40 years, "God was I wrong? Sermon Title: You Are Next In Line For A Miracle Scriptural Reference: Luke 18:3-5.
He does that emotionally -- a dead relationship restored, a marriage resurrected. As the two of them went together Isaac spoke up and said to his father Abraham, `Father?' DELAY. I'm not putting down positive attitudes. God gives life to the dead and He calls things that are not as thought they were. May it apply to each of our lives in only ways that You know. Abraham believed God would raise Isaac from the dead. Genesis 17.
He's got his boy, his answer, his miracle child. You are next in line for deliverance, you are next in line for your healing…YOU ARE NEXT IN LINE FOR A MIRACLE! The children of Israel had come to the Red Sea and Pharaoh and his army was coming to take them back into captivity. Proverbs says, Death and life are in the power of the tongue. That's degrading God and makes Him a genie. Have you walked on water lately? Hebrew 11 is the commentary that explains the story we just looked at. God expects us to depend on Him and whatever is not of faith is sin. When you are believing God to do the miraculous you need to feed your spirit with sermons, songs and scriptures that will get your mind ready and set to receive what you are believing him to do! Grace: The Truth that Transforms - Part 10 of 36.
Hadn't He said you're going to give your son to die there? The Bible says faith is the basis of miracles.
Keep getting up! HOW GOD PREPARES YOU FOR A MIRACLE - ROMANS 4:18, Abraham's life is a beautiful example of the "Six Phases of Faith", III. Start, Strengthening the Father/Son Relationship, Your Struggle Will Be Your Success! Where do you need a miracle? God will provide. Abraham didn't believe in a principle, he believed in a person. God said, Abraham I'm going to bless you. 3) Detour. I'm never late, I'm always all time, get ready for your miracle, move to the front of the line; today is your day, you're next in line for a miracle". Matthew 21:22 "If you believe you will receive whatsoever you ask for in prayer." The God that can do what no man can do is ever present. How could he have the faith to do that? It starts off when God wants to do a miracle in our life is a DREAM. " whom God will credit righteousness. DEFINITION OF A MIRACLE - ROMANS 4:17, II. I don't have any kids and I'm not getting any younger. If he said you’re getting married, get something that a bride would get when she’s preparing for marriage even if that’s getting a catalog. We're going to look at the life of Abraham as we looked at last week. That's a human statement. First there was a dream and then there was the decision: Am I going to obey God or not? He will bring an end to your afflictions… Only believe! This joy that you have will not be terminated. The phrase "face the facts" in Greek comes from two words put together: mind and down. It's a much greater alternative than negativism. Faith comes from the word of God. Yes. v. 20 "Yet he did not waiver through unbelief regarding the promises." This is the power of God's word. Walk In Your Gifts And Calling UNAPOLOGETICALLY: NOTHING SHALL BE WASTED! What can You give me since I remain childless? Have you fed 5000 people lately? Walking hasn't always been easy, but in the past ten weeks he's been pain free and actually walking for exercise with his mother! When you're walking you walk straight. Not hope based on wishful thinking, a great idea. He faced the fact but he didn't weaken his faith. You need to connect with those who are talking FAITH! Notice it says, "Abraham, without weakening in his faith, faced the facts." But God doesn't have anybody to swear to. Did I make it up in my mind?" The second thing about Abraham was that his hope was based on God's word. Don't take matters into your own hands.". That's the most profound thing I could share with you tonight. No. It is true that our words are the tools of faith. Was the dream off? They have the baby but that's not the end of the story. Maybe you could start a business that would be dedicated to the glory of God with the profits going to the Lord." ( Log Out / What you can conceive and believe you can achieve. He had doubts. The miracle-working power of the God that blessed Elizabeth will show up in your case! We have two or three typical reactions: 1) Doubt.
The word says that the cries of Israel reached God and he delivered them! Further Reading: Psalms 126:1-6; Psalms 121:1-8, Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Jeremiah 12-14; Evening- 2 Timothy 1. He's ready to sacrifice and just as he's ready it says the angel stopped him.
Matthew 17:20 "Because you have so little faith I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to this mountain, `Move from here, go there' and it will move. He could have been discouraged. How do you expect your faith to grow! You will NOT miss your divine appointment.
Joseph even as a young man has a dream. I've just been waiting." Are you behaving accordingly…. How did Abraham keep his faith in spite of the delays? And Abram was 75 years old when he set out from Haran".
He didn't stagger. This is the dead end, the impasse. Abraham faced the facts but it didn't weaken his faith. "He calls those things that are not as though they were." He said, growing up to keep them all straight they wrote their names inside their T-shirts. Faith is not a fantasy world. He said, I base my life on God's word. I accept You as my Lord and Personal Saviour. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. There is a certain brand of Christianity out today that thinks if you have faith you simply ignore the problem. I thought I could!" Maybe some of you are just starting -- You're in the dream phase. He was already up in years when God gave him this promise. Now do you see why the verse in Romans says God brings life out of death?
3. Phase 1 He gives you a dream. God specializes in resurrections. Nothing will be impossible for you."
This has got to be one of the most amazing verses in the Bible. Did I just not get it from You? That is an understatement! Look up at the stars. The Bible says faith comes from hearing God's word.
In Jesus' name. For us who believe in him who raises Jesus our Lord from the dead." The just shall live by Faith! `Yes, my son,' `The fire and wood are here,' Isaac said, `But where is the lamb for the burnt offering?' He gets thrown into a pit, sold into slavery, sold to Potipher, accused of adultery when he's innocent, thrown into jail, passed over in jail. In v. 8 "O sovereign Lord, how can I know that I will gain possession of it?" The baby was born when he was 100. What's the delay? God gave Moses a vision, a dream of setting his people free. How many times do we do that? The second phase is DECISION. How do you believe God? He makes good on His promise. The Bible says if you don't believe you're going to get it, don't even pray for it! When we trust Him, when we express faith in our heavenly Father it makes Him feel good.
It is! If he said the house is yours pack something up and get ready for your move! A promise is only as good as the person who gives it.
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