Starting June 11th, you will be able to enter our two Fresh Start servers. ArcheAge: Unchained important update about the fresh start servers. The ratings icon is a registered trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. The wait is almost over, Chosen Ones! Juni 10, 2020. How will the Fresh Start Servers be working? NA-Jergant will come online on Sunday, October 20th at 8:00 AM PDT and will be open to all (Founder's, Steam players, and purchasers after launch) to create characters and play immediately without character reservation. Now for what i’ve understood the East is so packed in players that they overwhelm us 3 to 1 in abyssal and some of our heros exiled to the East. Wir möchten, dass jeder in den Genuss der neuen Neustart-Server kommt. Keep in mind that the pre-order exclusive items in our packs and the Bundles are available only until June 11th, so don’t wait too long! ArcheAge Unchained, a single purchase version, is available as of October 15, 2019. The English version of the freemium game (NA/EU/Australia) is available on Steam and Glyph. The scheduled weekly server maintenance will be on Thursday the 6th of August, the downtime is expected to last 3 hours for EU and 4... Hello everyone, dont do it. Killance. Juni – eröffnet und verfügbar sein. This subreddit is dedicated to the aggregation of news, content, and discussion. Ohne ArchePass ist das Leben schwer, deshalb haben wir einige kleine Überraschungen vorbereitet, um diesen Mangel auszugleichen. i am totally outoftheloop since i blocked stumpy the first time i saw his lockcap. ArcheRage 5.0: Global 5.0 Custom Update & Gifts... Dear ArcheRagers! Read past ArcheAge Unchained server statuses. Du hast richtig gelesen! You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. How do I access the Fresh Start Servers? All Rights Reserved. ArcheAge is estimated to have 2,221,869 total players or subscribers. On Thursday the 4th of June at 1 am PDT we will be having maintenance on the NA Unchained Servers for a datacenter move from their... Use this control to limit the display of threads to those newer than the specified time frame. ... 2013, Europe and North America on September 16, 2014. Neustart-Serverzugang auch für Silber! The English version of the freemium game (NA/EU/Australia) is available on Steam and Glyph. Only in the Fresh Start servers, you will find the following items for free on the Marketplace: 200 Diligence Coins* 20 Bound Labor Rechargers* *You can redeem 1 of each per account We will for sure update you about how and when you can claim these items in the upcoming days. It is available for North American, European, Australian, Russian, and Korean players. The scheduled weekly server maintenance will be on Thursday the 10th of September, the downtime is expected to last 3 hours for both... Hello everyone, Copyright © 2020 Advent Development. Das Warten ist fast vorüber, Auserwählter! it's not dead lmao if you didn't figure it out tho, tyrennos is pretty active imo. Read past ArcheAge Unchained server statuses. The English version of the freemium game (NA/EU/Australia) is available on Steam and Glyph. There will be an emergency maintenance for both EU and NA servers. Hey, currently which server is the most active/populated one both for US and EU? The first Season to be active our these servers will be ArchePass Season 4. Patch Notes Garden of the Gods – June 2020. The scheduled weekly server maintenance will be on Thursday the 24th of September, the downtime is expected to last 3 hours for both... Hello everyone, Sonst noch etwas?Bezüglich des ArchePass beachte bitte, dass die Saison 3 auf den Neustart-Servern nicht aktiv sein wird. Mark Forums Read; Quick Links . Forum Actions: View this forum's RSS feed; Forum Statistics: Threads: 72; Posts: 1,494; Last Post: ArcheAge: Unchained EU and NA... by . © Valve Corporation. 7 months ago. Nur auf den Neustart-Servern findest du die folgenden Gegenstände kostenlos auf dem Marktplatz: 200 Eifermünzen* 20 Gebundene Wiederhersteller für Arbeitspunkte* *Du kannst jeweils 1 Stück pro Konto einlösen Wir werden dich sicher in den kommenden Tagen darüber informieren, wie und wann du diese Gegenstände in Anspruch nehmen kannst. Wie werden die Neustart-Server funktionieren? On east, other than a substantial amount of QQ because our server pop just doesn't really want to purify castle lands, everyone is very active in most things. This subreddit is dedicated to the aggregation of news, content, and discussion. Doubt it will help, the toxic will just keep going. Attention everyone on NA! The English version of the freemium game (NA/EU/Australia) is available on Steam and Glyph. We are expecting the Update and the Fresh Start servers to open not before 2PM UTC for EU servers, 4PM PDT for NA servers. This may result in... Hello everyone, ArcheAge Unchained, a single purchase version, is available as of October 15, 2019. Read more. We will be bringing a 6th NA server, Jergant, online on ArcheAge: Unchained to help support the number of players connecting. I’ve understood that they are running out of content in East so there is a purple fest going on and even the pirates have chosen to side with East in all events. The scheduled weekly server maintenance will be on Thursday the 25th of June, the downtime is expected to last 4 hours for NA... Hello everyone, Patch-Notizen Garten der Götter – Juni 2020. The... Hello everyone, Die erste Saison, die auf diesen Servern aktiv sein wird, ist die ArchePass-Saison 4. Can u give a summary of what is happening in nation ? ArcheAge und XLGAMES sind geschützte Marken von XLGAMES Inc. Gamigo, Trion, Trion Worlds, Glyph und die entsprechenden Logos sind geschützte Marken oder eingetragene Warenzeichen von gamigo US Inc. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Would really appreciate some info on which servers have the highest populations, and if they are East/West heavy. ArcheAge Unchained, a single purchase version, is available as of October 15, 2019. Wir erwarten, dass das Update und die Neustart-Server nicht vor 14 Uhr UTC für EU-Server und 16 Uhr PDT für NA-Server geöffnet werden. Das Warten ist fast vorüber, Auserwählter! Wie kann ich auf die Neustart-Server zugreifen? Velsh™ Feb 23 @ 11:30am Most Populated EU & NA server?
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