data “Septaseminovile”,139.6,140.4 case left$(A$(8),2) data “Biundecile”,65.1,65.8
rem dim aspect_name(total_number_of_aspects) as string rem if ucase$(left$(S$,2))=left$(A$(j%),2) then * NOTE: If birth time is unknown, the report will not include positions or aspects for the Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, Vertex, or Part of Fortune, nor will it include House positions for any planets. read A$(i%) rem else This Phase Calculator displays Phases & Aspects between Planets, Nodes, & Angles. data “Trisemiseptile”,76.8,77.4 case left$(A$(2),2) case left$(A$(4),3) data “Septaquindecile”,167.8,168.2 rem open "C:\Users\"+users_name+"\Documents\"+file_name+".txt" for output as #1, rem replace all <> with <> data “Vigintile”,17.8,18.2 data “Sextatredecile”,165.95,166.15 data “Quintaquartisquare”,111.7,113.3 Some free online birth chart calculators display a grid of planetary aspects, and it’s typically quite small and difficult to read. Or use this quick and easy Vedic chart creator to get your lagna, sun, nakshatra moon, and planets.
data “Undecile”,32.4,33.1 print P$(i%);" ";B$(j%);" ";P$(k%);" ";:print using "#'##";fix(O);fix((O-fix(O))*60) NB: In Line 120, UN. ":sleep Or you can adapt it to other platforms that run BASIC programs with a little thought, if you understand the language. E(i%)=180 data “Quadranovile”,159,161 data “Quintile”,70.2,73.8 data “Semiseptile”,25.4,26.0 data “Binovile”,79,81 Quick Update: Now the calculator shows quality or element where relevant, for example: Fire Grand Trine or Fixed T-Square. rem exit for S%=11 As an Amazon Associate Shawn earns from qualifying purchases. Astro-Charts is the home of beautiful, free astrology charts. S%=6 dim B$(50) data “Bitredecile”,55.2,55.6 I would be more than happy to discuss this with anyone sufficiently interested to ask.
390DATA”Biquintile”,142.2,145.8,”Quincunx”,148.5,151.5,”Triseptile”,153.4,155.2,”Septaquartisquare”,156.7,158.3, “Quadrinovile”,159,161,”Quintaundecile”,163.3,164,”Undecaquartisextile”,164.5,165.5,”Opposition”,171,180. T = abs(D(i%) – D(k%)) The lunar nodes in astrology reveal your karmic path in this lifetime. rem end if if T>B(j%) and T
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