Males possess a swollen cloaca while females have a wider body full of eggs. This advert is located in and around
Edinburgh. Golden albinos (some more peach coloured,some more yellow) and wild types £15 each All are strong and healthy and are eating really well! Mother is wild and Father is copper. ****Only 3" left now**** Axolotl for rehoming. Features. I have golden Albino Axolotl larvae available for sale, £2 each. Size of Species For Sale: 10-15cm. Please note, we only send our Amphibians once a week on a signed for service. Some are ready to go some need a little longer to grow. still a baby, not sure how old For those with concerns over conservation, Amphibiworld can assure them our amphibians are non-native species, legally held and derived from UK captive bred animals. They can attain a size of up to 18 inches, but 8 … You will need a tank ready for your adorable new pet. will come with container and bloodworms, All ready for new home. They are the ‘Wild’ Types That's all! Please don't email as I cannot access my emails at the moment so please message x, Axolotl for sale kids no interest any more 12 month old, We give a % of our income plus FREE advertising to our chosen charities. Most have been rescues etc. Pet License LN/199800052 London Borough of, "Brown" Cold Water African Clawed Toad (Pack of Two), Cold Water African Clawed Toad (Pack of Two), Lucky Reptile AXONEW - Food for Axolotls, Newts and Frogs.
Peterborough, Cambridgeshire. PLEASE NOTE PAYMENT IS FOR 1 AXOLOTL. Dover, Kent. Mum is a wild type and dad is a leucistic. No boosted adverts match your selected search. Check it out! She (I think) has had quite a few issues which I think is due to water quality and heat. AmphibiWorld has a large colony of Golden Mantella (mantella aurantiaca) and has been supplying these beautiful frogs to both the retail trade and private customers. It is about 4 months old and 3.5 inches long. Margate, Kent. Classifieds. Welcome to the Axolotl, Newts & Frogs Section. We will also try to answer individual questions relating to amphibian health and welfare, as well as advising on treatments that may be beneficial. 'https://z': 'http://p') + ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(c, s);})(); // ]]> Copyright © 2013, Amphibi World. This advert is located in and around We also breed and sell the lesser known Brown Mantella ( mantella betsileo), which is just as beautiful a frog in its own right. Within the AmphibiWorld website you will find care sheets for the creatures we breed and supply that can be freely downloaded. This advert is located in and around I have dark wild types, and light wild types. Mansfield, Nottinghamshire.
Please note, we only send our Amphibians once a week on a signed for service. They are gorgeous and I'm sad to see them go but I can't keep them all! 4x Axolotls.
Males and females available. These are amazing creatures, that need a lot of love and attention. There are no previous pages, Go to the next search results page: page 2 of 4. Hatched 2nd September, 1.5 inches long, eating frozen bloodworm and artemia from pets at home. Common Name: Leucistic Axolotl. Food, your axolotl(s) will be eating Frozen blood worm cubes, sold at most pet store they also can eat frozen brine shrimp, once the axolotl is a little bigger Earth worms can be fed, purchased at Walmart or bait shops, sinking salamander pellets can be fed also. This advert is located in and around Preloved, The Joy of Second Hand, Preloved People and The Second Hander are trademarks of Moo Limited. 6 month/6 inch Axolotl babies. This advert is located in and around 4 male axolotls for sale with 3ft bowd fish tank and sponge filter also comes with bubbler for sponge filter selling due to needing the room 3 Denham, Bucks. They are eating very well on chopped dendrobaenas (earthworms) and some small Axolotl pellets. Peterborough, Cambridgeshire. Beautiful long gills growing quickly, back legs fully in. collection only from Wotton under edge, Beautiful axolotl around 9-10 months available for rehoming.
Beautiful Young Wild Type axolotls for sale approx a year old. All Rights Reserved. Maximum Size Species Grows To:25cm. To ensure delivery, orders must be placed Monday by 2pm.
All growing really well, and feeding well on dendrobaena worms.
6 month/6 inch Axolotl babies. Axolotl Spawn. Dendrobates Auratus - Green and Black £60 each or 2 for £100
This advert is located in and around Welcome to AmphibiWorld, the home of amphibians. This advert is located in and around This advert is located in and around Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Will be posted next day delivery guaranteed. We also have wild types, golden albinos, leucistics and coppers available. message for more details.
Welcome to the Axolotl, Newts & Frogs Section. Adult picture is parents. They are currently eating live bloodworm but will be weaned onto Dendorbena's soon. Pets & Animals. A mature axolotl which is about 18-24 months ranges in length from about 15 to 45 centimeters and weighs somewhere between 2 and 8 ounces. :) We have a range of axolotls available, from hatchlings (last pictures) to jeuvenille, from sizes 1"-5". Our pet shop lisence is 329285/19
Feeding well on a mixed diet of farmed tiger worms and frozen blood worm. 20 hours ago. This advert is located in and around
£10 each Axolotls for sale UK. Axolotl juveniles We are now able to breed and sell axolotls in all the colour variations available. This advert is located in and around Collection beccles. Hatched 6th April, Leucistic (white with black eyes and red gills) & Wildtype (light & dark available) Axolotls ready for new homes. Preloved, The Joy of Second Hand, Preloved People and The Second Hander are trademarks of Moo Limited. 2× brown axolotls for sale. Hatched on March 20 2020. Available: Littleport Ely, Cambridgeshire. Bourne End, Bucks. It is eating frozen bloodworm, frozen artemia (both from pets at home) and medium Novolotl pellets really well. love frozen blood warms. This advert is located in and around A few left of each morph. Wolverhampton, West Midlands. Would like to have confirmation they are going to a home they... *MESSAGE FIRST BEFORE PURCHASING* I have 1 Golden Albino Axolotl juvenile left, available now. It resembles the larvae of other salamanders in that it has lidless eyes, wide head, long digits, frilled grills, and a long tail. Search. This advert is located in and around 2x Wild types Approx 5inches long all happily eating pellets and worms Login / Register. Just hitting the 3 inch mark some smaller ones can grow to 30cm and looking for their forever homes. love frozen blood warms. If your not in I hold no responsibility. Males and females available. All Rights Reserved. This advert is located in and around This advert is located in and around Looking for homes for our young axolotls. Latin: Ambystoma mexicanum.
Hey! From 3"-5" Little grubbers that love their food! I am selling my bearded dragon as I no longer have time for it I’m sure sure of the exact age I’d say around 2-3 and not sure if male or female would be willing to be open to offers can also come with vivarium, 4 male axolotls for sale with 3ft bowd fish tank and sponge filter also comes with bubbler for sponge filter selling due to needing the room, Axolotl babies 36 available! Always available for you to ask any questions about them or how to look after them.
Coventry, England. Help us by answering a short survey. Use of this web site constitutes acceptance of the Preloved, of your Preloved account and return to the homepage, Use this button to open and close the breadcrumb list, Navigate to the sub-categories of Home and Family, Display the search results in a grid layout, Display the search results in a list layout, Black Axolotl - Free to good home (Read description), This advert has no user uploaded images or videos, Axolotl Sub-Adults Leucistic & wild type (Golden speckled), AMPHIBIANS/SPIDERS/TARANTULAS/INVERTS STOCK LIST, Fully stocked pet store with lots of amazing livestock, Warrington pets and exotics a fully stocked pet shop/store. Northampton, Northamptonshire, Dirty leucistic axolotls - only slightly dirty and some with blue gills. Temperature Range: 14-20 Degrees Celcius (Room Temperature) Origin: Mexico, South America. Salford, Lancashire. These pages are currently subject to major revision and will, in due course, feature new photographs of stock we breed and supply. Any questions please ask. Horned Frogs £40-£60 each Please ensure that you select the Live Turtle/ Fish Carriage Delivery Option at £9.95 when ordering. Log in to see your followed searches.
If you wish to discuss or purchase any of AmphibiWorld’s products or receive a current stock list, you can find details of how to reach us on the Contact Page. Tell us what features and improvements you would like to see on Pets4Homes. One is a golden albino the other a black melonoid. Was very small at first but has grown a lot!
This advert is located in and around Food, your axolotl(s) will be eating Frozen blood worm cubes, sold at most pet store they also can eat frozen brine shrimp, once the axolotl is a little bigger Earth worms can be fed, purchased at Walmart or bait shops, sinking salamander pellets can be fed also. This advert is located in and around
Colchester, Essex.
By purchasing Axolotls from us, you are agreeing to our Terms & Conditions. This advert is located in and around Preloved supports a number of accesskeys to help you navigate our website, they are as follows: Preloved and the heart device is a registered trademark of Moo Limited.
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