accurate and up to date. However the Druids tend toward Agility, rather than Strength, as both provide increase to Attack Power in feral forms, leaving the Druid with a much higher Dodge (enhanced further with talents) than other classes. I know, some specs might be useless in raid so I would like to choose most desirable spec to be able to play in some serious guild. i was one of the semi-hardcore raid leaders on some other private servers on TBC (alliance faction) and this raid set up is considered one of the best and most versatile to clear nearly all the content (you'll have to make some small changes and arrangements for certain encounters, like off-specs for certain people, but you shouldn't have any problems with that as long as you know what to expect and what you'll require for that encounter). 8.3 “Visions of N'zoth” and the newest Raid – Ny’alotha. 6) you do not need 4 tanks for the majority of content - i remember only 1 fight where it was actually required and that was Fathom Lord Karathress. Damage (14-15): 5 (BM) hunters , 1 (S) hunter, 1 rogue [maybe two], 1 (Ret) pally, 1 (S) priest, 1 (B) druid, 1 lock, 1 mage, 1 warrior, 1 (Enh) shaman, 0-1 (Ele) shaman. And even more. This list will allow you to begin raiding Karazhan if you have an item from this list in every slot. Druids can use their Thorns spell to help build the initial Aggro lock if their Rage is too low, this also grants them 10 Rage to start the pull.
Entertainment, Inc., in the U.S. and/or other countries. bm hunter optimal Tanking performance. support the information displayed here.
Sometimes you will need more warlocks, sometimes you will neeed more melle DPS. we didn't have any retribution paladins, although i would definitely like to have 1 in my roster, even though they're extremely weak early on - to a point that even their 3% crit doesn't justify their damage. More tanks typically reduces pressure on healers also (i have always been short on tanks in wow until was it cata or mop). In But they benefit from getting 2-3 hunter's buffs of Ferocious Inspiration (and they do stack). shadow priest Ret pally to provide raid with 3% crit buff and 2% physical damage increase for their own group. restoration shaman, g2 (melee group): - both shouts, AP aura, windfury totem - meaning the main tank will NEVER have any aggro issues This is an Arms/Fury/Prot Warrior Pre-Raid Best in Slot list for The World of Warcraft Burning Crusade expansion. So class. Druids have a naturally lower armor value than the Plate wearing classes, Bear Form only provides the rough equivalent of Mail armor, and even Talents only provide at most an additional 45% of their original Leather armor value, still leaving them short.
Large HP pools allow Feral Druids to soak magic damage well. Use our free tooltip script to get tooltips. Specifically, it applies to the Main tank role in the various Raids and Dungeons in the game, unless otherwise noted. Welcome to the TBC Database for World of Warcraft patch 2.4.3!
If Tanking : (Prot) warrior, (Prot) pally, rogue, (R) druid, (Enh) shaman. We rank Tanks by their overall performance and survivability in Raids.
Recent Shadowlands Interview with Ion | New Covenant Sets | Wowhead Weekly #228. Specifically, it applies to the Main tank role in the various Raids and Dungeons in the game, unless otherwise noted. Swapping the balance druid for a tank or healer is also an option. 1 feral is just enough, because even when 3 tanks aren't needed, he can just swap out gear and do DPS, without needing to respec. isn't high-ranking – if you know what you're doing you will succeed with any Not necessarily.
The melee group has an arms providing 4% damage to physical dpsers. we had 4 warlocks in our raid and 3 of them were topping the DPS meters on tier 5, with their average DPS being about 1.6-2k, while mage's was about 1.5-1.7k and hunter's averaged about 1-1.4k with the exception of some fights, where their damage was higher. arcane or fire mage There were a few good Tauren warriors out there, but this required exceedingly good play and reaction times (with a low ping). balance druid Holy priest, Holy priest, Rdudu, Rdudu, Rshaman. DKs have Runic Power, which is subject to the same decay as Rage, but as time passes, though Runic Power is loss, the DK's OTHER resource, Runes, are restored, reducing the need to build Rage and take it to the next pull. Resto shaman, disc or hybrid disc/holy priest(improved divine spirit), holy priest, hpala, resto druid-->Mana tide totem+innervates or swap sp some times when needed. Paladins are the only tanking class to use Mana for tanking, thus are the only tanks vulnerable to Mana Burns, in the sense of losing a resource. later on, you might need to cut your healers to 5 to maximize your DPS. Dks have the advantage of ranged AoE pick up and Paladins have the best consistent mitigation through, Paladins have the advantage of DoT damage in the form of.
Warlock, Warlock, Warlock, Boomkin/prot pally, Elemental shaman. This is consistent with “doctors make the worst patients”.).
restoration druid It's easy!
While Paladins can switch to Spell casting when disarmed. DKs also have large HP pools and strong Anti-Magic Cooldowns. if I remember good, for Twins in SWP optimal setup is 9-10 healers, on Council in BT i think we usualy used like 8-9 too. Mage, Mage, Spriest, Holy paladin, elemental shaman with resto offspec. Elemental shaman, SP and 3 mages or 2 mages + 1 boomie-->3%crit+hit(totem)+mana regen+5%crit. global leaderboards from sources like and WoWProgress). This is something that I would go for, however some spots will need to be swapped depending what encounter you face. 1) hunter's are at the lower spectrum of DPS charts before T6, heavily outdamaged by both, warlocks and mages, early game even by elemental shamans. Paladins do not operate off Rage, thus are not effected by party members asking to wait for Mana, as they can use this time to replenish their own. i would argue that it's the best possible raid comp in the entire expansion and any successful hardcore guild will aim for something like this, i promise you that, You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. feral druid that is why we monitor these numbers extensively every day just to make sure they're (boomkins provide 5% crit to their group and 3% hit to all physical dpsers). If your raid is great at interrupting 1 rogue should be fine (you have enough shamans), but still you can drop a class for a 2nd one to be safe. this setup runs with 6 healers, which is just enough, but you can adapt based on your needs and raid performance. I believe it marks the PvE low-point for the class throughout WoW's 16 year history to date: 5) lack of AoE damage due to lack of mages/warlocks - this is of HUGE importance during T5 and onwards. Current statistics from many reputable sources, which include Warcraft Logs and Simulationcraft, you are curious, there are also DPS Rankings and Healer Rankings on our site. Range #1: 3x (BM) hunters, (F) druid, (R) shaman. This, combined with the passive mitigator, Theoretically, druids compensate for their lower armor with their large health pool, but as healing spells rarely provide health based on their targets’ total health, this means heals will do slightly less for druids then other tanking classes, though Innervate can help with mana from pull to pull, long boss fights will be more draining on healers with a druid tank. By
In pvp you might have to put a lot of points in disciple build and not be so good at pve. from real in-game logs from the best players in each class (for this task, we check, Any class will do, however this class may find it easier in this circumstance, and should be considered when. You can see the dates of both Each day we check the data to verify it is accurate and up to date. 2/2 HS destruction warlock* Post Reply - 189505. Caster: (Spi) priest, (S) priest, mage, (B) druid, (R or Ele) shaman.
also, this setup has 5 shamans, which utilizes their totems completely. involves running thousands of simulations with Simulationcraft (an open-source tool fury warrior Healing group has 2 holy priests ( CoH priests) for the incredible raid healing they provide. The 5th spot would be either a boomkin or prot pally depending on the fight. BM hunters are definitely your best stacking class/spec after shamans. fire mage restoration shaman.
Dedicatd Warlock group will have 3 warlocks to provide 1 curse of element, 1 curse of recklessness and 1 curse of doom or curse of tongue if required. shadow priest Our approach
fury warrior They can largely stand alone they benefit far more from bloodlust (most people don't know this; unless the 3:2 rotation is working... and it doesn't appear to be working as well as it did in retail). I think this topic could help players that wanna play TBC for the first time or after long break. heal. what i have listed is the top tier comp and it's as optimized as you can ask for for long term raiding. But don't be disappointed if at this stage your class it's a raid comp that allows you to progress very quickly and efficiently and is soooo versatile that you're fine even in the endgame.
elemental shaman, *1 weakest warlock goes affliction for the utility and improved Curse of Elements, which is a huge damage increase in this raid setup, g5 (healer group): - mana spring/mana tide totem. Tank in raid/group.
Feral tank, BM hunter, BM hunter, Survival hunter, Resto shaman with enhance offspec. divine spirit priest
Unfortunately whilst rogues do some very nice damage, they provide no buffs/utility apart from their cc which other classes can bring. Druids do not use weapons in Feral forms, and do not deal weapon damage, though they will loss any stat and +Attack Power bonuses from their weapon if disarmed, they lose no abilities and lose less attack power. I played mage at a very high PvE level throughout vanilla & TBC (racked up /350 days played, server firsts on all bosses up to Sunwell Plateau). numerous simulations and also with the help of actual logs from Top 1% Players of each class, we can Although these metrics have always been rather general trends than the rule of thumb, you can still combinations of gear. You will need at least four tanks at many points and this build loses very little when you only need one or two; via the two feral druids. Note: Please use the discussion area to debate the merits of each tank while keeping this page clean. elemental shaman, g5 (healer group): - mana spring/mana tide totem. i won't even comment on feral druids, as their damage in a raid is mediocre at best (yes, with powershifting). Last time I played TBC was 7 years ago and I don't remember which specs were most desired or least popular. bad comp. PvP: A mix, but Orc or Undead, basically. - Same as above but a single survival hunter adds raid buff Expose Weakness. restoration shaman, Tanks (4 ish): 1 (Prot) warrior, 1 (Prot) pally, 2 (F) druids [tank/dps], Healers (6 or 7): 3-4 (R) shamans, 1 (Spi) priest [spi buff], 1 (H) pally, 1 (R) druid [tank group]. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. We rank Tanks by their overall performance and survivability in Raids. 1/2 HS destruction warlock* This guide is an attempt to provide a quick reference guide for guilds, parties, raids, etc. combat rogue
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