, This was a wonderfully structured story!!! If you look at some old logging photos around Lake Nipissing (google them) , you'll see huge trees. All those teeth?”. The French fur trader Étienne Brûlé was the first European to visit the lake in 1610. maybe the issue is not that we are gullible but we believe government to be stupid enough to do something like this. It’s one thing to write fake stuff, it’s another for all the people who believe this story, your scaring people. Weres your sense of adventure. The North Bay Bay News grabs local, international attention, This mock newspaper front page accompanied the story The North Bay Bay celebrates 3 years which appeared June 22. OMG ♀️ some of you can not actually be seriously believing this ? So many people are gullible and will believe this. [4][12][13] Bull sharks are wider and heavier than other requiem sharks of comparable length, and are grey on top and white below. A member of Sun Media Community Newspapers part of Postmedia Network. There are lots of float planes available for folks wishing to reach remote fishing camps. Ice fishing duh to the person. “We had a little ceremony for the sharks,” says handler Bruce Rechin. The stomach was opened and all that was found were two small, unidentifiable fishes. BUT, who ever wrote that piece sure did their homework first and picked one of the very few specie of shark that can actually live in fresh water…good one…LOL. The largest population centre on the lake's shoreline is the city of North Bay. In the fall the deciduous trees around the lake have a wonderful colour. I’m truely saddened by the number of people believing this…. Fishing maps of Cook's Bay, Kempenfelt Bay, Lake Simcoe. No they are not original either. The story was good for a chuckle but the comments are priceless. Some articles require more time for research, but others come more quickly in response to an event or everyday occurrence. Why people even write fake shit that makes it look like it’s real is beyond me. Ask a local for directions. water stand at 4500 BP. I am really not into fake news. Your self if it real or not then you can debunk the lies from the truth. While a maximum size of 3.5 m (11 ft) is commonly reported, a single record exists of a female specimen of exactly 4.0 m (13.1 ft). All elasmobranchs have a rectal gland which functions in the excretion of excess salts accumulated as a consequence of living in seawater. if you have nothing real to print or report – then don’t print or report. Still greater numbers are in the canals of the Gold Coast, Queensland. Sorry, there are no tours or activities available to book online for the date(s) you selected. Your a bitch, Well I guess I am going shark fishing nice wall mount. During the American Revolutionary War, Lake Nipissing was proposed as the boundary in the instructions of the Continental Congress to John Adams, the Commissioner appointed to negotiate a treaty of Peace with Great Britain.[1]. In 1961, following specimen comparisons, taxonomists synonymized them. Walleye are everywhere in the lake. [36] The kidneys produce large amounts of dilute urine, but also play an important role in the active reabsorption of solutes into the blood. All rights reserved. Thanks for the laugh!!! The bull shark does not rear its young; the young bull sharks are born into flat, protected areas. Disclaimer: The North Bay Bay is a news satire and parody website. You may do some googling and discover that some sharks can in fact survive in freshwater. The lake's name means "big water" in the Algonquin language. Some of the larger islands on the lake such as Garden Island are almost exclusively broadleaf with maple, oak and dogwood. Young bull sharks leave the brackish water in which they are born and move out into the sea to breed. These people(for use of a better word) need to give their heads a shake to get their brains working again!! It can live in fresh water for its entire life, but this does not happen, mostly due to the reproductive needs of the shark. One way the bull shark is able to conserve energy is that when the tidal flow changes, the bull shark uses the tidal flow in order to conserve energy as it moves downriver. Please be patient as the files are large. It’s a JOKE !! Fishing Contour Map of Lake Simcoe. [citation needed]. The movement was found to be directly related to the bull shark conserving energy for itself. Thank you very much Jennifer Dipshit! I’m so happy I get to finally use my shark cage when I go diving ! Twitter. You guys do realize this a satire site. When the The North Bay Bay News website crashed last month, for example, it carried an article blaming city Coun. Just goes to so you need to do your own research and ask questions. Nautical Maps & Hydrographic Charts, Topographical Maps. I dont think its all that treble. While vast in size, the lake is also quite shallow with an average depth of four to five meters. Fishing Hotspots with shoals, points, channels, gps waypoints, best fishing spots & more. compiled for educational use only, and may not be reproduced without
For more ice fishing information visit Ice Fishing Lake Nipissing. Senior editor Philip St. George says the website started as a joke with a co-worker involving where to locate the Dionne Quintuplets’ Museum. Most people don’t even notice unless they really look. The local authorities list them as drownings but us local fishermen know the truth. 2) even if you say our lake is big and would be very unlikely to come into contact with people, they always are close to shorelines.
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