I just couldn't stop -- or figure out where all that fluid was coming from, since we'd sweat buckets the whole day. I must say we succeeded only because of the dedication and perseverance of the people in the detachment and later in the squadron and the technical representatives from Lockheed and other companies that supported us. as bombardier/navigator (BN). Charley really enjoyed the girls' long hair and shiny jewelry.Shortly after I arrived in NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam, Chief Doggett took me for my first visit to Charley, with me still wearing khaki's. We enclosed that in an envelope with a letter saying that while we thought this was a commendable program, we were yet to meet anyone who'd ever heard of a 'VN Gift Pak', much less receive one. After the flight asked me if all crews were trained as well as crew 1. All the while, I was planning to take pen in hand, and write some ugly letters to the USO and to anyone else I could think of, as soon as I got to the barracks.The show started with what was likely several hundred folks who were not able to see anything except the shroud around the TV platform. We were searching the night skies near the airfield for the other aircraft when we saw something incredible: the C-130 was still about a mile from the runway and he had just turned-on his landing lights.The runway at Bien Thuy ran south from the banks of a river and it was common knowledge that the area to the north of the river was 'Indian Country', especially at night, but apparently this crew had not been briefed. It was one of several South Vietnamese Air Force (VNAF) air bases built and used by the United States Air Force (USAF) during the Vietnam War. Our squadron adopted the Village of Soui Vinh..On days we didn't fly we worked on the village. Charley finally tired of eating my head, and hit the end of her chain trying to get to Doggett. They were immediately assigned to Crew 1, Sam as crew chief and O.P.
When he returned, Rick told me that there was only enough distemper vaccine for Gunner, so Ordyhad to return the next week for the shot.
Cam Ranh Bay Vietnam-1967-1968. Burch led many discussions on initial tactics development that included both pilots and BNs during our Burbank vacation. I can truthfully say that there are no chronic "troublemakers" in VAH-21. and beer bottles were flying through the air and it was that was taking place. We all learned from that experience and it later saved crew one from catastrophe in Elephant Valley in Vietnam. For years it had been common knowledge that the ARVN support forces controlled the countryside during the day, but the VC owned the night.
June, 1969: After finishing our combat flights in Vietnam , I thought my time of danger was over. Along the way Lockheed began development of maintenance vans to support the special equipment. Later CDR Wally Born arrived at NATC as onsite liaison with NAVAIR. So, I told the Ordnancemen, if they would expedite the multitude of cleaning and weapons maintenance activities they were doing, that wed go to the show. And so it was, until Ordy was no more... Charley hugged and protected those puppies as if they were her very own. A Navy Swift boat from the Riverene Forces was following the 6 WBLC's to find their weapons cache and we nearly smoked him.Each of these incidents resulted in higher levels of coordination and communication and each was a stark reminder that in war the enemy is not the only danger.Story submitted by Captain Ron Whittiker. WHAT A SIGHT!!! This time the B/N used 250-pound Mark 81's. Even though the LLLTV worked better with the bombing system the potential of infrared targeting became more and more apparent as we progressed through the test program. A marine colonel ( later the Commandant) was flying as an observer with us. I was on both, the first and the last combat flights of VAH-21.Story submitted by ADR1 Steele S. "Sam" GorePlane CaptainCrew ONE. It was during that time we had a hiccup in the program when one of the airplanes operating at night out of the airfield at Hughes Aircraft taxied across a ramp area and broke through a wood reinforced hole in the taxiway. No planes were lost in the squadron's brief history, but battle damage from ground fire was a routine problem. This particular AP-2H aircraft load adjuster was placed on e-bay by Aviation Artifacts, Inc., around March or April of 2002.
The first 4 Skimmers arrived in country on January … After the crew got out we secured the plane and checked out the damage. I told her that our squadron couldn't promise for sure that we would help.
The system was so effective that the Navy decided to form a new squadron around the TRIM group. I lubed & polished the hinges and door latch so they worked as well as a door knob back home. I told them wed leave plenty early so we could make sure we found good seats on the sand.Taking a blanket, some reading material, a cribbage board and a deck of cards, those of us that could, went to the NAF Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam US Army base for the show. Upon returning to NS Sangley Point, Philippines VAH-21 planes started to do low altitude fly-bys. I explained the unique flight characteristics of the airplane before we took off. Dave Lences was the maintaince officer and he told the admirial if he got us a fully built up jet pod and a new prop that the plane would be flying in one week ! Military Sealift Command is the transportation provider for the Department of Defense with the responsibility of providing strategic sealift and ocean transportation for all military forces overseas. It was now time for us to put this technology to use in the environment the navy was most used to operating.In the mean time the most destructive weapon we had in our arsenal arrived and was installed in the bombay the eight battery 40mm grenade launchers. and forced the crowd to disperse. Try as I might, I was unable to get the tank hooked up. It was late 1967.
My second birthday, Dale "Paige" Dempsey, in her ARC uniform, tugs on the beards of two U.S. Navy men in Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam, in 1970, Commercial airline (which no longer exists) landing with dead and wounded US soldiers.
I saw that I said OF COURSE! The 84th Engineer Battalion landed at Qui Nhon on June 11, with one of its elements proceeding south to Vung Tau. CAPT Len Reinhart, the skipper, asked me to sit down and proceeded to tell me about a project that he was going to ask me to lead at the Test Center.VWOW!
Squadron personnel were rotated on a regular basis between NS Sangley Point, Philippines and Cam Rahn Bay, Viet Nam (CRB) to give flight crews a rest and keep everyone in top shape. Dear FamiliesPlease forgive the informality of this letter, but it is the only way that I can send my message to all of you. HUZZA! The Navy really supported the project as we were assigned an exceptionally well qualified cadre of officers and men.As time went on each assumed a vital role in the development of the detachment and the execution of the test plan leading to deployment. Good thing I'd made all those visits to the potty, because I had nothing left to mess my pants with...On the way home, the other waist gunner asked why the hell I'd been jabbing him in the ribs. While jacking up the plane with the air bags one of the bags was punctured by the bombay racks. I was worried that I would be thrown out of the Navy. Eventually things quieted We learned to approach such obvious targets with a great deal of caution.Story submitted by Captain Ron Whittiker. Using the low light level television system, the B/N spotted a clump of bushes at the intersection of two canals, but the forward looking infrared sensor showed that the area was 'hot' - a camouflaged emplacement of some sort. The packages contained items such as medicated foot powder, WD-40, nylon boot laces and first aid medication. The dark sky behind us burst into an orange glow and the plane shook with a staccato rhythm as the tail gunner squeezed-off a series of 3-second bursts with his dual 20 mm's.Our arrival had been a rude wake-up call for the VC down below. He My most rememberable experience was returning from a flight one night after all our ordnance had been expended and seeing a line of truck lights below the fog on the ground which we could not attack. This squadron conducted the US Navy's first night interdiction mission. These were to get air conditioning "for the equipment" and a tail turret to protect our backside.I had fired a tail turret in VAH(M)-10 a P-2 squadron I had served in the 50s. This radar was adapted from the A-7 Corsair program for the P-2.When we returned from Burbank to NAS Patuxent River, Maryland I checked out in an A-7 and flew several flights through the Shenandoah Mountains to gain familiarity and share it with the pilots.
Once a month or so, the Crash Crew gave it a bath with a fire hose. Inside the Airmen's Club, the place was packed with people. The whole village was low and muddy. The very large ball of fire coming from the nose of that mini-gun pod, and the chain saw noise amplified ten times over, was a sight and sound that put the adrenalin into action. We also successfully petitioned COMAIRPAC to allow us to use the J-34 jets for their normal life rather, than removing them for overhaul based on the published maintenance cycle. The picture now becomes a little clearer as our small group crawled, bows and arrows in hand, towards the stream through the dense jungle foliage. time late the police dogs arrived with their handlers Hope, you cant stop the show. Our guide immediately jumped into and crossed the stream, ran up the bank and stuck his arm, up to his elbow, into the hole and pulled out the lizard. Tommy was later joined by Mr. Lou Koeniger who became our Infrared and LLTV specialist to round out the test team. As the plane rolled over the lip, it went thru the plywood cover ! No words about the Philippine monkey. When the groceries were finished, Charley loved to pick & eat stuff from the Sailor's scalp. Chaplain asked him to continue. Recommendations for individual meritorious, commendation, and achievement awards have been submitted to higher authority for several officers and men of the squadron. 1/9/72. One that I'll never forget and that I'll never see again. Our small group was dropped off in the Philippine jungles with our Negrito guide/instructor. it as he watched the Air Police literally throw people So, I thank the USO, Mr. & Mrs. Bob Hope, his entourage and anyone else involved with that, or any other entertainment ever put together for the troops except for the platform builders... Mostly though, I thank God for bringing Mr. Bob Hope to us. The rod was sent to us on a jet.The next morning I showed the skipper the shot-up rod and told him a new one was on the way. So, we continued to sit there in the sand, grumbling and figuring we could at least listen to the music and a few jokes and then return to the Naval Air Facility. The two bombs were always carried on opposite wings and came off about half a second apart producing a noticeable wing-wag in the middle of everything else. hell out of here!" Also during that time we resolved some ongoing equipment and maintenance problems. He eventually wandered off. Thirty-two years later it still gives me goose-bumps to think about that day.Story submitted by ADR1 Steele S. "Sam" Gore,Plane CaptainCrew ONE.
I really appreciated being given that opportunity. He asked if there was anyone who wanted to fly them to get any medals. If that didn't work, the pilot would squirt the gattlings a few times, shooting a stream of bright red tracers towards the ground.
The plane started filling with fuel fumes. This story resurfaced when Eric Shyer, at our thirty-year reunion, was asking me questions about this event that happened in February of 1968. O.P. It would have been a rare opportunity to gather together crews from all the gunships operating in SEA but her crew apparently didn't feel like socializing that night.Story submitted by Captain Ron Whittiker. 1955. The effect could also cause a nose up pitch if the pilot had to take a waveoff and was slow using the varicam. Earthman-01 has been restored and is on display at the Pima Air Museum in Tucson, Arizona, site of Heavy-21's 30 year reunion this September.Story submitted by Captain Ron Whittaker.
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