The .020JD strings feel better on my left hand when doing 2-5 slides and also when pulling off at the 2nd fret. ", silvioferretti - Posted - 08/05/2009: 12:32:53, Truck, I don't think GHS is going to make a fiddle wrap .022, or at least not for less than $2.00 apiece... Just my opinion though, you might want to ask them Bruno, what's your favorite set these days? (By the way, the wrapping makes up the greatest portion of the weight of a wound string.)
Gently dry the wound with a sterile piece of cloth. Severe labial frenulum tears may require medical intervention.
Most of the other brands ( Vega, Gibson, Mapes) had hand wound .020 's in them until thelate 70's or early 80's. The wound 3rd vs plain 3rd topic is still a hotly-debated issue in the modern guitar world and you’ll find plenty of players that prefer one over the other. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, The wound 3rd vs plain 3rd topic is still a. This was difficult for a lot of players to bend, especially those just starting out. See a healthcare provider if the bleeding continues, if symptoms do not ease, or if the area becomes infected. Can a ketogenic diet prevent heart failure?
‘Certainly the rate of penile fracture is going up!’. What he suggested, though, was to twist the strings as many turns as one could before threading and locking them on the tuner's post, which is not exactly like making the winding tighter, but it would be aimed at that same purpose.I started using the GHS Crowe set around 1981, and became aware of the "fiddle wrap" .020 (which was only available on special order from GHS at the time, mainly for endorsers) around 1991.
Just guessing, though.Daniel"A lie goes half-way around the world while the truth is still tying its shoes. Learn how your comment data is processed.
He was knowledgeable about string making, and then took the time to double check the actual manufacturing process for the JD string, and call me back.Others in the past have said that they were informed (I don't recall by whom) that there had been manufacturing differences - in the PAST - such as for tensioning of the wrap on the JD, etc.If GHS were making the JD strings with other differences, I can't think of any reason why they would not say so -- it would be to their benefit to communicate how special the JD strings were.From the evidence at hand, the fiddle wrap is done because Mr. JD likes it that way.
In this profanisaurus, banjo was defined as “on the penis, that thin ridge of skin connecting the roll-neck to the bobby’s helmet.” Bobby is British slang for a police officer, and the traditional UK cop wears a hat with a very penis-head shape to it. They are probably not for everyone, but I certainly like them. Treating the wound immediately will also help prevent infection. That is, until the fateful day theirs snaps. To do this, simply select a wound string that’s just a hair heavier in gauge than the plain string it’s replacing, to account for the reduced tension wound strings exert versus their plain counterparts. Definitely a no go.I thought all other strings were the same.... Edit: I just remembered how happy I was, years ago, after first trying D'Addarios.
", The below is from my posting in August of 2007:quote:Answer from GHSI called GHS today and talked to Dave Cowles. Weekly newsletter includes free lessons, favorite member content, banjo news and more. They also produce less finger noise than wound 3rds. ‘The banjo string is a piece of connective tissue that is pretty resilient so only tears under pressure, and the usual cause is rough sex or masturbation, although there are others.
Banjo, guitar, bass, orchestral, folks and ethnic instruments.
So you’d select these gauges as a custom set: .010 – .0135 – .018w – .026w – .036 – .048.
Reason I'm using .023 ( together with .010, .011 and .013)RB-1 plays with Half A Turn & Heartstringshttp://www.halfaturn.nl, Jaminbanjo - Posted - 07/09/2009: 18:45:47. The biggest difference i've noticed is they seem to last longer than the others to me.
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