You could improve the search time by implementing a property drawer that sorts, but that seems like it would get annoying and you would lose another benefit this has: if you are mapping from a key to a much more complex structure that you may want to iterate on, then switching between which value is associated with a key is achieved by just reodering the elements in the list (don't even need ReorderableList, just duplicate the element in the standard crummy array inspector). I'm using FullSerializer (JSON) for serializing game data to files, etc. If so, is it possible to use a different serializer instead of the Unity default one for the inspector of this script? If you're crying about linear search performance, then let's let's have a conversation about how you're serializing to JSON or using some complex library from the asset store. I have a simple question which I cannot find using the google wizard. News, Help, Resources, and Conversation. public class MapGenerator : MonoBehaviour public int width; public int height; eidt: Had my variables as private instead of public. You could probably figure out a way to make a cute AssocList_Get extension method. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. This seems terrible at first, but then you realize for small numbers of keys it's likely to not matter, and might even be faster if you can do a compare on several keys for cost of one GetHashCode call (more likely with enums, ints, or strings with unique prefixes). Select Post; Deselect Post; Link to Post; Member. News, Help, Resources, and Conversation. I messed around with creating my own for a bit, but rather than waste the time I just bought FullInspector2 on the asset store. If MyEnum doesn't have too many elements, what I usually do is make an association list. My bad. But it would end up being List
where classA contains a List. 3. edit: [Fixed] For those of you not smart people coming here and going "YEAAAHHHHH..." save your script. It'll save you a lot of time, and even then if you don't want to buy it you can use the trial for free, but it limits you to not being able to build to a mobile device. To draw it, I recommend you use ReorderableList - either the unofficial one buried in Unity, or the open source one on github. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Thank you for answering my question smart person. The variables need to public, not the class :), Also if suggest using [SerializeField] before the variable to show it in the inspector. Press J to jump to the feed. Press J to jump to the feed. Also, I've seen people say that Unity can't serialize Dictionaries. Both your width andd height variables are marked as private, so they won't show up in the inspector. A User Showcase of the Unity Game Engine. instead of Element 0, Element 1, etc, I'd have MyEnum0, MyEnum1, etc. A User Showcase of the Unity Game Engine. My public variables are not showing in the inspector and i've found myself pulling out a few hairs trying to figure it out. I would pay for a tutorial that explains how to fix it, I wouldn't pay for an asset that effectively hides the problem and means that I still don't know how to solve the original problem. Ie. Showing fields with accessors in inspector? Something went wrong. Previous Thread; Next Thread ; Please make a selection first; new « Prev; 1; Next » felipegs New vMember. Or maybe your scripts have compile errors and these particular scrips have not compiled yet? Quote. For help, or to report any issues you're currently having, please visit the ProBoards Support Forum. However, in classA I have classB that inherits from nothing. Thanks smart people. It's a little janky, requires more typing, and is in general not nearly as nice as a fully featured dictionary inspector+serializer, but it is a quick solution that gets you pretty far. EDIT: Figured out my previous questions, but now I'm stuck trying to figure out how to display the properties from a base class. Would that be able to replace the default inspector serializer? Is there possibly something I have clicked in the inspector that would prevent this from showing or anything obscure that would do it? Close. The FullInspector2 asset does a good job of exposing dictionaries. 3. I've googled it quite a bit and the only results I can find are people saying to "just make a custom inspector" which isn't that helpful. So I have classA that inherits from monobehaviour that I've figured out how to show any properties I want in the inspector. The way you retrieve a value by key is using the Find or FindIndex functions (on both Array and List). Also, in my case, I don't want the same key to appear more than once in the list. Posts: 12 Animator Inspector not showing? There's two things I need to figure out first though: Is it possible to have the list elements be labelled the same as my enum? I've been trying to expose Dictionaries in the Inspector (Or more specifically a List>), and am having trouble. r/Unity3D: News, Help, Resources, and Conversation. just me. Yeah, I was looking at FullInspector. 3 years ago. I realize that I need to make a custom inspector to expose Dictionaries, but I can't find any tutorials or information on how to go about doing that (I can find information for controlling how other variables are displayed, adding buttons to call functions, etc, but nothing for Dictionaries specifically). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Give Gift; Back to Top; Post by felipegs on Jun 18, 2020 23:30:12 … If this problem persists, please report it to us on our support forum! Try loading this page again in a moment. Yeah, this may be the method I go with, as it doesn't cost me anything and is pretty simple. It might get pretty messy in the inspector. log in sign up. Yes, Unity absolutely cannot serialise dictionaries. Posted by. Some way to ensure I don't have two of the same keys added to one list in editor. :P Cookies help us deliver our Services. If I make a mistake when putting all these classes together in the inspector, it would cause some issues. Or even better, have the List length always be equal to the enum length. Otherwise it is very hard to write the GUI code for editing (keys keep jumping around!). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts . 221k members in the Unity3D community. Then use a list if those? Speaking of which, can FullInspector even show this? Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. If you're crying about linear search performance, then let's let's have a conversation about how you're serializing to JSON or using some complex library from the asset store. eidt: Had my variables as private instead of public. Maybe a little arrow in the inspector header? u/ghosttr. Question. r/Unity3D. If you mark the width and height as public then they'll shoe up, also make sure you have no errors in your code. This is worse than you think: it means the unity GUI will break just from the presence of your dictionary. If the list length exceeds the length of the enum, then instead label it "List too Long" or something? The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. This. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. [Solved] Jun 18, 2020 23:30:12 GMT felipegs likes this. omg that looks stupid. Am I mistaken about that? YMMV. Is there possibly something I have clicked in the inspector that would prevent this from showing or anything obscure that would do it? Still not showing on the Inspector. A User Showcase of the Unity Game Engine. A User Showcase of the Unity Game Engine. It's a little janky, requires more typing, and is in general not nearly as nice as a fully featured dictionary inspector+serializer, but it is a quick solution that gets you pretty far. Why not create a serializable class containing myenum and int as two fields? Finally ... full inspector is OK but I don't recommend it (or its rivals) for this situation: its fine if you want a proprietary inspector, but .... this is a basic coding problem and most of us need a straight code solution (which there are). Archived. [Solved] Go to. I also recommend you don't use a straight dictionary, but an Ordered Dictionary - usually you do this by having a class that wraps a dictionary and a list, so that you can iterate the keys and always get them in the same order. Does this mean that even if I manage to expose the Dictionary in the inspector, that I can't edit it and have the changes reflect in game? Also, I thought that List> also can't be serialized/shown in the inspector. I was just trying to figure out if this was possible to do on my own in a reasonable amount of time, since I don't need any functionality except for showing a List>. News, Help, Resources, and Conversation. Hello smart people! Requested URL:, User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.89 Safari/537.36. Lookup time really isn't a big factor here anyways.. You're right, this would probably work as well. User account menu. Animator Inspector not showing? My public variables are not showing in the inspector and i've found myself pulling out a few hairs trying to figure it out. Unity has given a source code example that works around the problem. I then copied and pasted that rendition of the script here. How do I show the properties of classB in the inspector? :P. [EDIT] D'oh missed the post by /u/Skjalg Yeah, what they said. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. (From your example, MyEnum key couldn't be the same as any other's in the list) ~~. Pardon me, what do you mean by the class? Haha!
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