The strategies included can help educators with activities based on topics such as: is an interactive site where students can participate. Debate Hub also has moderator features (such as idea merging, splitting and moving) to help reducing idea duplication in online discussion, which is one of the main weaknesses of existing online ideation and debate platforms. It allows you to set up staged online challenges/debates, that can be launched and addressed in the following way: users can collectively propose new ideas to tackle open challenges/debates; they can discuss and argument in favour or against the proposed ideas; they can then reduce and select the most promising ideas by building on the analysis of the arguments raised in favour and against each idea; they can finally vote for the most promising ideas that are worth pursuing further. The Debate Mate methodology is highly effective at developing key 21st Century skills in students of all ages and abilities. In 2011, The New York Times began publishing a blog titled "The Learning Network" that could be accessed free by educators, students, and parents: One feature on "The Learning Network" is dedicated to debate and argumentative writing. Shift3 Technologies Announces the Launch of New Online Debate Platform, Kolyde News provided by. Has Martin Luther King's dream been fulfilled? We provide online CPD courses, an instructional resource library and expert mentoring on how to embed debate-led teaching into your curriculum. Perhaps the best way to have students prepare for debate is to have students see how others debate on a variety of current topics. Debate Mate Online gives you the resources to teach these skills alone, in a debate club, or in the curriculum alongside key content. Debate Mate Online gives you world class, dialogic teaching techniques to improve student progress and develop 21st Century skills – such as critical thinking, communication, creativity and confidence. Learn More Book a Demo. The best music bot for Discord. Open online debate platform Report. We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Debate Mate is transforming classrooms around the world through dialogic teaching. Some popular topics have been as follows: This site also provides a set of 14 Teaching Tools with strategies to help teachers become familiar with the practice of debate in the classroom.
Edeb8 is the most advanced platform for FREE and fun online debating. Hear! The 6 Best Online Chemistry Tutoring Services of 2020, Appropriate Consequences for Student Misbehavior, Top 9 Conservative News and Opinion Websites, Engage Students With a Four Corners Debate, How to Facilitate Learning and Critical Thinking, Choice Motivates Students When Rewards and Punishment Don't Work, Benefits of Participating in High School Debate, 5 Interactive Social Studies Websites for Every Classroom, Propositions in Debate Definition and Examples, Social Media Meets Civics in the 21st Century Classroom, 4 Fast Debate Formats for the Secondary Classroom, The International Debate Education Association (IDEA), Single-sex schools are good for education, Reality television does more harm than good, how educators in all 50 US states and 87 countries use The"about us" page states: offers information about the current "Big Issues" where students and educators can "investigate today’s most controversial debate topics covering society’s biggest issues in politics, religion, education and more. CPD courses to help you embed our techniques into your classes. One reason to allow student access to the site is that there are tools for the creator (student) of the debate to moderate any debate discussion. New York Times Learning Network: Room for Debate, M.A., English, Western Connecticut State University, B.S., Education, Southern Connecticut State University. For educators: Log In Sign Up Explore Debates. This website could allow students to involve both their classmates and others in an authentic discussion on a controversial issue. Join Server Vote. Fun Roleplay Top Bots In This Server: Groovy. Shift3 Technologies Oct 29, 2020, 10:00 ET . It’s important that you do not save our resources to shared drives, or otherwise distribute them by email or external storage. This is particularly important if the debate is open to others outside the school community. The "about us" page states: The Learning Network also provides graphic organizers educators can use. keep reading. Gain balanced, non-biased insight into each issue and review the breakdown of pro-con stances within our community.". Debate Hub is an open, online, collaborative tool to support collective ideation, deliberation and democratic decision making. The Best Interactive Debate Websites for Students and Teachers. Debate Hub has a very simple User Interface, which may look like a common web forum, but is enhanced by a semantic data model. Teachers have the ability to act as a moderator and authorize or delete inappropriate content. By participating in a series of activities, students develop a core skill set, which together provides a foundation for participating in a debate. Users can participate in existing debate and also start a new debate. Debate Mate Online resources are to be used only by current license holders. 0. The site offers the top 100 Topics for Debate and ranks them according to total view. This allows a better informed idea selection support as well as the development of advanced analytics on your group, debate and challenge data, which are delivered to you with a visualisation dashboard. Build a stellar debate club with our CPD, Motion Bank and collection of Debating Fundamentals. Bangla Online Debate Platform. Debate Mate Online gives you world class, dialogic teaching techniques to improve student progress and develop 21st Century skills – such as critical thinking, communication, creativity and confidence. Each topic also provides the voting results before and after debate, as well as a bibliography for people who may want to read the research used for each debate. Here educators can find lesson plans created by teachers that have incorporated debate in their classrooms. The International Debate Education Association (IDEA) is a "global network of organizations that value debate as a way to give young people a voice.". Here are five interactive websites that can help educators and students learn how to select topics, how to construct arguments, and how to evaluate the quality of arguments that others are making. Shift3 Technologies Announces the Launch of New Online Debate Platform, Kolyde. Bangla Online Debate Platform. Book a demo today with one of our experienced team members and let us show you the power of debate-led teaching. Users indicate that Debate Hub is a very useful platform in supporting and effectively managing collaborative decision-making. 50+ bitesized videos to teach you high impact classroom activities. The About page on their website states that they provide: There have been an estimated 1.4 million users on the site from its inception in 2004 through 2015. Teachers have used debate as a springboard for argumentative writing.
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