This may be one of the most important parking lot safety tips for parents of small children.
Winter Driving Tips: How to Get Around Safely. 4.8 stars from 37,759 reviews. For example, even if there is a big sign saying "speed limit 50", if it is snowing, and the snow makes it unsafe to go faster than 5 mph, then the speed limit is 5 mph. Hold Your Child’s Hand-If you are traveling across a parking lot with a child, you should be holding his or her hand the entire time. Once you have decided the speed limits for your streets and highways, the next step is to adopt an ordinance, making speed limits official municipal policy. The campus continues to place a high value on the safety of our students, faculty and staff. In this article, we are discussing a few parking lot safety tips that will help keep you safe, whether you are the driver of a vehicle or the pedestrian traversing the lot on foot. Keep your eyes focused on what is going on around you, and make sure that you are constantly listening for the sound of approaching vehicles. Posted on February 28, 2014. If you are in a parking area or a service road, the maximum speed limit is 25km/h. Notify MassDOT of MGL Chapter 90, Section 17C adoption, Speed limits in thickly settled or business districts, in the scale of 1, Strongly Disagree, to 5, Strongly Agree, Professional Training & Career Development, Massachusetts Department of Transportation, If you need to contact the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, please click here. Plus, drivers may be busy looking for other cars or may be distracted, and they may not see you as you are smaller and not in their direct line of sight. This means you shouldn’t be looking down at your phone, and you should also avoid wearing headphones.
If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law. Your feedback will not receive a response. (2) On all streets or highways, the maximum speed limits for all vehicles must be 30 miles per hour in business or residence districts, and 55 miles per hour at any time at all other locations. Now that we have laid out the parking lot safety tips for pedestrians, it is time to delve into the parking lot safety tips for drivers. We briefly touched on the importance of parking in well-lit areas for women above, but we wanted to highlight a few other important tips especially for women. The truth of the matter is, parking lots can be a very dangerous place, and safe parking measures aren’t always followed by everyone. It is up to you to ensure that you are safe by remaining hyper-vigilant while making your way across the lot. One of the main reasons that parking lots can be so dangerous is that people often ignore the parking lot speed limits or other traffic markings and indicators. 12 Parking Lot Safety Tips Every Driver Should Know! Freedom National wants you to stay safe at all times whether you are driving down the interstate or creeping through a parking lot. What is Personal Injury Protection Coverage. This site is maintained for the Illinois General Assembly Unfortunately, many drivers disobey the parking lot speed limits, and they aren’t as vigilant in looking for pedestrians as they should be. Don’t Speed-In most parking lots, the speed limit is either 5 or 10 miles per hour which should be obeyed at all times. Back into Spaces-If you can do so safely, backing into a space can make it easier to be aware of your surroundings when exiting the parking lot. Don’t weave in between cars or suddenly step out from behind signs or poles. Highly durable Parking Lot Signs. (Refer to … It is much safer to park near the building in a well-lit area when using a parking lot at night. It will keep you safely away from the majority of the car and pedestrian traffic, it will reduce the chances of errant shopping carts hitting your vehicle, and it will reduce the chances of other vehicles dinging your car door due to carelessness. Children can sometimes act unpredictably, and it is easier to thwart a potential tragedy when you have a firm grip on their hand.
If a road’s speed limit is posted as 35 MPH, but its engineering and traffic speed study has not been updated in the last 5-10 years, then the speed limit’s enforceability has very likely lapsed and, if so, you can now legally drive 55 MPH in that posted 35 MPH zone without worrying about seeing a bar of cherries and blueberries in your rear view mirror flashing at you to pull over. The maximum speed limits set forth in this section may be altered as authorized in RCW 46.61.405, 46.61.410, and 46.61.415. Motorcycles Aren’t Exempt-Many people drive bikes instead of cars, and if that is you, you still need to obey all of the same traffic laws. In a ten year span, over 2,000 people met their death in a business parking lot.
Try to avoid parking next to large vans or other vehicles where you could be hidden from view.
Colorado law establishes speed limits for roads and highways within the state. You should physically look around your car in all directions, and then consult your backup camera. Your view from the front windshield is much better than your view from the back. The ideal speed limit maintains safe operating speeds for all road users, is acceptable to the prudent driver, and is enforceable by police. Slow Down During Rain Showers-Just like you do on the highway, you should slow down in a parking lot when it is raining. When exiting a business, stay aware of anyone who may be following you to your vehicle, and always check in the backseat before getting in your car. Free shipping. Copyright © Freedom National Insurance Services, Inc. All rights reserved. Driving 26 miles per hour or more in excess of applicable limit. The "speed limit", everywhere is whichever is lower of either the pre-set speed limit (50-75 on the highway, 10 in the parking lot, etc.) Falling on the ground can make it nearly impossible for a driver to see you in many circumstances, and this can lead to devastating consequences. How much do you agree with the following statements in the scale of 1, Strongly Disagree, to 5, Strongly Agree? Stay in the Open-Try to avoid doing things that make you less visible to the drivers in the parking lot. Drivers and pedestrians should get into the habit of treating a parking lot like they do a busy intersection. Speed limits on streets and highways should be set at a rate that is in the best interest of the public's right to use a roadway in a reasonable and proper manner. Get Your Car Ready for Winter With These 9 Tips! This form only gathers feedback about the website. If you are in the parking lot with others, try to walk in as a group to make yourselves even more visible. Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau, Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. If you have been driving for any length of time, you have likely pulled into a parking lot on numerous occasions. Top-requested sites to log in to services provided by the state. There are plenty of times when you find yourself walking across a parking lot. Look Both Ways-Before crossing a section of a parking lot, you should look both ways, just like you do when crossing a street.
100% customer satisfaction. Vehicles have blind spots. The only time that this rule should be discarded is when using a parking lot at night, especially for women. Download PDF and print yourself. Wear Good Shoes-Whenever you are traveling across a parking lot, it is important to have on shoes that are appropriate for the weather. as municipal policy. We will use this information to improve the site. (a) A person who drives a vehicle upon any highway of this State at a speed that is 26 miles per hour or more but less than 35 miles per hour in excess of the applicable maximum speed limit established under this Chapter or a local ordinance commits a Class B misdemeanor.
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