4., Espiritus Sapiente: ( The Sapiens) Great wisdom and sound judgment, great advice, but limited scientific wisdom. But with one’s faith, intent, anything can be used. If you are Seeing apperitions, hearing voices, objects moving alone, or a full on Poltergeist, I will include prayers in a future blog, but never go at it alone.
COMMISIONES DE LOS INFANTILES. Candle, white. Origin: early 17th century: from Latin – Spirits that followed Los Misterios in life, the Orisha , Nikisi, and Lwa. Espiritus Neutrales: (The Neutrals) This group of spirits are neither benevolent nor malevolent. We discussed a couple of other plants I recognized in her healing cupboard, and then we got to the gold. A six month summer, with desert temperatures and dry, burning African winds allows only the stronger, more water-saving herbs to survive in our weather. 21. Let me state, that although in many cases this could be true, it is not always the case. ASI SEA, AMEN.
INCENSE STICKS (Nag Champa my favorite) They aid in money matters, luck, the lottery, luck in love, financial gain, and better business The trained Espiritista can determine from the group of Commisiones which one is a person’s Guia Principal (Principle Guide) through a Spiritual Mass or Seance, in which the Guia Principal will be the first spirit to manifest and mount the Espiritista or try and take possession of a person head through a Baptismal ceremony, and therefor claiming that persons head.
I’d gone down to Puerto Rico, mi Puerto Rico, a Caribbean paradise where Mother Nature defies laws of limitations, to visit my father’s family and dig up some roots. The Sancista / Espiritista work with communicating with Spirits, folk saints, healing, folk magic, brujeria, herbalism, divination, and fortune telling. Offerings – Aguardiente, black unsweetened coffee. SEA SALT Used in baths to remove bad. ( Log Out / Turn on your television and look up the t.v.
Some have an evil nature and feed of the energy of fear in humans. Today many Spiritual Workers and Brujos use these items to make spiritual baths, house cleansing, or washes, and to remove negative vibrations from the home. Subscribe to Mother Earth Living today to get inspired on the art of living wisely and living well. – This group aids in poetry, written letters, music. Color – White, Yellow. SAGE, RUE, OR ROSEMARRY 3. It was in the ambulance that my Guia Espiritual came to me. Red, black, white. They are the care takers, those that aid in the home, and protection of the family and children. You will often see young maidens cleaning a house to baladas and boleros, and crying while cleaning, and reminiscing of a lost love, or fantasizing of a future lover. COMMISIONES DE LIBERTADORA. One in honor of her virgin, Nuestra Senora de la Divina Providencia, which was kept in her bedroom. Offering – each spirit has his/her own preferable offering. noun (plural numina /-mənə/) the spirit or divine power presiding over a thing or place. Dirt is of the earth and has a natural absorbing energy that by nature pulls peoples emotions, feelings and aura vibrations. Pay now with a credit card and take advantage of our earth-friendly automatic renewal savings plan. Already a Member but
This group kept the.secreats knowlwdge and wisdom of their people hidden and alive for future generations, and will aid you. Noticias; Puerto Rico; Curandero del deporte Por más de cuatro décadas Víctor Vargas ha puesto sus conocimientos en la medicina al servicio de los atletas de alto rendimiento. 3. The veranda led to a connected open area with three steps leading to the garage. But can also be used in protection, fighting Spiritual warfair, and healing. All these items can be found in Caribbean Latino Bodegas, (food markets) Botanicas and online. • La reducción de la inflamación articular. Sometimes I light a cigar, other times a sage wand, or a charcoal filled with incense or sage, rue and rosemary. As is tradition I always clean using Puerto Rican products such as Fabuloso, Mistolin, “mistolin hace feliz a su nariz.” or other latino products such as Money Drawing Powerful Indian, La Madama or Chango Macho aerosol sprays, “a little luck with games of chance wount hurt.” I use incense sticks, resins alcojolado, (bay rum) household salt and florida water filled with bay leaves and basil. oil. This is because the traditional view on health was that if was healthy to be overweight. Agua Bendita: No home should be without Holy water, it removes negative vibrations, keeps evil spirits away, heals, used to remove evil. There are times when I want to perform a quick house cleansing, this I do by purchasing a coconut, covering completely with white cascarilla powder that I purchase at a Botanica and with a broom I pass it through every room. Outdoors in nature this energy within time is purified, cleansed, and dissipates into the earth and universe. Health Concerns of Puerto Rico: On the Island of Puerto Rico, it is common for people to be overweight. I have been getting alot of emails, some from members of the Sanse Espiritismo group, others from my blogs and random client, on what items I use, or Puerto Rican espiritistas and brujos use in Trabajos de Obra. THE 21 Courtes / Commisiones of Spirits in Puerto Rican Espiritismo. A person who has a temperature is rubbed down with it. At a young age I could see the Spirits but I had not fully developed my spiritual faculties.
COMMISIONES DE LOS INFANTILES. Then I fumigate my self with the smoke, and extinguish the cigar or incense cone or charcoal with the holy water solution. Y SU AMOR BORRA LA SOMBRA Y EL TEMOR. Pompeya Lotion: Used in baths to attack luck, and prosperity, Calms stress, and agitation, it soothes, comforts and calms for a restful sleep. I looked up at my mother, who had been crying all along, praying her Rosaries, and oblivious to the Spectre that was in her presence. One after another, plants for painful menses, plants to ease teething problems, plants to move sluggish circulation, plants to heal wounds. I told her that I also helped people with their health issues using medicinal plants back on the mainland. Arch Angels, Michael, Rafael, Gabriel, Auriel. 4. TOPICS WILL INCLUDE MESA BLANCA, LOS MUERTOS, LOS SANTOS, LOS MISTERIOS, THE COMMISIONES, LOS 7 JEFES, ALTARS, PRAYERS, FOLK LORE OF PUERTO RICO, AND MAGIC, How Puerto Ricans Work Brujeria Folk Magic, THE 21 Courtes / Commisiones of Spirits in Puerto Rican Espiritismo. MASLAC manteca de Ubre: For muscle tension. Or the person loves to go fishing, enjoys the sea or could be a bit of a kleptomaniac, the person has a spiritual link or chain with a pirate spirit. Every summer my parents would escort me to Puerto Rico, and stay a week or two, and I was left under the care of my grandmother for the summer. But with one being a person’s central Guia Principal. 17.
Espiritus Perturbado: (The Perturbers) Disturbed, disquiet, and agitated spirits. THE 21 Courtes / Commisiones of Spirits in Puerto Rican Espiritismo. Offering – Brandy, Cigars. “my abuela had an out house” Each bedroom.had a small night stand, converted altar to a different saint. Sanse Espiritismo is similar to Brazilian ‘Umbanda” and Venezuelan “Tres 3 Potencias Espiritismo’. Offering – same as Madama and Congo Candle – White Purple. When this happens, the person shows traits of both spirits. I gather the salt and place it in a brown paper bag with three coins. The altar was full of bottles of Bacardi, Palo Viejo rum and aguardiente. COMMISIONES AFRICANA.
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