Only works with Backpacks and Items that can be stored in the inventory. Spawns amount of selected "prefab" in your inventory. Standard bonus runspeed is 1. To cancel, enter c_cancelmaintaintasks(ThePlayer). To cancel, enter c_cancelmaintaintasks(ThePlayer). Does not need to be re-entered after the first time unless you lose your profile settings. The Command Console is enabled by default.
Sadly no one line command, follow steps instead. The normal time scale corresponds to the value 1. Sets your health to a selected percentage. Note that this can be accomplished more easily through the scoreboard. Unlocks Maxwell. 2 makes you twice as fast and with 20 or more you can easily walk through walls and "over" water. "RIDER", "ORNERY", "PUDGY".
Creative ModeYou can craft everything. Example: Very long day, very short dusk and night (one segment for dusk and one for night), with a slightly longer night in winter. This can be changed at any time in the controls menu. GetPlayer().profile:UnlockCharacter("willow"), GetPlayer().profile:UnlockCharacter("wolfgang"), GetPlayer().profile:UnlockCharacter("wendy"), GetPlayer().profile:UnlockCharacter("wx78"), GetPlayer().profile:UnlockCharacter("wickerbottom"), GetPlayer().profile:UnlockCharacter("woodie"), GetPlayer().profile:UnlockCharacter("wes"), GetPlayer().profile:UnlockCharacter("waxwell"), GetPlayer().profile:UnlockCharacter("wathgrithr"), GetPlayer().profile:UnlockCharacter("webber"), GetPlayer().profile:UnlockCharacter("walani"), GetPlayer().profile:UnlockCharacter("warly"), Unlock Everything (Currently all characters). Unlike setclocksegs, this is permanent. Note that the fire rain duration is measured in seconds. Activates all Events on the same time. Sets your hunger to selected percentage.
Requires closing and reopening the game for changes to be seen. (Depending on computer speed) - Note that this is here so you can manually change the rate of time skip. Setting it to false prevents anyone from joining. (Depending on computer speed), Skips X time units and performs the "LongUpdate" function on world objects. This can be changed at any time in the controls menu. This returns the total number of something in the entire world, and returns the value as though your character is talking. Setting it to false prevents anyone from joining. true will save the game, false will exit without saving. Note: There are 30 time units per segment. Clears the morgue. This is a remote-only command and will not work if you are a client. Sets your health to selected percentage. c_gonext("prefab") After pressing enter, it teleports you to the … Standard runspeed is 1. true will save the game, false will exit without saving. To skip a whole day one can either use LongUpdate(480) or use multiplicative values such as LongUpdate(X*16*30) or LongUpdate(X*TUNING.TOTAL_DAY_TIME), with X=days to skip.
When sending the command using local, it returns the number of prefabs in your active area only. Change the .01 to 1 if you want to get out of Werebeaver form. Most of ThePlayer commands can be used with AllPlayers[number] instead of ThePlayer. Errors if x + y + z adds up to over 16.
A true classic for any good console command system. Same as God Mode but also sets all your stats to full, even when turning it off. Sets your sanity to selected percentage. As of June 25, 2016, a new set of commands are introduced to call players. Meteor strike on mouse cursor. Many Don't Starve Commands are still available in DST, so you can also read it. If for whatever reason it is not, you first need to do some tweaking in your settings.ini of your save. You can call a player by their player name instead of player number UserToPlayer('PlayerName'). Errors if adds up to over 16. Rolls back a server by the given number of saves. Note: Use fractional numbers 0.90 = 90%. To deactivate God Mode use the command again. Once it is obtained it can be put in this format: This will ban the player with specified KU id for 120 seconds. When the RoG DLC is added, the additional commands will likely be TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setseason", "spring") and TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setseason", "autumn"), Lightning strike on mouse cursor. You can craft everything. Sets your wetness to a selected percentage.
Errors if x + y + z adds up to over 16. Spawn wormhole 1 using this command: worm1 = c_spawn("wormhole"), Spawn wormhole 2 using this command: worm2 = c_spawn("wormhole"), Create connections forth: worm1.components.teleporter.targetTeleporter = worm2, And back: worm2.components.teleporter.targetTeleporter = worm1. Set the time scale of the simulation to a specific value X. Spawns different kind of rocks randomly. Does not need to be re-entered after the first time unless you lose your profile settings. Lua supports variable numbers of arguments to functions, so if, for example, you only want to spawn one of a prefab, you can leave out the "amount": "c_spawn('beefalo')". Change the Maximum Health of your character, Change the Maximum Sanity of your character, Change the Maximum Hunger of your character. Does not need to be re-entered after the first time unless you lose your profile settings. Will hit lightning rod instead if there is one near. There's many other commands, but they're hard to use and not very useful. Pressing ctrl with the console open switches to remote command mode. It's required to save and quit the game for the change to take effect. For example, "for k,v in pairs(AllPlayers) do c_move(v) end" will move all players to the mouse position. Does not need to be re-entered after the first time unless you lose your profile settings. You cannot change your stats with commands while in godmode. 1. Use the second command on dedicated servers, the first command will not work. The userid can be obtained from the AllPlayers table. Then to open the console while in game by pressing "~" by default on English keyboards. By default, the port is 10999. Enter command again to disable creative mode. If connecting conventionally doesn't work, it is possible to connect directly to an IP address. Unlocks Warly. Forces the server to save immediately (servers normally autosave whenever night finishes). Unlocks Wolfgang. Note: Many of the following commands that are normally applied to your player, godmode or health changing commands, can be applied to other players by using c_select(AllPlayers[number]) first. By default, the port is 10999. If multiple iterations of the prefab exist, a list of the entity numbers will be displayed in the console log, and each subsequent execution of the same command will transport the player from entity to entity in the order they were generated in the world. Most of ThePlayer commands can be used with AllPlayers[number] instead of ThePlayer. Note: Use fractional numbers 0.90 = 90%. Note: Use fractional numbers 0.90 = 90%. Note: Many of the following commands that are normally applied to your player, such as c_godmode() or c_sethealth(1), can be applied to other players by using c_select(AllPlayers[number]) first.
This allows you to announce server shutdowns/restarts so players do not just get disconnected without warning. Don’t Starve Together is a great game on its own. To cancel, enter c_cancelmaintaintasks(ThePlayer). Drop everything from player's inventory corresponding to the player number from c_listallplayers(). Note: Use fractional numbers 0.90 = 90%. This is a local-only command and will not work if you are a client. Prints the distance between player and object under mouse to the console log (displayed with Ctrl + L by default). Example: Very long day, very short dusk and night (one segment for dusk and one for night). Useful for long-running servers with lots of clutter. Note: Use fractional numbers 0.90 = 90%. Unlocks Webber. Requires closing and reopening the game for changes to be seen. Prints the distance between player and object under mouse to the console log (displayed with Ctrl + L by default). If connecting conventionally doesn't work, it is possible to connect directly to an IP address. Similar to supergodmode, but constantly regenerates your health.
Hide or show (after hiding) the full HUD of the game. If you are not the host (or it's a dedicated server that you're an admin for), most commands need to be run remotely. Don’t Starve Together even comes with a Super God Mode that’ll bring your stats up to max, no matter what. But, there is no doubt that using console commands offers so many more options to play with. Improved DebugSpawn("prefab"), spawns amount of selected "prefab" under the mouse cursor. If you are not the host (or it's a dedicated server that you're an admin for), most commands need to be run remotely. Sets your temperature to a selected percentage. Unlocks Walani. Gives a set of starting items to the player. 1.
Player can be banned for a short period of time. Errors if x + y + z adds up to over 16. Send the command using remote. Example: Very long day, very short dusk and night (one segment for dusk and one for night), with a slightly longer night in winter. Similar to supergodmode, but constantly regenerates your moisture. 1. Change x to skip more days or parts of days (e.g. Note: Use fractional numbers 0.90 = 90%. Requires closing and reopening the game for changes to be seen.
You can unlock multiple characters at a time without requiring the line including the save until the very last step. Enabled by default, setting it to "false" will exchange rubberbanding for choppiness, but is often helpful for combat. 1. This will delete their items, so it is recommended that you kill them first to drop their items, or let then DropEverthing() as shown above. This will delete their items, so it is recommended that you kill them first to drop their items, or let them DropEverything() as shown above. Teleport to Prefab. Unlocks Wes. Use c_skip(x) to skip x amount, Skips X time units and performs the "LongUpdate" function on world objects. Turn Woodie into the Werebeaver. Sets your health to selected percentage. You can call a player by their player name instead of player number UserToPlayer('PlayerName'). Sets amount of segments. Note: the map will return to normal after exiting the game or changing maps, but any new areas will remain explored. Don't Starve Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Note that console can not be used while game is paused preventing to remove pause. Unlocks Wickerbottom. After pressing enter, it deletes every instance of whatever item prefab is entered. 10 makes the player a bit faster and with 40 they can walk through walls and "over" water. Note that this will get reset the next day. Similar to supergodmode, but constantly regenerates your hunger. This includes items you never crafted before. Unlocks Wigfrid. 1. HealthSets your health to selected percentage.
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