ernest bryant birthday

Samuel Maurice Barklie Hill, MB, BCh, Regional Medical Officer, Northern Region, British European Airways. Richard Walter Lewis, Chief Chemist, Burndept Ltd.. Dora Tertia Liebenthal, Honorary Organiser. Richard Thomas Bondfield Green, MD, Senior Bacteriologist, Institute for Medical Research, Federation of Malaya. Sidney Bayliss, Chief Warden, Bristol Civil Defence Corps. Donald Cartwright, Superintendent, Kenya Police Force.

Reality Star Born in Georgia #11. Charles Edward Richardson, Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of Works. John Cassels Pinkerton, MC, JP, City Assessor. Major Henry Charles Chinn (104316), Royal Regiment of Artillery (Employed List). For political and public services in Leicester.

(Llanhilleth, Monmouthshire).

Ernest Long, Lately Comptroller of Income Tax, Jersey, Channel Islands. Son of Lewis Bryant and Anne Mary Bryant

John Ernest Hodge, Commissioner of Police, Federation of Nigeria. Major Arthur Roy Thorburn (1/21206), Royal Australian Infantry Corps. Philip Hylton Spagnoletti, Director and General Manager.

Stanley Swainson Donaldson, Clerk to the Maryport Urban District Council, Cumberland. William Ford, Senior Superintendent, Nigeria Police Force. (Beverley). For political and public services in Scotland. Ronald George Lock, Superintendent, Nigeria Police Force. The Venerable Archdeacon Herewald Ramsbotham Davies, Lately Archdeacon of Tobago.

Chief Petty Officer Wilfred Ernest Sketchell, D/JX.251323.

Ya'acob bin Abdul Manan, Sub-Inspector, Singapore Police Force. 1547532 Sergeant Joseph Collett, Army Catering Corps. Abdul Hamid bin Abu, Sergeant, Federation of Malaya Police Force. Albert Sweet, Chief Clerk, Stockport, Cheshire, Royal Regiment of Artillery, Territorial Army. You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times. For services to the Interim Public Service Commission, Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Norah Bedford Findley, Nursing Superintendent. John Hodgkinson, Member, Flintshire Agricultural Executive Committee. Maulud bin Idris, Corporal, Federation of Malaya Police Force. Catherine Cameron, Head Teacher, Oa Primary School. S/11252946 Staff Sergeant George Alexander Wilson, Royal Army Service Corps.

Ursula Blanche Branston. George Hamilton Cramp, MM, Divisional Officer, Middlesex Fire Brigade. Arthur Bennett, First Secretary (Labour) at Her Majesty's Embassy in Vienna. Norman Francis Edmunds, Administrator-General and Official Trustee. Benedict Enwonwu, Art Supervisor, Federal Information Service, Nigeria. Major Annie Gwynneth Learmouth, TD (244999), Women's Royal Army Corps, Territorial Army. James Bentley Corbin. George Hallett Shelley. Rupert Eric George Simcox, Mains Foreman, North Western Electricity Board.

Arthur Blackman, JP. George William Duncan, Chairman, Mull District Council.

Dennis Alfred Lamb, General Manager, British Overseas Fairs Ltd. Harry Lawrence, MM, Assistant Controller, Post Office Savings Department. Frederick William Ross Godden.

The Honourable Marjorie Watson. Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Griffith (33699), The.

Group Captain William Ivan Guy Kerby, OBE. Thomas Rogers, Mess Steward Grade I, Headquarters, No.23 Group, RAF Leighton Buzzard. William Wesson, Research and Experimental Mechanic (Special) Chargehand, Proof and Experimental Establishment, Ministry of Supply.

Albert Joseph Moore, MBE, Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of Health.

1374581 Warrant Officer Class II (acting) Thomas Roye Dinsdale, Corps of Royal Engineers. Captain Francis Hamilton Fasson, JP, County Director. Genealogy profile for Arthur Ernest Bryant Arthur Ernest Bryant (1869 - 1875) - Genealogy Genealogy for Arthur Ernest Bryant (1869 - 1875) family tree on Geni, with …

Richard Wildman Kettlewell, Director of Agriculture, Nyasaland.

Sidney Beresford Chambers, Statistician, Federation of Nigeria. Stephen Thomas Hoyle, Chief Agricultural Research Officer, Nyasaland. Khan Bahadur Muhammad Salim Ali.

Nora Ivy Hodgson, Honorary Secretary and Treasurer. For services to local government. Robert Jarvie Patterson, President, St Andrew's and Red Cross Scottish Ambulance Service. Gwendoline Laura Taylor, Supervisor (F) Telephones, Head Post Office.

Ronald Eustace Grant Ferguson, Deputy Director, Public Works Department, Western Region, Nigeria. Robert Egerton Crookall, Education Officer, Western Region, Nigeria.

Andrew Jacob Sandison, Sub-Postmaster, Mid Yell. Flight Lieutenant Gordon William Smith (161059). Group Captain Andrew Blair Holloway, OBE.

Norman Reay, Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of Pensions & National Insurance. Alice Evelyn Tuck, Matron of the South Coast District Hospital, State of South Australia. For public services, especially in the interests of deaf, dumb and blind children. Brigadier Averell John Daniell, DSO, MBE (26961), late Royal Regiment of Artillery.

Harold Charles Birch, MBE, Chief Executive Officer, National Savings Committee (Winchmore Hill, N21). Catharine Euphemia Anderson, Ward Sister, Medical Ward. George Davies, Suede Buffing Foreman, Treforest Chrome Leather Works. Jaimal Singh son of Roor Singh, Inspector, Federation of Malaya Police Force. Nicholas Hiram Richards Normington. Eli Ayland, Works Manager, Engineering Division, John Curran Ltd., Cardiff. John Arthur Llewelyn Vaughan-Jones, MB, ChB, JP, Regional Medical Adviser, East and West Ridings Region, Yorkshire. Brigadier Henry Shapcott, CB, CBE, MC (26224). John Mellis Tasker, Colony Commissioner, Gambia.

(Morden, Surrey). For services to Education in Jamaica. George William Thomas Lacey, Leading Chargehand, City Engineer's Department, Bristol. Frederick William Roques, MD, FRCS, Consultant in Gynaecology to the Royal Air Force. Claude Geoffrey Metson, Secretary, National Association of Corn & Agricultural Merchants Ltd. Edward John Mitchell, Principal Inspector of Taxes, Board of Inland Revenue. Ellen Anders. Fred Walshaw Bateman, Director, Morton Engineering Services Ltd.. William Stanley Bates, Director and Secretary. Vanessa Bryant rang in her birthday this week with extra love and support from her daughters.

Sam Auty, Engine Driver, Royston, North Eastern Region, British Railways.

Na/27952 Company-Sergeant-Major Yako Yerwa, The Nigeria Regiment, Royal West African Frontier Force.

Julius Amadi, Sergeant Major, Nigeria Police Force. Lieutenant (Quartermaster) Geoffrey Christopher Hensby (433536), Royal Armoured Corps.

Reginald Gordon Sheppard, Chief Executive Officer, HM Treasury (Surbiton, Surrey). 22540914 Sergeant Ernest Thomas, Royal Corps of Signals. George Henry Tanner, Mains Foreman, Hastings District, South Eastern Electricity Board.

For services to Commerce.

Emmanuel Mbela Lifaffe Endeley.

William Richard Gibbs, Sewage Treatment Foreman, London County Council.

John Simpson Owen, lately Commercial Manager, Ministry of Agriculture, Sudan Government. John Watson Rogerson, Foreman, Stead McAlpin & Co. Ltd. (Carlisle). George Horsley, Laboratory Mechanic, Admiralty Fuel Experimental Station.

John Henry Whittaker, Inspector (Postal), Head Post Office. Earnest William Alfred Steadman, Station Warden. 893715 Warrant Officer Class II (acting) Frank Bowles, Corps of Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers. For services in the preservation of mediaeval buildings. Lieutenant-Colonel Septimus Paul Brooke-Booth, MC, British subject resident in Belgium. Joseph William Brophy.

For political and public services in.

John Malcolm McNeil Maclean, Assistant Commissioner, Singapore Police Force.

Brigadier (temporary) Anthony Donald Macdonald Teacher, OBE (33372), late Royal Regiment of Artillery. Flight Lieutenant Maurice George Hunn (45395).

Robert Young, Sub-Area Production Manager, North Eastern Division, National Coal Board. Major Malcolm Nigel Romer (62031), Scots Guards. Gilbert Okpara, Sergeant Major, Nigeria Police Force. Major Samuel Newburgh Standish Hutchins (74539), Royal Regiment of Artillery.

2/10600 Sergeant (temporary) Thomas Shacklady, Royal Australian Infantry Corps. Chuck Schilken is a multiplatform editor and sports writer for the Los Angeles Times.
David Doig Pratt, OBE, Director, Chemical Research Laboratory. Felix Yinmasu Carrena, Chief Inspector, Posts and Telegraphs Department, Federation of Nigeria.

William Henry Peplow, Compositor, Wilding & Son Ltd. (Shrewsbury). George William Henry Williams, Local Fuel Overseer, City and Rural District of Hereford.

Brigadier (temporary) Geoffrey Franklyn Lushington, OBE (41141), late Royal Regiment of Artillery. Flight Lieutenant William John Gear (50291). Major (Quartermaster) Harry Roberts Cotton (147468), The. John Proctor Tivey. Lieutenant-Colonel Humphrey George Bates (2/106), Australian Staff Corps. For services to agriculture in Fiji. For services to the community during. Thomas Ernest Kirk, River Foreman, Nene River Board, Lincolnshire (Holland) and Northamptonshire.

John Neish Ritchie, Chief Veterinary Officer, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food. Brigadier Gilbert Reader McMeekan, DSO, OBE (22955), late. Herbert Lorraine Port, Assistant Secretary. Thomas Henry Chicken, lately Chairman, West Cumberland War Pensions Committee. Ceinwen Chapman, Centre Organiser, Ilford Women's Voluntary Services.

Captain Duff Stanford Hellet, Swaziland Police Force. Theodore George Alexander Henderson, DCM, Manager and Secretary, Scottish.

Petty Officer James Greenshields, C/JX.135163. Amy Lily Elizabeth Hamer, Home Help Organiser. Air Vice-Marshal John Goodenough Elton, CBE, DFC, AFC. For welfare services in the.

Captain Weerawarnasuriya Patabendige Jinadasa Silva. Victor Franklin Wood, MBE, Principal, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food. Lieutenant-Colonel John Charles Christopher Shapland (68714), Royal Army Service Corps. George Herbert Reasbeck, Papermaker's Help, John Rostron & Sons Ltd.. Laurence Smith Reid, Member, Coast Life Saving Corps. Albert Maurice Ford, Senior Executive Officer. Griffith Leonard Davies.

Edwin Joseph Vass, Financial Assistant, Police Department, Singapore.
Freda Miles. For political and public services in Cornwall. For political and public services in Suffolk. John Morgan Evans, Principal Inspector, Board of Customs & Excise (Cobham, Surrey). Hilda Marion MacDpnald Cashell. For public services in, Datin Shariffah Hawa binte Khalid. Gan Kok-Leong, Inspector, Federation of Malaya Police Force.

Frederick Joseph Gibbs, Area Cold Storage Officer, Grade I. Ernest George Gilbert, Higher Executive Officer, War Office. William Gibbison, Detective Chief Inspector, Bootle Borough Police Force. Captain William Furlong Cox, Fiji Artillery. Lloyd William Ambrose, Chief Accountant, Board of Trade. Major George Kerr (3/181), Australian Staff Corps. Robert Everitt King Murray, Senior District Officer. Neville George David Campbell, BM, BCh, Medical Officer, Sierra Leone. Ruth Mary Fountain, Clerical Officer, Ministry of Education.

Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain) Ltd.

Acting Squadron Leader John Arthur McCorquodale, MBE (54801). Captain Ardudfyl Jones (336813), Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps. (Brandon). Samuel Benjamin Hull, Station Sergeant, Leeward Islands Police Force. Hersi Dualeh, Agricultural Assistant, Agricultural Department, Somaliland. Lieutenant-Colonel George Gregg, MD (108108), Royal Army Medical Corps, Territorial Army. Thomas Austen Edwin Spearing, Deputy Controller Designate, Hammersmith Civil Defence Organisation. John Henry Baxter. Haji Pawanchee bin Mohamed Yusoff, Inspector, Federation of Malaya Police Force.

James Douglas Hardy, OBE, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Communications. Brigadier Ivor Reginald Grove, OBE, Member of the Board and Technical Adviser. Colonel Arthur Selby Milner, OBE (34688), late Royal Corps of Signals. John Henry Davies, Deputy Superintendent, Singapore Police Force.

For political and public services in Cheshire.

Phaedon George Constantinides. Charles Webb, Surface Worker, Lucy No.4 Colliery, South Western Division, National Coal Board.


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