Prayer for Good Luck. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Dear Lord, I want to thank you for your mercies, you bless us abundantly more that we can imagine or think, I just want to rest in your promises because you never fail. In the name of our Lord. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. prayer request against bad luck and misfortunes. Select it and click on the button to choose it.Then click on the link if you want to upload up to 3 more images. Luck, you are the essence permeating all space, unwavering, both lovely and capricious, forever the Equalizer in all affairs to both the living and the Spirit. Maybe you have been praying for something or wishing to get something that you value very much. Amen, Dear heavenly Father,am humbled to come before you through the name of our Lord Jesus,thanking you for your love and care,thank you for allowing me to call upon you at this hour of the day,when am about to leave my house to attend for an interview,I know your hand is with me and shall guide and protect me all along,thank you because you have promised never to leave nor forsake me,I give you honor and glory,may your hand of favor be upon me as I go out through the name of our Lord Jesus I pray and believe.Amen, good luck prayer for success of dear friend, Oh God, through the name of Jesus have knelt beside my bed at this hour to thank you for allowing me to call upon you, thank you for this opportunity to show gratitude because you heareth us as you have promised, you have said that we make our request be known to you and want to thank you for that promise , at this time am bringing my dear friend Eliza who is going for an interview May you give her words to speak in season and out of season and I know she will come out victorious, that you because your word will not go out and come back empty, thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name i pray and believe. May good luck be by my side wherever I go. Amen, Heavenly Father,thank you for enabling me see another day in my life,thank you for this wonderful day that you have granted to me,I trust in your care and love,thank you for your goodness and being with me always,as I set out to go and attend for an interview I know you are with me,thank you for extending your favor to me and giving me a chance to serve in this company that I applied for,may you grace and mercy be sufficient to me through the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen, Oh God, What a joy to come before you through the name of our Lord Jesus thanking you for the love and care that you have given me to be alive at this hour,thank you for waking me up with high spirit,am preparing for a job interview and need your divine guidance,may you go before me so that I can get this job,thank you for hearing and answering my prayer through the name of our Lord Jesus,Amen, Oh God of heaven , I know that you hear me through the name of Jesus, I thank you for this opportunity that have been given to go for an interview, I ask you to fill me with wisdom and knowledge so that I can know how to answer the questions appropriately, when I get the job, honor and glory will be yours forever. (You can preview and edit on the next page), Here the Marriage restoration prayer to help join others for prayers for marriages that are broken and let to be restored, Here are the prayer for supernatural healing as offered by individuals from around the world, Here is the prayer request against bad luck and misfortunes page to post requests for others to join and continue praying for you, Do all this in prayer, asking for God's help. When you try to get it or do it. At this hour I want to come against the spirit of bad luck and loss of opportunities in my life to leave in the name of our Lord Jesus and want to declare and decree that Jesus is Lord, I invite the spirit of favor and grace to follow me when I go out and come in. Thank you Father for making me see this day,I want to seek for heavenly protection and guidance as I set out to go and do the work that you have blessed my hands to do,may you guide and help me perform it well according to your will,thank you Father for you are with me,I trust in you through the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen, Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I want to come to you this morning with praises in my heart,thank you for allowing me to be called your child and thank you for your saving grace that is in Jesus Christ, dear loving Lord, I commit myself to you at this hour seeking for your protection and care,thank you for the love that you have for me,as I set out today may your favor go before me in order to succeed in all that will do in Jesus name I pray and believe.Amen, Lord of mercy, it another hour am coming before you to thank you for this wonderful opportunity that you have given me, I want to bring to you my friend Richard who is traveling today to you able hands that you give him traveling mercies to reach safely,thank you Father for your care and love for I pray in Jesus name.Amen, Heavenly Father,through the name of my Lord Jesus, let me come before you at this hour with thanksgiving in my heart,Dear loving Father before I set out to go and work, I want to ask you Lord to protect and guide me during this day,thank you for your love and care for I pray through the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen, Oh loving Father, through the name of our Lord Jesus,thank you for allowing me to come before you at this hour of the morning,am grateful for the gift of life and above all for making me see another day in my life,I take this chance to seek for divine protection and guidance during this day,as I set out to drop my applications may your favor be upon me and may I be able to get the job that you have set for me thank you for your provision through the name of our Lord Jesus I pray and believe.Amen, Dear heavenly Father, I want to come before you through the name of our Lord Jesus,thanking you for enabling me see another day,am grateful for the gift of life,as I start this day,may your favor be upon me and as I join others in the work that you have blessed my hands to do,may your divine protection be with me through the day and also guide me on how to do my work through the name of our Lord Jesus I pray and believe.Amen, Oh God who is in heaven, in the name of my Lord Jesus , I take this chance to come before you, I feel heart broken but I cling on unto your love , you love and care for me more than I can't understand have tried everything to make ends meet but still feel unlucky, I know you have good plans for me and that is i cry unto you to open my inner eyes of the heart to see all that you have bestowed upon me through Jesus Christ , you deposited all that I need before the foundation of the one and I want to thank you, May your name be gloried always because of your grace in my life and for others, thank you for answering my prayer in Jesus name I pray and believe. Luck, be kind to all of us today. I pour my heart out to you Lord God. Amen, Oh God, I feel privileged to come before you at this hour of the morning,knowing that you hear me because of Jesus Christ,thank you for the many blessings that are in Jesus,all is mine, I give you honor and glory for your care and love,dear loving Father you have opened doors for me but my eyes other times don't see,as I set out to go and serve,I ask you to guide and protect me,show me what is your will Lord, I pray for good luck over the activities will be performing this day knowing that you are with me. My loving Father, I know you have the best for me and may your name be glorified now and forever more for I have prayed through the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. I pray that you will grant me and my family financial freedom. And I can’t wait for when your mind will be completely blown by how well and fast this prayer works!! I decree that whatever I will place my hands on it will prosper because am your disciple. You make beggars out of kings and kings out of beggars. Here is a sample for a good luck prayer and prayer for good luck. Leave your name and email below and you will be in my prayer list of the people I'm praying for. Prayer for Fast Luck, Good Fortune "I pray for the wind of good fortune to whirl itself into every fabric of my existence, twisting and coiling away from flickers of misfortune. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Thank you for answering me in Jesus name I pray. Wherever I step, may your goodness and mercies follow me all the days of my life. My health improves every day I can open my eyes. Let the will of God be manifested in your life and the love of God be upon you as you wait from Him. Amen, Oh God of heaven, am coming to you by the powerful name of Jesus, thanking you because you hear, you said that we ask and shall be given, knock and the door shall be opened, seek and shall find, I thank you for all this promises that are yes and amen to the glory in Jesus, at this hour I want to bring my dear wife yo your able hands who is going for an interview tomorrow , May you open a door that no man shall shut,I thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name i pray and believe.
This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Amen, My heavenly Father, my heart is overwhelmed with joy as I come before you through the name our Lord Jesus thanking for you allowing me to call upon you as my Father, I know you care for me and have the best plan for me in life,dear heavenly Father, I want to take this opportunity to ask for forgiveness for my unbelief,teach and show me how to walk according to your word and will,I want to also pray that may I be able to succeed in my work that you have blessed my hands to do and be effective in all that I do,thank you Lord because you are near and ready to help me,help and fill me with your wisdom and knowledge,thank you for hearing and answering my prayer through the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen, Heavenly Father , thank you for your grace that is in Jesus Christ , thank you for your mercies that causes me to triumph in every place that I step in,thank you for your goodness that follows me for the rest of my life, I know you will never leave nor forsake me,thank you for the richness that is in Jesus Christ i will praise and glorify you forever in Jesus name I pray and believe. Bless me with sufficient wealth, good health, and above all, bring happiness to my family. Amen, Oh God, what a privilege to come before you through the name of our Lord Jesus,thanking you for your love and care,I know Lord you have good things for me, I give you honor and glory for leading me so far,I commit everything to your able hand to guide and help me through i n Jesus name I pray and believe.Amen, A good luck prayer for someone going through challenges in life, Dear loving Father who is in heaven , through the name of Jesus I want to thank you at this hour, I want to bring my sister Jane who is going through difficulties in life to your able hands,May your hand of blessings be upon her,I want to pray for your knowledge and wisdom to avail on her life, open her inner eyes to open so that she can see the hidden mercies that is in Jesus Christ , thank you Lord for hearing and answering my prayer and Jane's through the name of Jesus I pray and believe. Amen, Dear loving God , I want to thank you for allowing me to call upon you,through the name of our Lord Jesus giving you honor and glory, I want to praise for the knowledge that you have given me in Jesus Christ to know of the blessings that are in Jesus Christ.
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