Guide is either out-of-date or the level 45 quest changes if you’ve (completed?) FSH Guide in general is a pain in the ass even to write… I mean.. the uniqueness of the class and the personalities of people trying to level fishing are wildly varied! Great Idea! Our fishing will take place in two locations, first I'd recommend going to the Exploratory Ice Hole (Near Snow Cloak on the map) and using the Chocobo Fly to catch about 40 to 50 Lamp Marimo. or should I saw claw….
Looking for FIsh & Fishing Spots? Lower scrip tier: Tackeking, Augmented Tackleking.
The 16-35 reflects correct information. Both catches from large gig are ‘future’ collectables. The EASIEST way to get out of the deadzone is gearing up, and the cheapest/most cost efficient set for that right now is the Landking’s Set, obtained via scrip.
SPACE. Yes that’s another one, but the listed location (Yugram River) is 100% at night time! While I healthily suggest helping Gourmet Crabs go extinct – If you’re hellbent on collectables…. Til 10 am I think. Once it’s active, most players should then focus on catching anything and everything, while burning GP on Double Hook uses during Medium (!!)
Always great. Maybe I was unlucky but this was terrible. Went to “Isles of Umbra Northshore” but that spot requires Skyfishing now I think… and you don’t get that until Level 45. for the 40-45 tier, instead of farming at The Nail, go into Daniffen Pass. I mention this NOW because this gives some pretty chunky EXP. If you allready are taking the time to make this guide, why be so lasy as to use shortened words.. Not trying to be rude, just telling you that this guide is a pain in the behind to use.
Keep up the good work!! The collectability has to have a minimum of 646 and it appears in the list of collectibles when you reach lvl52.
After that, it’s a case of talking to the achievement guy by Apkallu Falls in Old Gridania. Before reaching the level 80 cap, the main allure of Ocean Fishing is the ludicrous amounts of experience points it awards not only with each catch, but when the points are tallied up at the end. Would you consider updating the site with a dark mode?
You got two choices in this tier. However, if you’re specifically gunning for them – they don’t feel that great.
TECHNICALLY SPEAKING, the crafted gear “slightly edges out” the scrip gear – but wether it’s worth it or not is up to you. “Scrip gear” from now on, in this guide’s, means the Landking’s set. you may want to add that in order to catch the deep velodyna carp you MUST be on the quest. If fore some reason you’re not 74 after submitting those, do the ALBINO CAIMAN COLLECTABLE WITH MARBLE NYMPH BAIT – unless you’re having luck with the Geayi > Bis/Bothrio rotation. With Gatherer’s Grace turned on, a hq Rift Sailor will net you 40K xp, without rested xp turned on. No other levequest fishing activity up to this point comes close.
This is worth a look! They were easy to catch with or without the Patience rotation.
Thank you very much for the input. As wildly varied as the ways and methods and goals of those attempting to max the class. Thank you so much for the guide! We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY.
How to level up Fishing Quickly!? It’s something I want to do, for sure… I’ll see how best to implement this!
Switched over and started catching nothing but Blindfish and Killifish. I’m into the game more for gathering/crafting than fighting; so, slow leveling is okay with me. The chances of the “other” spearfish targets were simply too high even after veteran trade. If you have any questions or comments, or would like to submit some FF14 fishing tips, hints or tricks, please post them in the comments section below. That was so last expansion. I will have to check it out soon. I’m sorry, but this is somewhat used quite commonly in my server – i apologize. Please consider updating the links on this page, as XIVDB no longer “exists”..
If you’re more of a Spearfishing guy, the “Geayi > Little Bismarck” rotation is always good (whichever of it or Bothriolepis on the menu). Knowing the strength of a tug a fish gives out is one step to knowing what you’re about to reel in, so we’ll note these when referring to a Spectral Fish in the guide.
Catch all the big fish in Final Fantasy 14. You’re amazing. An example is “Steel Bladed Jig” “Goblin Jig” “Brute Leech” are all level 60, and the guide mentions catching fish which are only caught using one of those. This isn’t so important for fishing.
It GREATLY speeds up the FSH leveling process.
There are plenty more fish in each zone, and these change in and out of Spectral Currents, but the fish below are what you typically want to aim for. It only lasts one pull, unlike Veteran Trade. I was confused about this too, but the farm spot is directly south of the Ceruleum Processing Plant crystal. Correction, just hit the “nothing bites” slump. After you sort out your gear, farm/submit the Eighteyes Eels if you haven’t already at Lakeland, Rift of Sighs (32,15) with Fruit Worm. I won’t go into detail as I imagine a astronomic chunk of people won’t care about this since L76 gives such an OP levequest.
Use the Patience rotation. Warriors of Darkness.
They started off really rare, then started pouring in. Hopefully that helps! The EXP is trash as well, compared to the effort required. This is the place where you also find the collectible sorcerer fish and you can allready catch it when you are lvl51. Once the node spawns, EQUIP LARGE GIG HEAD BEFORE YOU BEGIN. Have any idea when the 50-60 guide will be ready?
Fantastic guide, would be lost without it!
WTH does “THX” mean and why would anyone expect people that would be looking for a “guide” to already know this stuff?
Starting with "A Realm Reborn" and the expansions include "Heavensward", "Stormblood", and "Shadowbringers"!
I’m actually working toward 50, myself, so this will definitely come in handy~. This “rotation” greatly increases your chances to land the various collectables, Facet fish and some levequest fish.
Then there’s the Fisher’s Intuition buff.
Azure Sea Spider felt the absolute worst amongst any levequest fish that preceeded it in ShB.
The first level of any expansion is usually a “deadzone”, and Shadowbringers is no exception.
“(50) Glacier Core” Except, I cant use that bait until 53, so…. Just want to point out that the info for level 15 levequests is wrong.
Are almost impossible to do if your gear is bad. Fisher Quest Level 40 - Raincaller NQ More details below! If I use a bunch of images… man.. load times?
But it does keep going into the daytime quite a bit. :(.
I just got back and replying to comments quickly. Greetings ..
Thank you for your guide, Need to fix the lvl 25 leve quest location FSH from “East Shroud, Quarrymill” to “South Shroud, Quarrymill”, Under 45-50, the guide says “Overall I would recommend Ceruleum Field, using Honeyworm (Generic catch-all bait). These routes are made up of three of the four available spots chosen at random, meaning there is a total of 15 different possible routes. Again, only if you have scrip gear or above. Boosting your odds means going into Ocean Fishing with a specific strategy in mind.
The boat sets off every two hours for a round-trip, so you’ll have to level the conventional way between each if you’re looking for the quickest route to level 80 Fisher.
Fishing (釣り, Tsuri?) The Fisher’s Intuition buff lasts for one minute outside of a Spectral Current and 15 seconds during one, presumably, to stop you reeling in 40,000 five-star fish should the stars align. I cannot explain all choices I made but I’ll make an exception for this…. Rak’tika Goby suffers the same fate as Elder Pixie, almost exactly. I’m just here trying my best to even give a sliver of a guideline to those who may seek it. Beyond that, most players in the early days of the activity will be aiming for two specific rewards: The Hybodus mount and the Major General minion, more on those down below. I think the more steady higher exp (compared to salmon and boneytongue at the wall) catches at the Nail make it faster.
Both felt okay, depends on what method you prefer. I’ve found all your gatherers’ guides particularly helpful. Some collectables aren’t available every day! The trick to scoring 5,000 points in Ocean Fishing is to make the most of Spectral Currents — special windows that reduce catch times and fish rarity to help boost scores. Wait….
I’ve been following this guide but it’s kind of blinding with all this white.
An alternative for White Coral, if your having trouble catching it.
Here’s all the practical ways of getting EXP to beat the deadzone. CF Moondrip. No other collectable activity can consistenly beat this either. For that reason alone, it’s largely recommended to time your GP usage around using Double Hook on Medium (!!)
One comment per the Level-50 Class Quest: I found it rather simple; I caught three HQ Mazlaya Marlins and two NQ ones in about 30 minutes. The fish (and bait) needed to trigger these windows differs with each zone, so familiarize yourself with the locations and prepare to switch baits as and when required.
Goblin Jig, mentioned in the guide, is L58. You can’t just jump off the boat and hop back on for another ride, though.
Fishing spots are places where the player can play the fishing minigame in Final Fantasy XV. The Versatile Lure you’re given after completing the quest and unlocking the minigame can be used at any level, too, putting you mostly on par with any other fisher out there.
fishing is not there at all.
In the 20-25 grinding spot, you suggest the Yugr’am river in W.Thanalan, which is inocrrect. Okay man, if you really want to do the NEW collectables (the spearfishing ones are very consistent mega EXP sources), which are “non-RNG”, YOU’RE GONNA WANT THE OPTIONAL L77 GEAR UPGRADES. Finned Eggplant (triple) sucks.
One other note I had some trouble finding vendors that sell the needed lure or bait for the different areas. You’re guides have been a real life saver.
Love your guides! Even better now with the new updates ..
How I can visit CERULEUM FIELD?
Uncommon fish to trigger the shadow, and no other fish of value, and almost crippling collectability issues. Hang in there! Sand Egg felt like the basic fishing leve. Thanks! Getting megachunks of EXP per cast will at least make you a little less salty that you can’t catch these damn levequest fish. WTH does “NSH”, “WLN”,ETH” mean and why would anyone expect people that would be looking for a “guide” to already know this stuff?
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