formulate a theory about one aspect of human development and a hypothesis that relates to it

In Indian conditions the period of adolescence may vary from 12-13 years to 18-21 years. The child acquires a rich store of vocabulary. For proper social development following suggestions can be taken into consideration: i. Adolescents come in conflict with their friends and family members who fail to understand them.

However, income growth should consider expansion of human capabilities.

Emotional Development 4. Newborn babies have a focal point of around 10 inches; the distance from breast to face, so the child can focus on its mothers face while feeding. The following points should be taken into consideration for proper mental development among the children: i. An incident such as this may lead to the involvement of social services.

Hands and feet grow bigger. Due to hormonal changes there is an increase in sexual drive.

This would mean the researcher has stated three null hypotheses. The child at this stage develops better concepts of length, distance, time, area and volume. Taking the same example, a researcher might expect that the economic class and educational attainment of one's parents, and the race of the person in question are likely to have an effect on one's educational attainment.

Its base instinct is to form an attachment with its mother to ensure it basic needs are met. When development is defined in terms of human welfare it means that people are put first. The first nine months of a child are a period of rapid growth. Any kind of environmental decline is tantamount to violation of distributive justice of the disadvan­taged peoples. This would be characterized as a negative relationship, wherein being a person of color has a negative effect on one's educational attainment. ii. iii. In this period the child usually has one or two friends with whom he identifies and plays for short intervals. In the traditional development economics, development meant growth of per capita real income. Feeling of being ignored makes him naughty in the hope of getting attention that he craves for. In other words, genuine human development requires empower­ment in all aspects of life. He put this down to changes in physical development aided by external influences. The upper part of the body is well developed at birth while the lower part has a period of accelerated growth after the birth. Some of the important external factors are sunlight, air, food, fatigue, exercise and w Seasons of the year is another external factor influencing growth? Many of the theories outlined above were researched and developed in a society very different from the modern society today.

Building trust with the family would provide an insight to any underlying problems which may require attention, such as post natal depression. During this stage, the child also learns to organize systems of classification for the perceptions and concepts acquired by him. However, he also put forward the idea that how people pass through each stage is underpinned by two things, assimilation and accommodation. Another important facet of human development is that development should ‘keep going’, should ‘last long’. However, the study also showed that where positive environmental factors were in place, such as a better standard of schooling, the IQ was on average 12 points higher than their biological siblings, demonstrating that both nature and nurture are equally important. Insecure – Avoidant attachment – the child appears to be independent and is disinterested when separated from a care giver and upon their returns. Share Your PPT File, 5 Reasons for Incorrect Assessment of an Economy, Public Sector Enterprises or Undertakings in India. Bowlby (1969) also accepted the fact that a child may fit into more than one of the above categories or in some cases, none of them. These are, after all, ‘a goods-oriented’ view of development. Nature theories are extreme in that they do not make any allowance for environmental factors and fail to take into account the ideal outcomes may be different depending on the culture and social norms of the child’s environment. There is natural shift from the sensorimotor stage to logical and social egocentricity. Content Guidelines 2.

Greif is an emotion many people feel when faced with a bereavement of a loved one or loss of a relationship (marriage breakups), job or the feeling or the loss of security following a traumatic incident. This perspective of development, as enunciated by A. Sen, suggests why development economists put greater emphasis on education and health. Study and explore your question, then write your one main takeaway or new learning about your topic. Sen’s intellectual insights and fundamental ideas induced UNDP to formulate HDI as a comprehensive measure of development. Deprivation of maternal care can lead to a child being less developed in all areas of life; physically, emotionally, intellectually and socially. Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a university student. Content Guidelines 2. Only when armed with a comprehensive understanding of human growth and development can a social worker hope to provide effective interventions when dealing with clients and their families. The components of theory are concepts (ideally well defined) and principles. Concrete Operations (7 – 12 years) – by now, a child is able to use imagination to understand its environment and can see things from the perspective of others.

The noted Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq considered four essential pillars of human development.

When reunited with their mother, they are often inconsolable showing obvious anger towards their mother for leaving them. It thus enables us to make predictions about that behavior. The old adage of being able to walk before being able to run demonstrates this quite well. Sometimes they do, and sometimes they do not. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on the website then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! vii. He also develops ability to take decisions. Architecture vi. Physical growth and development describe the physical as well as psychomotor changes in an individual. x. Through the discussion on each theory, this essay will demonstrate how both environmental and genetic factor influence the development of a child or adult and how life events can disrupt the normal development of a person. Muscles grow larger and stronger. Culture VAT Registration No: 842417633. This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay Writing Service. However, Blacks and Hispanics and Latinos are far less likely than whites and Asian Americans to go to college. However, this is not generally permitted in some cultures, and so same sex friendships are more common. The child may become upset when separated from their mother but are quickly consoled upon their return. It is usually based on both theoretical expectations about how things work and already existing scientific evidence. Film studies These studies have demonstrated that genetics must have a profound influence on the choices made in life despite the social influences along the way. x. Each of the separate theories are able to argue their own distinct view on why people develop in specific ways depending on their genetics and environmental influences over their lifetime. It focuses on grassroots participation which promotes democracy by enfranchising the disadvantaged groups. In this age the child can imitate, discriminate and recognize to some extent. Ecology The theory understood that when considering the human condition, not all children will fall neatly into the categories above; or if they have formed one of the insecure attachments it does not always lead to problems in later life. Children should be provided a variety of direct experiences before they can be expected to cope with abstract ideas and concepts. Emphasis should be given on reading and writing ability of the children. The child should be assisted to control his emotional feelings which may offend other or which are destructive in nature. The capability of a person reflects the various combinations of ‘doings and beings’ that one can achieve. The components of theory are concepts (ideally well defined) and principles. Environmental studies One may, however, contest GDP/GNP as a useful measure of development since income growth enables persons in expanding their range of choices. Can people read and write? Before describing how to develop a hypothesis it is imporant to distinguish betwee a theory and a hypothesis.

This is a case called ‘growth without development’. Within social science, a hypothesis can take two forms. What are the differences between growth and development?

Older children when become angry, do not kick things. v. A child should be helped to develop a realistic understanding about the situations that aroused unpleasant emotions. 3 – 6 years – Initiative vs Guilt – a child at this age is able to set goals and organise activities to attain these goals. It is about providing people with opportunities, not insisting that they make use of them. Economic development now refers to expan­ding capabilities. Drama Freud’s Stages of Psychosexual Development detail the steps a person must go through in order to reach their full potential. E (1959) believed that development did not stop once puberty had passed; rather that it was a continuing process throughout life.

The child is mostly engaged in manipulation of objects. They assume that growth is linear and each person has the potential to reach the favourable outcome at each stage regardless of environmental influence. Before publishing your Articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Psychology Health Many girls during puberty liken their changing body to that of older and younger girls and become dissatisfied with their own developing body. This index brought in revolutionary changes not only in development, but also in the policy environment in which the government was assigned a major role instead of market forces. Certain general trends in the development of social behaviour are discussed here: During the first few months the child begins to make active .social contacts with the persons in his social environment such as mother, father, grandmother, elders who care for him.

surely requires health and education as well as income.” In other words, income does not define peoples’ ‘well- being’ adequately. It is thus clear that per capita income does not stand as a true index of development of any country. What is Theory? During this period the child displays the tendency towards negativism by responding to almost every request with a ‘no’.

A child can often be seen to make up games and use imagination to transform its surroundings. Emphasis should be given on acquisition and mastery of language which is one of the aspects of mental development. At this young age a child’s mouth is more sensitive than that of an adult, so providing better sensory feedback. During the first two months a baby shows postural changes. Welcome to! It is this slight swing towards the direction of the nurture side which has led to an ever increasing abandonment of Piaget’s (1950) work. It may be reiterated that the HDI as used in the Human Development Reports to compare different countries in the world has been designed as alternative to per capita GDP/GNP. This is evident in Bowlby’s attachment theory in which it was presented that primary secure attachments take place between the child and its mother.


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