You thought you knew yourself, but now you don’t. Suddenly interested in meditation. Sudden ability to channel. Yes ! Unexpected creative flashes. The areas of life ruled by the house transit Uranus is travelling in your natal chart can get a lot of the change energy, for better or worse, and you have to go with it.
You value your body. And it always has questions,…… always looking for tiny details. She had urgent information for me regarding my father’s death and an inheritance. You get involved in artistic projects that involve tech. It’s as though each year that we live we give tiny parts of our life to others and we need to experience something shocking to activate our core which magnetises those scattered parts back to us and we feel whole in a way that perhaps we only felt when we were a baby before people began demanding parts of us as their own. This may be a deeply disturbing time of a person’s life as he struggles to come to terms with what Pluto is showing him about his own emotional nature. I did explore sidereal astrology a while back and found it intriguing. A crisis point. I'm not sure which one to use, and I don't want to choose one over the other just cause it seems to "fit" the circumstances at the moment.) – this is an intriguing blog as she writes about transits not just from a personal angle but also their effects on society, politics, etc.
And then there are aspects which complicate matters when reading a chart. This is never more true than when Pluto is working through the 8th House. And you’re the torchbearer – holder of the hope that so many other people need. August 2015 A new place to explore, a new culture to absorb, a new language to learn. If they really want to heal, they can do it and they will do it because they want to. Your normally calm philosophical approach crumbles. November 2018 And today it’s no different – this planet is known as the “Awakener” and its energy forges ahead, shatters illusions, constructs, belief systems, traditions, and basically anything that stands in the way of a bright new future. I think perhaps it is because both signs are not afraid of depth and intensity, they both dig and explore, and have an unflinching gaze with which they look at life, themselves and others.” So unless it’s one of your personal planets, Uranus’ influence (similarly to outer planets Pluto, Neptune, and Jupiter) is more sweeping, broader and far-reaching than, say, Mercury. Furthermore, knowing the true birth time (not necessarily the time of the first breath) can create charts and bring insights which can open vistas far beyond those provided by the “madding crowd.”. With the Sun in Aries, the need to trust, listen to and be true to yourself, fight for your freedom to be who you are, is very strong. My father’s lover wants me to do everything myself without lawyers, and she keeps pressuring me to do things her way… but transiting Saturn is sitting right on top of my natal Mars in the 3rd house, making my natural impatience suddenly very cautious. Keep calm and have fun. And you have to go through that door to get to the inside of the home.
How can you make money with your unique point of view? Pluto in the 1st’s need to forge our own path tends to mean that we butt heads with authority figures, which includes society, in a me versus the world way. There’s a file online which is an extensive collection of info from various astrologers on Pluto in signs and houses (the link is called ‘Pluto in the 1st house’ but it has more than that) – – if you look at the info about Pluto in Libra and in the 2nd, it gives an interesting perspective on the issues connected to values, the personal versus those of others. It took me a while before I could trust the news, and accept that he had actually died. You suddenly join a community farm. re: “For most of my life (until recently 2011) these weaker people were initially attracted to my strength, but after a time, were then repelled by it, well that’s how it seems to me. These are a couple of interesting takes on that: The Drama Triangle: The Three Roles of Victimhood – That’s my take on it anyway. You buy sports equipment to enhance the fun of the sports you love. ………… My personal view though is if and it’s a big IF, you know for a fact the correct time of your birth then unless it is actually right on the same degree as the house cusp it will be in one or the other of the houses. You’ll get it soon enough and when you do… watch out blogosphere!!! I’m pondering on your comments about the 7th, Pisces/Aries energy and narcissists I don’t think I’ve really experienced it that way. The energies affecting the planet right now are my energies. , “I hope you stick around and share some more (fairly certain I haven’t scared you off yet ). I tend to call it intuitive astrology, since I have a lot of Neptune theme stuff going on, but I suppose it’s really just me making it up as I go along – not complete invention, just taking the information I gather and personalising it. Awesome stuff! In the 4th it feels like a root canal of the foundations of myself, such as ideas of family and home, but in the 5th it feels like discovering creativity and creative energy I didn’t know I had. From a 2-D perspective, Montreal and Concepcion appear to be conjunct; however, they are more than 5600 miles apart. January 2018 It’s creative friction to the max. LOL I didn’t realize.
Partner’s dig their heels in and refuse to cooperate. May 2013 I had a conversation about that with a friend who has it in closer conjunction in the 1st. ”. It’s likely you actually enjoy seeing yourself as a bit of a loner, making friends easily on the surface but resisting ever going any deeper with people, rebelling true closeness and camaraderie.
Problem with having Pluto/Uranus in the 1st is our interactions can be brief – people come and go, as do we.
You probably have an offbeat style of your own design, and whilst you’re sure to keep one eye on all of the most current trends (whether its art, music or fashion), you’re never swayed by the herd. And this – – is a wonderful perspective for many reasons although a bit harrowing to read. In the meantime Jupiter, in August, is going to oppose Pluto and square Uranus. Until they do, it is common for us to attract people who sense that power and assume that we will do with it, what they would do with it, if it were theirs. When you feel powerless… just go with it. I resisted for a bit, but you can’t resist Pluto’s energy when he has decided it’s time for you to change, not unless you want to be torn apart painfully, you will be torn apart, but it doesn’t have to be a bad pain, it doesn’t have to be excruciating, it can be experienced as a full body exfoliation rather than a skinning. Mega Astrology Brainstorm: The 8th House and Things in the 8th House, Brainstorm: Transiting Saturn in Aquarius Astrology, Subscribe to the FREE Astrology Newsletter. Keep going… it will be back! I’ll give you a few links, just in case you want to check them out. Sudden flashes of insight into how to be a better mentor. October 2014 You invest in quality healthcare products. You’re suddenly rubbing elbows with big wigs. You embrace couch surfing full-time.
Themes of abandonment are common in the human experience of life, and those who abandoned us being our parents is also common. Organic witch. Saturn at its best is about learning from life experience in a beneficial manner. Using just longitude, Montreal, Canada and Concepcion, Chile are both located 73°West. You could take a public position.
My condolences. Two fellow bloggers and friends who have similar placements are: January 2015 Shocking books earn you money. This is Pluto’s domain, it is not easy, Pluto’s transits are never easy, they are very powerful. November 2016 LOL . With Uranus transiting the 8th the need to break free from restrictions which others have placed on you and which you may have accepted can be experienced very suddenly and urgently. If Neptune progresses into the 8th House, a person enters a period of his life, in which his sensitivity to the emotional states of others is enhanced and he may experience considerable difficulty in remaining detached from the neediness of others. With Uranus transiting your 8th it ties in even more with the square with Pluto as the 8th is the house of Scorpio, so the theme of death will have much deeper meaning to you at this time and will work on many levels for you, especially with Pluto in the 4th, the death of someone close may change your entire perspective on yourself and your life.
This – ” I came to this horrifying (well horrifying to me) realization that this poor little boy’s mother didn’t actually want help.” – Uranus in the 1st at work there. that was back in 2001 and my relationship ended….. and the stuff that happened just before that, well, you wouldn’t read about it….. but that’s another story. You make drastic changes to build real self-esteem. Volunteer programs become unstable.
Sudden interest in global money markets. I definitely worded my original question vaguely. You thought you knew your body, but now you don’t.
Keep calm and seek solitude. See what is in the dark. You want to make a valuable contribution and feel that a public position is the best way to do that. You explore scent and perfume. I have no idea about widgets, posting, comments etc and am finding it all a tad confusing. Share with our community what you’ve discovered about yourself today!
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