Open Wound. Fortunately, hitting single monsters really hard is where the Scoundrel excels! The currently available mercenaries include: Game difficulty factors into a beginner's enjoyment of Gloomhaven on Steam. Straight up you need a Stamina potion. Then use a low initiative card to go early on your next turn and hit a monster for double damage.
Flanking Strike has served us well up till now, but it’s time for it to go. The disarm trap ability may or may not be useful depending on your group and the scenario. 15 Awesome Gloomhaven Accessories & Upgrades article, 15 Awesome Gloomhaven Accessories and Upgrades, Gloomhaven Classes – Starting Characters Overview and Rank, Gloomhaven Unlockable Classes Revealed (No campaign spoilers). left: inherit;
That is back to the normal stats as laid out above.
That 90 initiative would be useful though…. Instead, to get within melee range of far away monsters, use a bottom Move action and then the top of Quick Hands to add an additional 2 Move and jab the bad guy. Then, use your 4 damage (now boosted to 7 because of Crippling Poison) to hit the monsters and Disarm them! If we're fighting a boss we can also combine Single Out with Smoke Bomb to prepare for a huge attack next round. Poison is a nice option to use on bosses with high health points to help take them down more easily. The Scoundrel is unique in that a number of her attacks depend on her allies being positioned near her targets. Plus, your modifier deck is getting better with every perk you get, so we’re drawing pretty well at Level 4. } And then start improving the deck.
The player should also keep an eye on how many cards each character has available to them. The scoundrel benefits from a consistent modifier deck because it helps her confirm kills (and consequently dead enemies can't attack her back!). So we need to assess this ability assuming that it stands alone. You can theoretically go up to 40 with Backstab. Instant monster removal ability! Take add two Pierce 3 cards next. The sweet spot is to use this on a monster that’s next to an ally and also away from the other bad guys. It’ll cost us 225 gold though! It’ll help us knock the high health targets down a peg or two. Cool I will try to come up with something! See my Affiliate Disclosure for more details. Stop reading now if you don't wish to spoil your level up cards. But we just can’t do that. Oh man, looting from all those hexes multiple times per scenario. 1/20 apiece – “Null”, “x2”, “+2”, or “-2”. The multi-target ranged ability can deal some serious damage when you spread it across poisoned monsters. Everything is about positioning. This has the same double damage effect that Smoke Bomb has but it’s a bottom ability. The 80 initiative will help us to go late in a round, and the Move 4 will be useful when we’re unable to use the top ranged ability. That’s a high-value at level 1 but it’ll only reach its potential against Shielded monsters and it’s a Loss. I really like the 9 initiative on this card, but we have enough low initiative cards to choose from. Or at least, that’s how I justify it to myself! Gloomhaven is a cooperative game of tactical combat, battling monsters and advancing a player's own individual goals in a persistent and changing world that is ideally played over many game sessions. I know what the Mindthief deck is like because I play it, however, the other decks are more of a representation. If planned correctly, the player's party can go twice in a row.
Then you can carry on dishing out Poison to other monsters giving everyone bonuses on their damage against those monsters too. The Move 4 is just ok, the Retaliate is really not useful.
So we’re getting a +3 on all our hits against Poisoned bad guys. Our Level 2 Scoundrel drew three “Null” cards throughout the game.
The only issue with it is that it’s a Loss.
Useful for closing with archer's or looting treasure. It’s just not as exciting as sneaking up on monsters for me. High movement values on her cards.
The rest of these cards have varying use and effects depending on your party makeup and what your play style is.
It’s not for me. The order for which perks she benefits from, becomes quite straightforward. For me, the situational double damage on the bottom ability is not as good as the top of Smoke Bomb.
ga('create', 'UA-174252691-1', 'auto', 'blogger'); Next: Beginner-Friendly Tabletop RPGs for People Looking to Play Online. Thief's Knack (turn 2 or 3 bottom attack; other choices can work). For our single target damage build, it’s not great. That is high on a single target at level 1 and will usually take them down in one go! This reduces the incoming attack value for each individual enemy targeted based on each defender’s own shield modifier or other defensive bonuses. If the player burns too many cards, they again may lose because of fatigue. Hit the monster, Poison them, and leave them Immobilized while you run off. It’s because a lot of her experience points are on repeatable abilities as opposed to Loss cards like the other classes. I've not played long and only a couple of scenarios in but seems like it could be useful. You're also flexible so that if your enemies are further away or it's too dangerous to get into Melee combat, you also have ranged attacks available. There are 10/20 including the specials. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The cards they have to draw from are: To display this graphically, the deck looks like this: This means your odds are the following, to begin with: What this means is 1 card in every 20 pulled will be any specific special, or there will be 4 cards in every twenty that mean you pull any type of special. Because it takes a lot to set up your hits, and a lot of potential damage is riding on one card, the last thing you want is for it to miss or deal sub-par damage. To pull that off, you’ve got to be in the right place at the right time. This Scoundrel guide will cover her skill choices and techniques. I find my self almost never long resting. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Early on you can play somewhat more conventionally or just use Smoke Bomb and Invis cloak for two of the rooms. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Options . Add One -2 Card and Two +2 Cards. Now instead of doing up to 14 unmodified damage when you line up the ability with Smoke Bomb, you can do 18! Two ways to look at the card decks – You don’t necessarily need to remove the negatives, and especially not the zeros; as you level up and enhance your attacks, you do enough damage, whatever modifier your pulling out. A one-stop shop for all things video games. For us, we’ll only really be using ranged abilities when we first enter a room, because we’re building for melee. As if the upgraded top ability wasn’t enough, we also get an extra 1 to our movement. That’s not helping us with our run, hit/hit, run strategy in terms of people being in the positions we want them to be in. So next, remove the four +0 cards. You can’t be a versatile all things for all situations kind of player – you just don’t have the cards for it. Whilst removing negatives, make sure that you replace them with positives as soon as possible. You’d only be able to consume Dark once per scenario unless you have an ally that can create Dark for you. Using particular abilities, such as Invisibility, or those that involve shoving, can help move enemies onto traps. Human Scoundrel - Comprehensive guide to stabbing ... Communication - Teamwork makes the dream work. #Item 17, Empowering Talisman. I also prioritize replacing zeroes with +2s cause at some point I started counting my damage with at least +1 on it every time and zero became equal to negative draw from my point of view ;). I’m going to look at how each of these cards fits with a single target poison build so we can start to think about what may work well together for that playstyle.
The top actions and bottom actions are designed so that players are usually able to do one attack and one move or defense effect. I'm not sure about the 2nd check though. First thing is first. After you’ve gone to all the effort of lining up everything for your epic double loss, double damage Smoke Bomb and Backstab/Gruesome Advantage combo the last thing you want is to draw a miss!
Lead with a high initiative card so you can see the position of most allies and monsters. They don’t really align with our build. Regardless the Scoundrel is fun class to play. Fast Card 1 (for turn 3 - usually some flavor of throwing daggers). Especially when they have Shields! Level 4: Duelist's Advance [16] / Hidden Daggers (note that Duelist's Advance and Hidden Daggers are both level 3 cards). One way to activate this without losing your momentum is to combine it with Swift bow. The good news is that at least we can get out of there before anything happens to us!
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