Good catch Redditor! Suzanne Titkemeyer went from a childhood in Louisiana to a life lived in the shadow of Washington D.C. For many years she worked in the field of social work, from national licensure to working hands on in a children's residential treatment center. We found 12 records in 12 states for Jill Rodrigues in the US. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. This suggests a subpar foundation. I worry about how little medical treatment she gets for what is probably CP. Up next: The family's singing ministry. Jill has stated that their mutual romantic interest began when she was 14 and he was 21. I remember at least two instances of a 'kid' making a gushing post about Jill on her account, only for Jill to come in later and be like, "OMG, I didn't see this until now!!!!" What has really been accomplished on these trips. Making it all about them, instead of what is best for the child. Copyright notice: If you use any content from NLQ, including any of our research or Quoting Quiverfull quotes, please give us credit and a link back to this site. An old woman plays the spoons at a wedding where dancing is forbidden. I’ve seen homeschooled kids struggle when they reach community college with core basics like Math and Science. The Rodrigues family is frequently accused of not adequately feeding their extremely thin children. A mere two years ago Jill Rodrigues with kids in tow showed up in the Fordsville, Kentucky area and crashed the funeral for the children of the Henry family. Poor kid could have a great life with the right interventions but she was doomed from the get go. In the Turpin case, the baby girl was the only one not suffering from malnutrition. •While David Turpin was apparently an engineer (i.e more qualified than David Rod), it seems he had bankruptcies and financial troubles – like the Rods, he seemed to have difficulty financially supporting his family. Suzanne Titkemeyer went from a childhood in Louisiana to a life lived in the shadow of Washington D.C. For many years she worked in the field of social work, from national licensure to working hands on in a children's residential treatment center. Suzanne has been involved with helping the plights of women and children' in religious bondage. She is also a thalassophile. Worth watching in all of these families. How do I even begin to describe the Rodrigues family? If you happen to be proud of them it’s gravy, it’s extra on top of knowing you did the right thing in the best way you knew how. She turned up at my wedding wearing a bare to the navel, and slit up the sides red satiny dress. Nate is Anna Duggar’s brother. She is married to Nathan Keller. I’d say all that’s missing is maybe a section on Jill’s beauty tips. It’s clear the family struggled financially during this time (and continue to), and many followers of the blog have criticized the parents, noting that the children have always looked malnourished and underweight, while David Rodrigues carries more than a few extra pounds. Suzanne Titkemeyer went from a childhood in Louisiana to a life lived in the shadow of Washington D.C. For many years she worked in the field of social work, from national licensure to working hands on in a children's residential treatment center. But now it is starting to look like the move took place because of pending legislation and new homeschooling rules in West Virginia. Every few weeks, one of her children will post a picture on Instagram with a lengthy caption about what a GAHDLY mother she is. Printing – They have a full color, high quality printing ministry – named “All Things Truth Printing Ministry”. Jill was never very clear on where the older children slept, probably because she knew she would get some more harsh criticism. Jill also once brought some of her children to a funeral for three kids who had died in a house fire and took a selfie by the coffin. Her behavior is troubling in that she does not seem to realize that the entire goal of parenting is to raise fully functional adults, who operate independently of their parents, who pay bills, who work jobs, who have relationships. It’s been a while since we’ve looked at the Jill and David Rodrigues family. Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know. Also, while Jill was pregnant with Janessa, Nurie took it upon herself to plan a “Pamper Mama” shower. Any other thoughts you have to share on this family? They do their members a grave disservice by publishing such inaccurate information. I couldn't include absolutely everything, but I did my best to be comprehensive. (Edit: Philip is a wannabee preacher). @rodriguesfamilyservingjesus: “Last Friday night, we were excited to travel to Hosanna (Plath) Noble's Grandmother (in laws)…” We have seen toxic levels of control going on in so many Quiverfull families, but Jill seems to take the rotten cake with her eldest son. So worried about her aging out of that, she is the only one of them who looks nourished in any way. I expect, knowing the dysfunction of Jill, that at Nurie’s wedding we’re be treated to something even more inappropriate in her attempts to turn the spotlight to herself. This is how we end up with young adults that cannot “adult”, broken and struggling with simple things like boundaries, relationships, careers and in every facet of their lives. Janessa still has some of that great baby chunk from the nutrients from breastmilk. They say that there was a courtship between Timmy and this unnamed girl. Someone posted on a subreddit devoted specifically to the Rodrigues family that they knew Timothy. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. 161 Likes, 0 Comments - David Jill Noyes Rodrigues (@rodriguesfamilyservingjesus) on Instagram: “About 3 weeks ago, Nurie got these flowers from Nathan- delivered to our door, signifying the start…” This is probably pointless as it will change. •There’s a juxtaposition between being Fundie and worldly in both families. Nurie began courting Nathan Keller in 2019 and is slated to marry him in July 2020. rules:, Press J to jump to the feed. •The times that the Turpin family did post on social media, were when they were traveling with their kids and trying to look somewhat normal- Disney trips, Grand Canyon, etc. The way JRod parades her family around, stalking the Duggars and semi-famous Fundies associated with them, it is easy to assume that she has the same deluded goal. That is quite costly and the benefit has not been completely established yet on all items. In case you couldn't tell by looking at … Then Timmy went off to a college in Wisconsin, focused on the same curriculum, that was cheaper. The youngest children had little to none; yet all could recite huge passages from the Bible. Typically HSLDA is furiously fighting these attempts to make sure that children in homeschooling have the best chances of receiving an education free of abuse and neglect. I will not link to it per the rules here, but you can read her blog if you want to see examples). Stay in touch! More recently, the Rodrigues family moved from West Virginia to Ohio to live in a one-bathroom, two-bedroom house, which David has renovated somewhat. She relentlessly promotes his actions that she picked out for him, trying now to push him as a singing star. Nurie: the oldest of the Rodrigues clan. Moreover, Jill recently created a memorial to her five miscarriages and placed it in her daughter's bedroom before posting it to instagram. Timothy had dreams of becoming a missionary pilot, but has attended three different flight schools thus far, with no sign of obtaining a degree. Like it looks like Timmy attempted before being forced home, to be a satellite in the orbit of his mother. We are thrilled that you have looked us up on our website today. This all smacks of emotional incest. Jill commented that it was fortunate that her daughters were "trim," as this enabled them to crawl out through the car windows following the accident. For her the end goal of parenting is to raise good little worshipers who worship and glorify her. Jill's taste in home decor is notorious, and she has not changed since moving to this new abode. I get that when you have to come up with meals for a MLB-sized family things like nutrition might occasionally go out the window, you just want to get food on the table for the hungry crowd. It was taken in 2014. Hello, we are the Rodrigues Family! She also seems to still be close to her family, while Louise was estranged from hers (due to childhood abuse). It will basically catch you up on the crazy. All original content is owned by No Longer Quivering and The person posting claimed to be someone from his life in Wisconsin. The Rodrigues Family has several ways in which they serve the Lord. I know of a couple of families that have slipped off to Panama and other countries without as stringent rules on homeschooling. Can I suggest you check out the homeschool link above? Another really Jesus-y thing done by this family. There is a great deal of overlap between the two families. Jill's very intense interest in the Duggar family is frequently mentioned on this sub. Pamper Momma: Jill's love languages are g(r)ifts and words of affirmation. The poster went on to describe something of a ugly power struggle between Timmy and his parents without saying the root cause. The average Jill Rodrigues is around 51 years of age with around 67% falling in to the age group of 41-60. •Neighbors of the Turpin family (after the arrests were made) recall the Turpin children digging through trash for food scraps. Lewis’s Moral Argument for God’s Existence. David and Jill were married on October 4, 1997 and they have faithfully served the Lord together since then. Oh, it happens. It’s like he’s another arm or leg to her, only there to reflect back the glory that she thinks is owed to her. Which is so not true. The Turpins did Disney, Vegas, Elvis, etc, all while claiming to be Fundie… The Rods have their 1989 streetwalker makeup and circa 1991 teased hair. A cruel starvation. But I want to talk about Timmy and Jill’s parenting of him specifically. 64 Likes, 0 Comments - David Jill Noyes Rodrigues (@rodriguesfamilyservingjesus) on Instagram: “This is Timothy Rodrigues!! 161 Likes, 0 Comments - David Jill Noyes Rodrigues (@rodriguesfamilyservingjesus) on Instagram: “About 3 weeks ago, Nurie got these flowers from Nathan- delivered to our door, signifying the start…”
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