90 (Adult) Play the Scarecrow Song in the giant statue room. In hole to the left of the Hyrule Castle bridge. Climb the vines to reach it. Now, play a song in each of the other openings in this order: Epona's Song; Sun's Song; Song of Storms and Zelda's Lullaby.
In the room with the ceilings of spikes, you'll find it hanging on the wall in the southern jail cell.
Inside, it's in the crate resting in the NW corner.
At the bottom of the block room; in the SW corner. (You'll need to hit the eye switch behind the boulder in the main hall, then activate the switch on the floor in the center chamber.). 71 (Adult) Behind a waterfall near Morpha’s lair.
Climb your way to the 5F from 4F, and unlock the following door. Use the Hookshot to collect it. It’s on the wall, in plain sight.
Hyrule Warriors, a Zelda spin-off of the Warriors franchise, contains a grand total of 160 Gold Skulltulas, 100 in the base game and 60 from the various DLC stages. Break open the box on the inside. Play the Song of Time multiple times to spawn blocks leading to it, then melt the ice with Blue Fire. Keep this in mind while searching! Kill the Skulltula with the Boomerang. Drain all the water. Inside, burn all the webs using Din's Fire, and you'll find it above the cow. 59 (Adult) In the room with boulders rolling in several directions. Use the crystal switch to disable the fire momentarily. Find the soft soil next to the entrance of the Spirit Temple and plant a bug in it. 02 (Young Link) – Use a Bottle to catch some bugs, then drop the bugs in a patch of dirt near the Item Shop to reveal a napping Skulltula. 92 (Child) Play the Song of Storms near the tree where you found Malon. This will reveal a Skulltula on the floor under the ice block it removes. In the south section; on the roof of Impa's house. Shoot the Goron picture on the wall to unlock the door leading to 5F.
26 (Adult Link) – In the rock-falling area, look for a red rock along the wall. For every TEN you collect, it will break the curse for each child in the House of Skulltulas located in Kakariko Village. Ride magic bean platform to small plateau top with this Skulltula on it (plant bean as child first).
In the guardhouse, roll into the crate near the guard; it'll pop out. Here you can bomb a lighter-toned wall to reveal a Skulltula. Latch to the target to reach the door, and find the spider in the following room hiding in one of the crates. Fire your Boomerang from the nearby ledge.
Bomb the wall and hit the switch to raise a bunch of grapple points. It hangs on the wall above. Thank you for signing up to GamesRadar+. Go through the eastern door and get a small crate.
Roll into the tree. Use the Hookshot/Longshot to pull yourself up there. In the room with Gohma's larva babies, roll into the crates to reveal a Skulltula. Use a Deku Stick to burn the web blocking a door. On the wall next to the chest, on the NE ledge.
Again, let the Iron Knuckle smash everything so you can access it. Listen for their telltale scurrying noise! It's on the wall near the ledge in the northwest corner of the room. Use the Lens of Truth to safely navigate the rooms.
It's behind the crates. Run to the end of the circular structure, and play the Scarecrow Song near the chest covered in fire.
The purpose of collecting Skulltulas is mainly to upgrade your bazaar so you can create more potions, but you also use them to … 43 (Child, Nighttime) Located on the rear side of the Lakeside Laboratory. Enter the hole and use either the Boomerang or Hookshot. Time a bomb throw to destroy the wall. In the very first hallway, examine the corner of the ceiling to find a hidden area with this Skulltula. On the ladder of the tower in the north section. Afterward, turn around and ignite the three torches on the far west wall with Fire Arrows to open the cell. Climb to reach the token. On top of the Water Temple is a small piece of land with a large tree. Back of the Twins' House. One secret area has some spiders behind it which you can hear through the wall. Destroy the crate and hit the crystal switch to raise grapple points.
(Requires the Boomerang) You fight a second pair of Lizalfos in a room with fire and grave stones near the boss chamber (inside the Dodongo mouth). In the chamber where you fight the Lizalfos a second time, you'll see a bunch of boulders blocking the north ledge. To the west end (near the entrance to Gerudo Valley), bomb the circle of stones to reveal a hole.
Hookshot to the upper room and roll into the crate to reveal the Skulltula.
64 (Adult) In the room with the Blue Fire and Compass. 40 (Adult, Silver Gauntlets) Lift a heavy stone near the back of the area, enter and obtain the Skulltula below.
51 (Child) Float down the canyon with a Cucco and plant bugs in a patch of dirt. Learn more. 53 (Future, Nighttime) Under a stone formation near the tent. 04 (Young Link) – In the Lost Woods, go right-left-right-left-left. Climb on the blue block using the raised grapple point and use the Hookshot from there to get to the elevator the leads to Floor 4. When the block is triggered by the light, it'll spawn a second crystal platform in the SW corner. Also take note that roughly 42 percent of the spiders only appear at night (the dungeons and Magic Bean soils are an exception). Plant Bugs in the Magic Bean soil next to Lakeside Laboratory. It's in front of the south passage (which was once blocked by a crystal platform. Hookshot the face above these stairs. If you planted a Magic Bean as a child, ride up the stalk to the upper ledge; it's on the wall. Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offer. Only the Ironknuckle can do this, so lead it around the room and let it swing at each one. The Skulltula is hanging over the small waterfall. In the fire maze, use the Song of Time to create blocks, which will enable you to hop over the fire walls. It hangs on the wall to the right of the chest inside. (SACRED FOREST MEADOW) This is hanging on the wall just above the maze of Moblins.
22 (Young Link) – On the top floor of Goron City, find a room full of rocks. Play the Scarecrow Song and latch onto him using the Longshot, then grapple to the target across from the ledge. As an adult there are no rocks.
Hit the rusted switch near the fire first to spawn a target stand.
47 (Child) After clearing the green tentacle, fall into its hole and find yourself back in the same room as #46. Blow the rocks up with a Bombchu, then climb the vines to reach the spider.
Now, head back to the previous hall and unlock the door you passed a few minutes ago.
A Skulltula is on the floor in the corner of the room.
On the northern platform; ride the Magic Bean stalk to reach it.
Jump from here to the door ledge.
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Defeat the two Stalfos in the next room, then pound the Goron tile on the floor with the Megaton Hammer to create steps, which leads to a door.
There's a cracked surface on the south wall of the hallway; either blow it up with a Bomb or lure a Baby Dodongo to it. In the next room, drop down and stand on the middle water platform, then hit the crystal switch to raise them. Work your way to a crate and roll into it to reveal the spider.
Plant Bugs in the Magic Bean soil near the crate.
You'll have to shoot it with the Longshot to claim the token. Hit the non-rusted switch to dissipate the fire and Hookshot up to it to move the block and reveal a Skulltula. Play the Scarecrow Song to spawn Pierre above the waterfall in the SE corner. 91 (Child) Inside the guard house near the market. 95 (Child) Roll into a tree near the ranch gate. On the west side of the bridge; it's behind the carpenters' tent on the wall. 10 (Young Link) – In the same room, hanging on the wall. At the entrance, bomb the cracked wall to the right; it's in the nook.
Use the Boomerang to hit it.
Behind the boulders on the upper ledge in the SW corner. 15 (Young Link, Nightime) – Near the house next to the gate that leads to Death Mountin. Just before the boss room, check the western side of the boss's antechamber for a Skulltula.
49 (Child) On a vine wall in the room before the boss battle with Barinade.
Roll into the first tree across from the vines. You’re timed due to the heat, but you should have plenty of wiggle room.
14 (Young Link, Nighttime) – Scurrying on the house that’s under construction.
[NIGHT], On the side of the house across from the guard gate. In this adjacent room, a Skulltula can be found in this room high up in a corner.
After disembarking the ship, head in the maze room to the west.
In the chamber with the river and whirlpools.
Now, burn the web with Din's Fire and claim the golden spider on the wall! New York, Enter the room on the west side of the maze, and you'll find it behind the three skull head statues. In the room adjacent to the hallway filled with fans has two Gibdos (mummies) in it.
Have the Lens of Truth handy down there….
Either stick to the right side of the river with the Iron Boots and climb the ladder, or ride the Magic Bean stalk. Play the Song of Time in front of the grave stones to make blue blocks appear. It's on the ladder on the lower ledge.
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29 (Either) After using a bomb flower to create a staircase, look on some vines near the exit up top.
Enter the western room.
Gold Skulltulas can only be found at night, underground or inside dungeons. Release some bugs in the soft soil.
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