I don't use Viper, and with my build, it would definitely not be a good idea, since Sword and Greatsword do not inflict damaging conditions.
I'd suggest a Power Mirage using double Swords and Greatswords, but with a full Signet spec, something like this :http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAR8cnsICdohFoBWoBMrhlUD7MKEdqOkDgSQAwPB2AngA-jhA4gAAbAAu+AA-e. You got a nice trait synergy : casting a Phantasm activate a signet, activating signets grants distortion, distortion grants access to ambushes. This boss is quite powerful, so it was important to play defensively and utilize heavy CC whenever her breakbar was up. Scepter is probably the best choice for straight damage from range, but it's also mostly single-target.
It's basically a shatter spam build, you jump in, create illusions asap, and shatter. what would be a better setup for this and how does this build handle groups,.. more often than not when in open world you get jumped by groups, not 1 at a time. On the subject of S/S, I'm also not a big fan of it but the only alternative I can see working is S/Pistol but I haven't tried this out yet. But being stunned doesn't stop mirage from evading or teleporting, so I still don't take any damage! There are eight dungeons at release, found every 10 levels starting at level 30. The only questionable thing is the elite, Moa Signet has such a long CD...but hey, you have enough tools anyway, just use whatever Elite you want, at least, Moa Signet has a passive effect, imho. 2nd Edit : I just saw your contribution in the other topic, and I just want to point out that people are generally taking meta-builds as a starting point, with the premise that "if it works in the hardest content, it works everywhere", and while it's true, you have so much more freedom in Open World...Mirage is not only for Condi builds. There are two different types: Exotic armor [].
General - Zerging - Leveling - Solo - Tagging.
The damage is pretty weak, but you already have the gear. This is what I use in open world:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAnfWnELDNohFMDWoBMMjlZjyf+7//3MEWhWqMAqtcD-jxxHQBAZ/hBq8beq/MO9BZUJIAOFA06JAQIgFrBA-e. Ok, so noob question this build - have you ever considered Illusion over Chaos? Inventories displayed depend on dialogue selection: Vigil Keep (temporarily during the Assault on Lion's Arch), Lion's Arch (post-assault; under construction), Donate bandit crests to requisition additional camp services, The Ruined City of Arah armor and weapons, Equipment acquisition by stats (Dungeons), https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Dungeon_Armor_and_Weapons&oldid=2145182. Welcome Youtube, today i present You my Condi Firebrand variant of Guardian which I called the Pyromancer!
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What I like about it is you can instantly put up 25 stacks of vulnerability on a target and maintain it throughout the fight. Here to support this build. I think they really have something special with axe mirage. GS Ambush is surprisingly strong especially if you take Infinite Horizon. However, keep in mind that this build was designed prior to the patch and the axe ambush nerf. This category contains all builds tagged for all kinds of dungeon. Berserker gear remains fine for power builds.
I don't think I've come across anything quite like it, it's so easy to play, easy to survive and it has reasonable damage due to full offensive stats, massive large AoE and it's fun. Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is the first expansion pack for NCsoft's MMORPG sequel. With axe, you're already at melee range and the relative benefits of pulsing aegis and daze are more apparent as a result, since you can't simply use range to avoid damage. Just remember to dodge once in a while to unlock an Ambush, the Greatsword Ambush is surprisingly underrated imho, since it eliminates the most glaring issue with GS auto-attack : you do not need to be at max range to deal lots of damage anymore. It's the only way to fly for mirage in PvE! Right away I get knocked back by a priest of Balthazar just as the boss begins his pulsing fire wave attack. @Seabhac.6824 said: Pick the weapons you like to use first and build from there, but remember that you either build Power or Condition. Upgrade to premium membership and take advantage of all the premium benefits, including complete ad removal across the entire website, starting from only $1.99!Upgrade, No one likes ads, we know that, but this website is made possible by displaying ads. Primarily I just do open world and dungeons, a few small fracs and once in a very rare blue moon when a smurf if born on the vernal equinox of the centennial of the birth of the world,.. @Seabhac.6824 said:
It's difficult for a mesmer to increase their condi duration without significant amounts of expertise, which is only available on HoT stat sets.
Further, where staff has only the ability to combo leap for a fairly useless chaos armor application (you do get protection from chaotic dampening if you take that trait), axe has a double-whirl that can add some damage in the form of confusion bolts.
... Fractal & Dungeon.
So overall I expect your damage output to be mediocre compared to Viper axe clone builds, but still perfectly adequate for open world and messing around with dungeons and lower tier fractals.
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAnfWnELDNohFMDWoBMMjlZjyf+7//3MEWhWqMAqtcD-jxxHQBAZ/hBq8beq/MO9BZUJIAOFA06JAQIgFrBA-e, And this is what it looks like in action, recorded and uploaded just now for your thread: Mirage vs. Champion Forged Sorcerer bounty, I love it, thanks for the response. It honestly has little room in dungeons or fractals, even less so on a condition spec. I made this one last night.
I'm totally with you on favouring power over condi and I much prefer mirage over chrono, which is why I'm running the build I linked above.
Each of the possible appearances is equipped with armor and weapons from one of the dungeons. But try it out and see what you find.
I never directly compared greatsword, staff, and scepter using the same setup.
Each path have their own unique bosses and challenges. I appreciate all the ideas and suggestions. I'm working under the assumption that clones will share the 70% crit rate due to heavy precision on this build. You even get a good look at mirage "cheating". While soloing dungeon story paths is possible in theory, I recommend finding at least 2 more players.
A full set costs 1380 tokens. So I think of the other weapon slot as simply ranged support for axe. I really like the mobility/clone generation on-demand with staff 2 and I find chaos storm incredibly useful between combos for chaos armor that stack protection via chaotic dampening, pulsing aegis to gain free blocks, and whirl combos for extra confusion stacks with axe 2.
MetaBattle content is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. I since switched to a Deadeye thief with an unload build as was having a good time with it, finished the storyline, got my griffon etc.. Now I want to go back and pick up my Mesmer where I left off and try to make her more effective than she once was. But when I tested viper gear with axe it blew all of the power setups I tried away. Go full Berserk, and maybe some pieces with some Toughness if you want more lasting power. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY.
@Seabhac.6824 said: Thanks Myhr! But I wouldn't write off mirage or melee builds as lacking in survivability. Welcome to MetaBattle, the largest database of Guild Wars 2 builds! http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhQQNAncRnELDFMjFpBmpBMMjlVDrcDMCCA+FwGYEEdLEUuOA-jVSBQBL4EA8U9Ba4JA0IlgZVdnRpSQZU+Fo9HAwhAIAACwMLzycmBm5Mn5Mn5M76ycmzcmzcmzcmzcmlCoKlVA-w Hybrid Mirage Build for open world, up to t2 fractals and even wvw if u want. Video time!
Clones are more distraction than actual tanks as they can't really take any damage before being destroyed. Axe was recommended because it was the only ambush that produced great damage. However, keep in mind that this build was designed prior to the patch and the axe ambush nerf. I dunno.. need to pull off all my Chronomancer runes now for something else I'm sure. Staff damage isn't great, but it is very mobile and has huge range, which makes your clones a far more effective distraction than they could ever be at melee range. This page was last edited on 15 January 2016, at 13:13. I have a deadeye thief I'm playing with a pistol/pistol build that absolutely blows away my mesmer dps and he survives much better too with stealths and even has some mild boon spreading too...my biggest issue is that 4 years ago I used to have a blast with Mesmer because I could go full power phantasms build and do decent dps while still offering decent support. Explorable mode, on the other hand, can be only accessed once you completed the storymode and continues where the story left off in storymode. It's not perfect by a long ways but it's ok lol. So, not a raid test, but a solo open world test indicating a massive drop in damage for axe clone ambush builds. He knows what he's doing! Kudos to Aliam...he's on the same sever withme and came with me to attempt windswept haven ...just the 2 of us..and we had an epic win with second left! Ultimately, you're best off using axe as much as possible. Kudos to Aliam...he's on the same sever withme and came with me to attempt windswept haven ...just the 2 of us..and we had an epic win with second left! For this build, I'd go full power set and use Sword+Sword/Focus instead of Scepter/Pistol as you are using no condi traitlines.
Dungeons are optional PvE instances designed for a full party of five. It relies on the Sharper Images trait in Dueling that grants your clones bleeding on critical. WvW.
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