+2 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +6 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +6 Charisma Chief among them are the Claws of Khyber, made up of almost exclusively rakshasa agents.
Aside from this deformity, their appearance can be of any tiger, provided it would be humanoid. The Khyber; The Demon Wastes (formerly Khorvaire and Sarlona) Source Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma score increases by 2, and two other ability scores of your choice increase by 1. The unnamed sorcerer rakshasas are the masterminds of the Lords of Dust. They have the innate ability to shapeshift into other humanoids at will, and will use this to manipulate others. Since the rakhsasas are immortal, their true end goals are hard to decypher. There, they are members of the Council of Ashtakala, the rulers of the Demon Wastes.
Blackbando's Homebrew Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.
It was Khyber's last hope that these fiends would destroy the descendants of Siberys and Eberron. Height 135 - 220 lbs. 216-218
Outsider (Native) No one is entirely sure what their schemes are.
Medium [5], Zakya Rakshasa https://eberron.fandom.com/wiki/Rakshasa?oldid=35277. Rakshasas tend to live in the society of common humanoids, with humans being the most common for them to live inside, as they masquerade as people that are powerful or influential, such as a noble, a cardinal, or an immensely wealthy merchant. 136-137, While the ak'chazars resemble a white tiger, the naztharunes resemble a black one. Weight They began to build upon this knowledge, and began to fight against the demons. Deformed Claws.
Once upon a time, the rakshasas dominated both Khorvaire and Sarlona. Height [4], The rakhsasas amongst the Lords of Dust use their telepathy and shape-changing abilities to infiltrate every organization in Eberron. Due to this, your passive Perception score adds your Dexterity modifier to it, as a bonus.
Manipulative backwards-handed tiger-like fiends, rakshasas are very rare to see on the side of most adventuring parties, however they still may join some parties for reasons of their own. Your Constitution score increases by 1. From behind the Shadowcrags and the Icehorn Mountains, the rakshasa and other fiends continued to live within their ruined fortresses and amongst the various pits that still lead into the Khyber. Monster Manual III, pg.
By character class https://blackbandos-homebrew.fandom.com/wiki/Rakshasa_(5e_Race)?oldid=2246. They formed a secret society which they called the Lords of Dust. Rakshasa, as it appears in 5e's Monster Manual. Limited Magic Resistance.
Alignment. By character class [4], The Lords of Dust ostensibly operate out of the ancient city of Ashtakala, the "capital" of the Demon Wastes. They have been manipulating the events of Eberron for hundreds of thousands of years, and cannot be trusted.[1][7]. Most rakshasa have the ability to project various spell-like abilities. However, they'll rarely use those features in combat, as they disdain fighting at close quarters.
Favored Class
Though they were defeated all the same, a number of rakshasas were not able to be sent back into the Khyber.
[3], The Lords of Dust have a large number of followers.
Creature Type
Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It is thought that the Lords of Dust have managed to infiltrate most organizations, including the Aurum, the Cults of the Dragon Below, the elves of Aerenal, and even House Phiarlan. 5'6" - 6'2" You have advantage against being grappled, and your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 slashing damage.
Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Homeland(s) Favored Class Favored Class
The prakhutus then carry their rulers' wishes to the rest of the Lords of Dust. [1], The fiends, in control of Eberron, turned the world into a fiery hell.
They have all the same abilities as their brethren, but resemble the coloration of white tigers. Ability Score Increase.
Rakshasas are tiger-like extraplanar beings. According to Allura Vysoren, the essence of a slain rakshasa returns to the Nine Hells, where its body reforms in a painful process that takes weeks or months. 211-212 [1][2], During the Age of Dragons, the great dragon Eberron trapped the evil progenitor dragon Khyber within itself, after Khyber slew their sibling Siberys. Darkvision. Language(s)
Rakshasas crave power above all else. In the Nine Hells, they are seen as outsiders, due to them attempting to reject their nature as devils to become new beings. They are masters of melee fighting, and use their spell-like abilities to supplement their hand-to-paw fighting. [1], One type of rakshasas, known as the ak'chazars, act as loners amongst their people. Creature Type Ability Modifiers Fighter [7], Though all rakshasa are considered outsiders, they are native to the plane of Eberron. Lifespan
Your Charisma score increases by 2. I do worry that it's trying to do too much for a cantrip.
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